Hi Def Society - Episode 2 (Worst Jobs)


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
This will serve as the live listener/discussion thread.

Hi Def Society will air tonight at 6pm, East Coast Time.

Feel free to call us at 929-477-3858

Stream live, here: Hi Def Society - Episode 2

Hi Def Society is a general and current events discussion/multi-media podcast. It is hosted by Entertainment personalities GT (Genius Tracks) and Pair-A-Dyce, or "Dyce."

Our team also consists of two content providers / support staff - LoneLaugher (Lone) and BlackSand.

Our website is www.hidefsociety.com , we are Hi Def Society on facebook (like & share : ) ) and you can follow us on twitter @hidefsociety.

This week's show will be primarily focused on a discussion surrounding 'worst jobs.' We will also feature some cool news stories, and some original underground music and end off the show by discussing each of the hosts' music creation work flow processes.
Worst job: hod carrying. It's back-shattering work but a hurdle to overcome if you want to go on the trowel.

Bread and butter in the army: bricklaying. After all is said and done, that is what I am and what I can fall back on if the firm went bust. You can make £4-500 pounds a day on pricework if you're good.

Best demolition job: steam stacks at a power station in Staffordshire, although it came down on the second attempt due to rabbits chewing through the detonator cords. I think we drilled close to four thousand holes for the RDX charges on that job.

Most rewarding job: personally designing and overseeing the construction of a four-storey reinforced concrete frame in North London. That tested my mettle as a civil engineer.
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Worst jobs we've ever had?

well, I haven't had many jobs, in fact only one as an adult.

But hauling hay in Arkansas in August has to rank up there.
Worst Job ... Cleaning fence rows (here at least).

There is no easy way to do it short of pouring diesel fuel along the fences ... Which is neither practical nor responsible.
Many species of poison and painful plants were used over the years to provide extra protection and keep livestock on one side of the fence or the other.
Thorns, briars and just random crap have a way of pricking you throughout the task ... Leaving you scraped, scratched and poked afterwards.

It is usually oppressively hot as well ... And proper hydration can become a task.
While not too terribly heavy to haul around ... The debris can become cumbersome and unforgiving.
Piles of bushes, trimmings and general scraps ... Stacked and prepared to burn when the weather allows.

All kinds of critters ... Large and small ... From snakes to spiders and fire ants.
Just a miserable job ... You will be hot, sweaty and uncomfortable most of the time.

Worst jobs we've ever had?

well, I haven't had many jobs, in fact only one as an adult.

But hauling hay in Arkansas in August has to rank up there.

Hay is a bitch altogether ... But alfalfa just sucks.
The stems are like sticks and poke you ... And if you are doing square bails they are heavier to try and toss them in the loft.

Worst jobs we've ever had?

well, I haven't had many jobs, in fact only one as an adult.

But hauling hay in Arkansas in August has to rank up there.

Hay is a bitch altogether ... But alfalfa just sucks.
The stems are like sticks and poke you ... And if you are doing square bails they are heavier to try and toss them in the loft.


We don't do alfalfa and MOST of our hay is round bales, but we do have horses to, and they just fucking waste round bales, so you have to square bale some for them, and it fucking blows.

When I was in school, we got $.25 a bale to haul that shit to. That's for the whole crew to, so usually there were 4 of us, we'd haul around 400 square bales, that works out to $100 in a day, split 4 ways.

I hired a crew, including my two 23 year olds , to haul square bales 2 weeks ago, $4 a bale to haul it now. And honestly, I don't blame them, that is some work. I mean I have a 16' flatbed trailer that basically you back it up to the barn and it's an easy lift from trailer to loft, but the bales weigh up around 120 lbs and when you are hauling 500 of them in one day, yeah it's a job.
T minus...

Im not doing that fucking math
T minus...

Im not doing that fucking math

Get BluePhantom to do it, That motherfucker will be all "
It's T minus 8 * pi - the circumference of an orange / 4 + an hour until show time"
:lol: is that the guy that was judging the 4f as like....an algorhythm?

Yeah, that's the guy who judged when I captained versus Mani and he was all "well Bear's team had more points, but I give the win to Mani"

What a dumb fuck.
Lone ... If the world goes to hell in a hand basket ... Having a joint might be worthwhile ... :thup:


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