Hamas says they don't have Israeli hostages


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire​

Hamas has indicated it is currently unable to identify and track down 40 Israeli hostages needed for the first phase of a ceasefire deal, according to an Israeli official and a source familiar with the discussions, raising fears that more hostages may be dead than are publicly known.

Now we know why they haven't done the easy thing, just giving them back, for peace.

Hard to do that when you've raped and murdered your get-out-of-war-free cards.

All the more reason to bulldoze that POS place into the Mediterranean.

There were never any hostages.

There was no Hamas attack on 10/7.

There is just Zionist Fascist mass murder and the taking of land, and a "hostage movie" for treasonous self proclaimed sub humans like the OP...
There were never any hostages.

There was no Hamas attack on 10/7.

There is just Zionist Fascist mass murder and the taking of land, and a "hostage movie" for treasonous self proclaimed sub humans like the OP...
Sarcasm I assume.
Sarcasm I assume.

So, let's see...

Israel has open borders, no household in Israel owns a firearm, "terrorists" fly in on motorized LOUD gliders for all to see, and the Israelis just stand around, let them land (on streets surrounded by trees and buildings), slowly get out of the "gliders," run into open Israeli homes, kidnap "unarmed" Israelis in front of the neighborhoods, and get away, because there is zero security in Israel, no armed guards, no border security, and no police....

and if you believe that, you likely believe the official "version" of 911 and Co2 based climate change....

Of course, that did not happen. Israel is armed to the teeth, there is vigorous border security, and Charlie Kirk nailed it in real time...


Or, as usual, Zionist Fascist Israel lied, hate hoaxed, invaded, took land, exterminated residents, and billed America $$ for it...
Well, Hamas must realize that those hostages were the reason they were still alive themselves.

That said, being a peaceful man myself; I hope Hamas have their affairs in order.
In before the Hamas-lovers show up to say "The IDF killed all the hostages."
Sarcasm I assume.

His statement did sound ridiculous, because of how he worded it. However, it is factually correct that there were numerous oddities about that event.

And contrary to what some here constantly claim, simply asking questions or pointing out facts does not make one an antisemite. (I'm not speaking about that poster, just making a general statement.)
Well, Hamas must realize that those hostages were the reason they were still alive themselves.

That said, being a peaceful man myself; I hope Hamas have their affairs in order.
Correct. Once Israel can ascertain, with reasonable certainty, that all hostages have succumbed to the hell-on-earth these primitive Muslim savages subjected them to, then Israel can give one final opportunity for the Jew-hating Gazans to evacuate to save their own lives*, they can blast the place to smithereens.

*Biden should be pressure Egypt to take them instead of pressuring Israel to let the Islamic terrorists regroup.
His statement did sound ridiculous, because of how he worded it. However, it is factually correct that there were numerous oddities about that event.

And contrary to what some here constantly claim, simply asking questions or pointing out facts does not make one an antisemite. (I'm not speaking about that poster, just making a general statement.)
But calling what Israel is doing a “genocide” is blood libel - used by antisemites for more than 1000 years.
They are long raped and tortured and dead.
I would think so too. Hamas no longer has any incentive to keep Jewish hostages alive. Palestinian civilians will not escape the intended genocide by the Zionists, regardless of the lives of a few Jewish people being at stake.

As is true of the Ukraine's military, when enemy combatants become untouchable, the enemy's civilian population become the victims.

We have something in common on wishing it was not so for both sides sake.
Correct. Once Israel can ascertain, with reasonable certainty, that all hostages have succumbed to the hell-on-earth these primitive Muslim savages subjected them to, then Israel can give one final opportunity for the Jew-hating Gazans to evacuate to save their own lives*, they can blast the place to smithereens.

*Biden should be pressure Egypt to take them instead of pressuring Israel to let the Islamic terrorists regroup.
No surrounding countries are going to take those assholes. It's like voluntarily giving yourself cancer.

Lebanon still hasn't recovered. They ruined Lebanon.

They deserve everything they get. Palestinians earned that karma, they did.
No surrounding countries are going to take those assholes. It's like voluntarily giving yourself cancer.

Lebanon still hasn't recovered. They ruined Lebanon.

They deserve everything they get.
Yep, if the pali "people" up and disappeared overnight nobody would even bother looking for them the next morning.
No surrounding countries are going to take those assholes. It's like voluntarily giving yourself cancer.

Lebanon still hasn't recovered. They ruined Lebanon.

They deserve everything they get. Palestinians earned that karma, they did.
Likewise, Assad is knocking himself out to keep them from overrunning Syria....And looky who the usual suspects are lining up to try and usurp Assad.

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