Have You Ever Heard of this in Your Civics Class


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies, thus making true democracy practically and theoretically impossible, especially in large groups and complex organizations. The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to "social viscosity" in a large-scale organization. According to the "iron law", democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible.

Is that not what we are experiencing - a contest for oligarchy control of the three branches?

Throughout history, power structures considered to be oligarchies have often been viewed as tyrannical[citation needed], relying on public obedience or oppression to exist. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as meaning rule by the rich,[4] for which another term commonly used today is plutocracy. One of the first oligarchies in history is that of Sparta, which developed the concept alongside its rival Athens, and essentially provided a counterpoint to Athenian democracy. In the early 20th century Robert Michels developed the theory that democracies, like all large organizations, tend to turn into oligarchies. In his "Iron law of oligarchy" he suggests that the necessary division of labor in large organizations leads to the establishment of a ruling class mostly concerned with protecting their own power.

It's working out all right??? The brilliant bicameral legislature works to prevent that???
The American deployment of the Three-part Separation Theory breaks the power struggle down into a semi-controlled oligarchy contest. The problem is that none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then adjusted by amendments here and there, is finally going to work correctly because the smart people from the honest party are finally going to be able to put the right people in the right places. That is an illusion because the path to tranquility has to have a law and order approach with enlightening effects, lots of social pleasantries, and hints of harmony. Whereas, political scientists are describing the events of political corruption, domestic terrorism, political coups, and the possibility of civil war. We are enduring hysterical protests, and increased social disorderliness, and there is nothing about the activities of American society that suggests that we are even trying to accurately guide the approach to domestic tranquility.

Something is wrong with the governing system, and it is not just because of the people who are in it. For all intents and purposes, the American Experiment is a closed system, and it nurtures the nefarious just as it nurtures the honest. The problem is in the basic design of the system and it is not going to work itself out.
We were told in our history class, when I was in the 6th grade............

*History is written by the "winners", which is not the same as writing the truth.
*Those in power, stay in power, as long as the people allow them.
*Those in power, keep the people sedated in many ways, in order to keep thier power.
*Those in power will continually find other ways to gain more power and wealth, and abuse the people for it.
The Congress has slowly conceded its powers to the executive branch and Supreme Court, illegally so. They want to focus their attention on raking in bribes, getting re-elected, and partying rather than do their jobs as the Constitution directs them to. Judicial fiat has replaced Congress on a number of fronts, same as in the 'Gilded Age' of robber barons and financial swindles.
This was not taught in my schools, but I did read a bit of metahistory back then.

According to Toynbe, cultures die by suicide, not murder.

Spengler predicted the rise of the great Caesars, but looking at Biden, I'd say we skipped the great ones and went right to Caligula.
We were told in our history class, when I was in the 6th grade............

*History is written by the "winners", which is not the same as writing the truth.
*Those in power, stay in power, as long as the people allow them.
*Those in power, keep the people sedated in many ways, in order to keep thier power.
*Those in power will continually find other ways to gain more power and wealth, and abuse the people for it.

A culture that worships wealth over morals and principles has nothing to complain about when their leadership reflects those values. The fact is almost all governments reflect the values of the people they govern; it's impossible for it to be any other way. Those pols and bureaucrats don't just drop in from outer space, they're drawn directly from you own population and possess its prevailing moral standards and principles, or lack of same. If you government sucks and is corrupt, look in the mirror for the source.
I think Corporatocracy is closer to what we have today. That and the demolition of separation of powers by the Democrats has corrupted our government.

Most people don't want to be bothered with things like citizenship and duties, then they snivel about the results of their lack of participation and leaving it to somebody else to worry about. The last city council meeting I went to had 12 people attending; the city employees and council members outnumbered the audience. We have a population of 15,000.

Raise the water bill or trash collection fees, and The Stupid turn out in droves after the fact to snivel and bitch, never mind we had over 10 public meetings on those before the proposals were even drawn up. Those meetings draw almost 50 to a 100 morbidly obese snivelers; looks like a herd of hogs broke out of a stockyard and raided City Hall. Then they complain about who is attracted to running for office.
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Most people don't want to be bothered with things like citizenship and duties, then they snivel about the results of their lack of participation and leaving it to somebody else to worry about. The last city council meeting I went to had 12 people attending; the city employees and council members outnumbered the audience. We have a population of 15,000.

Raise the water bill or trash collection fees, and The Stupid turn out in droves after the fact to snivel and bitch, never mind we had over 10 public meetings on those before the proposals were even drawn up. Those meetings draw almost 50 to a 100 morbidly obese snivelers; looks like a herd of hogs broke out of a stockyard and raided City Hall. Then they complain about who is attracted to running for office.
LOL.....A couple years back I was asked to run for vacated town council seat and I politely declined.....They kept pressing the issue then I waxed not so polite to one woman that tried to shame me into it.....Some were aghast and I said that they should find someone more diplomatic as I don't suffer fools too well as Mrs. XXXXX there can now attest to.

I suggested a old friend who had made squeaking noises about running the year before and they got him to run instead.

He lost the vacated seat due to a underfunded campaign but won a seat the following year by his own devices so it all worked-out.

LOL.....Mrs. XXXXX still won't speak to me. ;)
LOL.....A couple years back I was asked to run for vacated town council seat and I politely declined.....They kept pressing the issue then I waxed not so polite to one woman that tried to shame me into it.....Some were aghast and I said that they should find someone more diplomatic as I don't suffer fools too well as Mrs. XXXXX there can now attest to.

I suggested a old friend who had made squeaking noises about running the year before and they got him to run instead.

He lost the vacated seat due to a underfunded campaign but won a seat the following year by his own devices so it all worked-out.

LOL.....Mrs. XXXXX still won't speak to me. ;)
I have never heard of that last name before.

Is it Polish?

Have You Ever Heard of this in Your Civics Class​

Actually quite old news. "Democracy" is mob rule at best and at worst, a lie, an illusion and just a transition.

The Left is plotting to take over SCOTUS is all and revers all their decisions

They don't accept sharing power with anyone.
Those were teabaggers.

February 23 2016
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday flatly rejected any person President Barack Obama nominates to the Supreme Court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, saying the voters should decide.

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everyone in my conference is that the nomination should be made by the president who the people elect in the election that is underway right now," McConnell said.

When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said a vote on the next Supreme Court justice shouldn’t be held during an election year.
The Congress has slowly conceded its powers to the executive branch and Supreme Court, illegally so. They want to focus their attention on raking in bribes, getting re-elected, and partying rather than do their jobs as the Constitution directs them to. Judicial fiat has replaced Congress on a number of fronts, same as in the 'Gilded Age' of robber barons and financial swindles.

And all 3 are conceding their power to the 4th branch of government the intelligence community.

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