If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
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There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with runinning their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
The owner's must have received there insurance renewal.
Don't feel bad. I'm on a fixed rate mortgage and still the escrow payment went up by over $60 a month.The rising costs of maintenance is a bitch too. I'm starting to think it would have been cheaper to rent, but good luck finding a place with all these illegals we inherited over the last year. I live 15 miles out of a small town of 5,000 people and I see them all over town when we go there. There's always 10 or 12 of them at the Goodwill store and Walmart is always out of cilantro, jalapenos, tortillas, limes, and tomatoes. I never see any women or children with them, just groups of young military-age males.
Simple. Costs increase like taxes, utilities that the Landlord has to cover, plus the mortgage on the property, How else do you expect him to cover that?
NO, it is NOT "simple". The OP already covered this. Some people have to be told twice.

1. "Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

2. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

3. How do you expect the tenants to "cover" the cost of the increase ?
My increases in Social Security& VA pension for 2024 = $41/mo. The rent increase is $96/mo. That means I'm LOSING ground ($55/mo or $660/yr) LOSS.
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My parents paid $235 a month to rent brand new apartments in the 1970's.

Those same apartments are now $1,500 a month and have turned into a literal ghetto, thanks to a shift in demographic.

Cost of shit goes up over time. That's life. It costs a lot to maintain multiple buildings that are decades old. I suppose the owners should just absorb all of that according to the OP out of the goodness of their hearts.
Don't feel bad. I'm on a fixed rate mortgage and still the escrow payment went up by over $60 a month.The rising costs of maintenance is a bitch too. I'm starting to think it would have been cheaper to rent, but good luck finding a place with all these illegals we inherited over the last year. I live 15 miles out of a small town of 5,000 people and I see them all over town when we go there. There's always 10 or 12 of them at the Goodwill store and Walmart is always out of cilantro, jalapenos, tortillas, limes, and tomatoes. I never see any women or children with them, just groups of young military-age males.
The influx of them in Tampa. FL has caused housing rents to inflate 100-200%.
NO, it is NOT "simple". The OP already covered this. Some people have to be told twice.

1. "Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>

2. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.

3. How do you expect the tenants to "cover" the cost of the increase ?
My increases in Socl Security& VA pension for 2024 = $41/mo. The rent increase is $96/mo. That means I'm LOSING ground ($55/mo or $660/yr) LOSS.
I took a $40 bump in my own rent recently and my Landlord doesn't live high on the hog as you claim.
My parents paid $235 a month to rent brand new apartments in the 1970's.

Those same apartments are now $1,500 a month and have turned into a literal ghetto, thanks to a shift in demographic.

Cost of shit goes up over time. That's life. It costs a lot to maintain multiple buildings that are decades old. I suppose the owners should just absorb all of that according to the OP out of the goodness of their hearts.
1. This is ONE building that is ONE year old, not "multiple buildings that are decades old".

2. I suppose the TENANTS should absorb whatever is driving the owners' rent increase, according to you. (out of the goodness of their hearts)

3. "I don't believe (sight unseen) that the owners need one dime of increase.
I took a $40 bump in my own rent recently and my Landlord doesn't live high on the hog as you claim.
I made no claim of landlord living high in the hog. I said we residents DON'T KNOW. - but it is possible.

As for $40, I wouldn't have a problem with that.
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What the OP fails to realize is that rent control has already been tried in America, most celebrated in New York City.

And the results that the OP is hoping for , lower rents, is the exact opposite of what you see in the Big Rotten Apple.

NYC has some of the highest rental costs on the globe, and the supply of rental property has failed to keep up.

Further, landlords like to use different techniques like bad service to get tenants out so they can raise the rent on the new people.

Just doesn't work out, I guess except for the thousands of bureaucrats needing to be hired to run the rent control system.
1. This is ONE building that is ONE year old, not "multiple buildings that are decades old".

2. I suppose the TENANTS should absorb whatever is driving the owners' rent increase, according to you. (out of the goodness of their hearts)

3. "I don't believe (sight unseen) that the owners need one dime of increase.
What you believe doesn't necessarily reflect the multiple costs associated with owning property.

Not up to you to decide what the owner needs. It's their damn building.
I'm getting ready to sell my mom's former properties (now mine) and I'm already 3K out of pocket for various odds and ends that I can't do myself.

Nothing is even reasonable cost wise and everyone from the town/county/state has their hand out for fees and surcharges.

And guess what? All those expenses will be figured into the selling price and passed on to the buyer. That is the way of the world when you try staying on the winning end of things.

It never ceases to amaze me that renters with no skin in the ownership game bitch about a modest rent increase when they have no idea of the real costs involved.....And don't want to know.

In the real Game of Life there are no equal outcomes....There are always winners and losers.
What the OP fails to realize is that rent control has already been tried in America, most celebrated in New York City.

And the results that the OP is hoping for , lower rents, is the exact opposite of what you see in the Big Rotten Apple.

NYC has some of the highest rental costs on the globe, and the supply of rental property has failed to keep up.

Further, landlords like to use different techniques like bad service to get tenants out so they can raise the rent on the new people.

Just doesn't work out, I guess except for the thousands of bureaucrats needing to be hired to run the rent control system.
FALSE! It generally works fine in states that have it. Just needs to be enforced that's all. If we had a law that said rent cant be raised more thn $50, we wouldn't have a rent increase of $96. DUH!

PS- I was born & raised in a 2 bedroom rent control apartment in New York City. I lived in my original apartment from 1946 to 1967. When I moved out, the rent was $85/month.
The hordes Joe imported hit your area....? Supply and demand. Btw they can't put up apts fast enough here so I'm guessing we are getting our "fair share" or more. 5;large ones have gone up within 5 blocks of my brother. Traffic is going to be grand

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