Hamas' final solution: Qutb's evil genocidal Islamism adopted by Oct 7 atrocities perpetrators..

How the jihad war against the Jews is unrelated (necessarily) to "Zionism" or state of Israel or to what Israel does or does not.
Hailing pro Hitler Sayyid Qutb's evil genocidal Islamism adopted by Oct 7 atrocities perpetrators..


The final solution according to Hamas.BESA Center | Jan 24, 2024

The final solution according to Hamas. by Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Shaul Bartal, January 24, 2024.


Sayyid Qutb inscription.

BSA, No. 2,258, January 24, 2024.

Summary: The terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad made sure to commemorate their entry into the Otef [envelope] kibbutzim, among other things, through addresses such as the Al-Qassam Brigades or the Jerusalem Companies. But there is another inscription found in some of the houses that specifically commemorates Sayyid Qutb. This commemoration is not accidental and originates from the declared anti-Semitic worldview of Sid Katab as expressed in the main article in the book "Our War at the Jews" which he wrote in the early 1950s. Hamas adopted in its charter classic anti-Semitic motifs such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Adopting the ideology of Sayyid Qutb in relation to the Jews means an aspiration to destroy them, similar to the Nazis. The Holocaust is seen as a "punishment" that Allah gave to the Jews due to their [supposed] sins, and now it is the turn of His Muslim servants to continue the destruction of the Jewish people. This is the essence of the concept of Islamic anti-Semitism prevalent among supporters of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and is not related to the establishment of the State of Israel but to a cosmic concept of an eternal struggle between the Jews as representatives of Satan and the Muslims as representatives of divine truth. The war between Israel and Hamas is not a national war for the liberation of land but a religious war similar to the religious wars in Europe in the Middle Ages.

The war against Hamas that began on October 7, 2023 revealed a disturbing truth. This is not a national war where the goal is to liberate territory from foreign rule, otherwise Hamas would try to hold on to the territory they occupied and make acceptable national demands. The evil and cruelty demonstrated by Hamas operatives - rape of women, murder of babies, beheadings, burning people alive - can be explained by the totality of evil. In hindsight, Hamas realized that taking pride in these actions harmed the organization's image, and began to claim, like Saleh Al-Aruri, the organization's deputy head, that the massacre was carried out by Gaza residents who came after the organization's fighters and looted the kibbutzim, and that Hamas fighters only fired at armed forces. The existing evidence, videos and photos present a different reality. The last to burn Jews alive were the Nazis. So you have to go back in time to understand how this can be explained?

In July 1937, a booklet of about thirty pages was published that was probably written by the Mufti, Haj Muhammad Amin Al-Husseini and dealt with Islam and the Jews. The text, as defined by the German researcher Matthias Kuntzel is the basis of Islamic anti-Semitism. The text contains a detailed description of all the negative references to Jews from the Koran and the Hadith, and it also accuses the Jews of killing the .. Muhammad with a piece of poisoned mutton. Muhammad admittedly took a bite of the poisoned meat And it did not lead to his immediate death, but some of the poison seeped in, and according to the hadith cited in the booklet, this led to his death. The booklet turns specific events from the time of the .. Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula into a systematic anti-Semitic teaching according to which the Jews are the [supposed] "enemies" [sic] of Allah and the servants (sic) of Satan and therefore the believers have an obligation to destroy them. In the concluding words of the mufti : "The Muslims should know that Allah, may He be exalted, did not reveal in His book ...."

In the first issue of Al-Qassam (bulletin) published in April 2007 (an official issue of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of the Hamas organization) they paid tribute to Mufti Haj Muhammad Amin Al-Husseini, the father of the Palestinian struggle against the Jews. The article mentioned the mufti's part in the Rashid Ali Al kilani (Gaylani) rebellion in Iraq in 1941. They did not mention the mufti's part in Farhud, but they did mention his great hostility to Jews. The Farhud that broke out on June 1-2, 1941 in Baghdad, is one of the most recognized pogroms that happened in the Arab world. In this pogrom, between 180 and 1,000 Jews were murdered over thirty hours. The descriptions of the pogrom are largely reminiscent of the descriptions of the victims of October 7, 2023. Jewish children were slaughtered and women were raped in front of their family members. [1] Iraqi Jews were not murdered because they were "Zionists" or lived in "occupied territory". They were murdered because they were Jews and according to the ideology preached by the mufti who was in Iraq near the time of the pogrom - their punishment is death. The writer Eli Amir, a Baghdad native who experienced the Farhud could state that the October 7th massacre was strikingly similar to that of the Farhud.

After the Rashid Ali Al-Kilani [Gaylani] rebellion, the mufti fled to Germany and was a personal friend of Heinrich Himmler, the Gestapo commander and the German Minister of the Interior who contributed greatly to the implementation of the Final Solution, as well as Alfred Rosenberg, the founder of the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem in Frankfurt. His historic meeting with Hitler was widely documented in the German propaganda channels. After the war, the mufti surrendered himself to France and although Yugoslavia declared him a war criminal due to his crimes in the Balkans, in which Muslims who served under the Wehrmacht took part, he managed to escape and arrived in Cairo. In 1946, when the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood was established in Mandatory Palestine, the mufti was appointed, even though he was in exile at the time, to head it. As mentioned, Hamas developed out of the Muslim Brotherhood.

However, the person who perfected the hatred of the Jews and the justification of their murder is Sayyid Qutb, whose name was mentioned among the other names in the destroyed houses of Be'eri. Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) was one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the fifties and sixties until his hanging in 1966. In his penned book, Our War at the Jews, Qutb explained the dynamics of the extermination of the Jews. "The stories of their corruption [sic] are repeated, as are their humiliations and deportations. Every time the Israelites returned to corrupt the land, they received their punishment and the tradition (Sunnah) emphatically states, 'However, if you return to your ways, we will also return.' The Jews indeed went back to corrupt practices, that's why Allah handed over the rule over them to the Muslims and they expelled the Jews from the entire Arabian Peninsula... Then they went back to corruption.. This was the case until modern times, when Hitler ruled over them. Here today returned once more to do the evil [sic] in the establishment of Israel, which brought suffering and disasters to the Arabs, the owners of the land, therefore Allah will punish them with the most terrible punishment of all, fulfilling Allah's unequivocal promise..."

Per Qutb... therefore the extermination of the Jews is not only a matter of a national struggle for one or another piece of land but almost a divine commandment. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam also followed this spirit in his book Al-Saratan Al-Ahmar - The Red Cancer. Azzam, also from the Muslim Brotherhood, born in Silat al-Harithiya in the Jenin governorate, incorporated in his books the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and saw the Jews as an eternal enemy of the Muslims wherever they are. Later in the 1980s, Azzam, together with Osama Bin Laden, founded the al-Qaeda organization and participated in the war in Afghanistan. Azzam was eliminated on November 24, 1989. Even Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi, who died about a year ago, defined the Jews as part of the enemies of the Islamic order and devoted an honorable chapter to them in his book. The view of the J.. as the servants of [supposedly] Satan and evil in the world is an anti-Semitic view that has become widespread in various publications of the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1950s. This concept was also expressed in the Hamas charter published in August 1988.

"The Islamic resistance movement calls on the Arab and Islamic peoples to act seriously and persistently to prevent the execution of this terrifying plan, and to warn the masses of the danger arising from exiting the circle of conflict with Zionism. Because today it is Palestine and tomorrow it is another country or countries, because the Zionist plan has no boundaries. After Palestine, [the Zionists] aim to spread from the Nile to the Euphrates, and after they have eaten the area they have reached, they will aim for further expansion, and so on. Their plan is [reflected] "in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and there is no [such as their behavior] in the present to testify to our word." (section 32).

Absurdly, a movement that sees the Nazi war criminal Haj Muhammad Amin al-Husseini as the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, accuses the Jews of [supposed] "Nazism" in its creed. "There is no escape from concentrating all the forces and efforts to confront this malicious Tatar Nazi invasion. Otherwise homelands will be lost, the inhabitants will be displaced, corruption will take hold on the face of the earth and all religious values will be destroyed. Everyone must know that he is responsible before Allah." (section 32).

It can be said that the Hamas organization today advocates the implementation of the final solution which includes the extermination of the Jewish people. Thus, for example, in an official publication of the Hamas organization (Al-Qassam issue, August 2007), Hamas commemorates Kamal Kahil, as a soldier known as "Jazaar al Yahud" (Slaughterer of the Jews). As a resident of the Gaza Strip, he was originally one of the heads of Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, the military arm of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Kahil carried out a series of terrorist attacks. In the columns dedicated to his memory, it was noted that he contributed a lot to the terrorist attacks in the nineties (years of cautious optimism due to the Oslo Accords) until his death in 1995. This is an official expression of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades and it was not for nothing that they chose to emphasize that he slaughtered the Jews and not the Israelis or the Zionists. As mentioned, this is just one example out of many. The massacres of October 7th are not a work accident of the Hamas organization but part of a regular cycle of genocide that the Hamas organization has been advocating since its foundation. It was not for nothing that the Hamas terrorists immortalized the name of Sayyid Qutb on the burned houses of Be'eri. After all, their war is with the Jews.

Dr. (Lt.Col.) Shaul Bartel is a senior researcher at the BSA Center and a research fellow at the Center for Oriental Studies at the University of Lisbon (Instituto do Oriente (IO) at the University of Lisbon)) during his military service he served in a variety of positions in Judea and Samaria. Taught in the Department of Middle Eastern History and the Department of Political Science .

That's why the vast majority of Arabs reject the Muslim Brotherhood.
How the jihad war against the Jews is unrelated (necessarily) to "Zionism" or state of Israel or to what Israel does or does not.
Hailing pro Hitler Sayyid Qutb's evil genocidal Islamism adopted by Oct 7 atrocities perpetrators..


The final solution according to Hamas.BESA Center | Jan 24, 2024

The final solution according to Hamas. by Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Shaul Bartal, January 24, 2024.


Sayyid Qutb inscription.

BSA, No. 2,258, January 24, 2024.

Summary: The terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad made sure to commemorate their entry into the Otef [envelope] kibbutzim, among other things, through addresses such as the Al-Qassam Brigades or the Jerusalem Companies. But there is another inscription found in some of the houses that specifically commemorates Sayyid Qutb. This commemoration is not accidental and originates from the declared anti-Semitic worldview of Sid Katab as expressed in the main article in the book "Our War at the Jews" which he wrote in the early 1950s. Hamas adopted in its charter classic anti-Semitic motifs such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Adopting the ideology of Sayyid Qutb in relation to the Jews means an aspiration to destroy them, similar to the Nazis. The Holocaust is seen as a "punishment" that Allah gave to the Jews due to their [supposed] sins, and now it is the turn of His Muslim servants to continue the destruction of the Jewish people. This is the essence of the concept of Islamic anti-Semitism prevalent among supporters of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and is not related to the establishment of the State of Israel but to a cosmic concept of an eternal struggle between the Jews as representatives of Satan and the Muslims as representatives of divine truth. The war between Israel and Hamas is not a national war for the liberation of land but a religious war similar to the religious wars in Europe in the Middle Ages.

The war against Hamas that began on October 7, 2023 revealed a disturbing truth. This is not a national war where the goal is to liberate territory from foreign rule, otherwise Hamas would try to hold on to the territory they occupied and make acceptable national demands. The evil and cruelty demonstrated by Hamas operatives - rape of women, murder of babies, beheadings, burning people alive - can be explained by the totality of evil. In hindsight, Hamas realized that taking pride in these actions harmed the organization's image, and began to claim, like Saleh Al-Aruri, the organization's deputy head, that the massacre was carried out by Gaza residents who came after the organization's fighters and looted the kibbutzim, and that Hamas fighters only fired at armed forces. The existing evidence, videos and photos present a different reality. The last to burn Jews alive were the Nazis. So you have to go back in time to understand how this can be explained?

In July 1937, a booklet of about thirty pages was published that was probably written by the Mufti, Haj Muhammad Amin Al-Husseini and dealt with Islam and the Jews. The text, as defined by the German researcher Matthias Kuntzel is the basis of Islamic anti-Semitism. The text contains a detailed description of all the negative references to Jews from the Koran and the Hadith, and it also accuses the Jews of killing the .. Muhammad with a piece of poisoned mutton. Muhammad admittedly took a bite of the poisoned meat And it did not lead to his immediate death, but some of the poison seeped in, and according to the hadith cited in the booklet, this led to his death. The booklet turns specific events from the time of the .. Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula into a systematic anti-Semitic teaching according to which the Jews are the [supposed] "enemies" [sic] of Allah and the servants (sic) of Satan and therefore the believers have an obligation to destroy them. In the concluding words of the mufti : "The Muslims should know that Allah, may He be exalted, did not reveal in His book ...."

In the first issue of Al-Qassam (bulletin) published in April 2007 (an official issue of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of the Hamas organization) they paid tribute to Mufti Haj Muhammad Amin Al-Husseini, the father of the Palestinian struggle against the Jews. The article mentioned the mufti's part in the Rashid Ali Al kilani (Gaylani) rebellion in Iraq in 1941. They did not mention the mufti's part in Farhud, but they did mention his great hostility to Jews. The Farhud that broke out on June 1-2, 1941 in Baghdad, is one of the most recognized pogroms that happened in the Arab world. In this pogrom, between 180 and 1,000 Jews were murdered over thirty hours. The descriptions of the pogrom are largely reminiscent of the descriptions of the victims of October 7, 2023. Jewish children were slaughtered and women were raped in front of their family members. [1] Iraqi Jews were not murdered because they were "Zionists" or lived in "occupied territory". They were murdered because they were Jews and according to the ideology preached by the mufti who was in Iraq near the time of the pogrom - their punishment is death. The writer Eli Amir, a Baghdad native who experienced the Farhud could state that the October 7th massacre was strikingly similar to that of the Farhud.

After the Rashid Ali Al-Kilani [Gaylani] rebellion, the mufti fled to Germany and was a personal friend of Heinrich Himmler, the Gestapo commander and the German Minister of the Interior who contributed greatly to the implementation of the Final Solution, as well as Alfred Rosenberg, the founder of the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem in Frankfurt. His historic meeting with Hitler was widely documented in the German propaganda channels. After the war, the mufti surrendered himself to France and although Yugoslavia declared him a war criminal due to his crimes in the Balkans, in which Muslims who served under the Wehrmacht took part, he managed to escape and arrived in Cairo. In 1946, when the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood was established in Mandatory Palestine, the mufti was appointed, even though he was in exile at the time, to head it. As mentioned, Hamas developed out of the Muslim Brotherhood.

However, the person who perfected the hatred of the Jews and the justification of their murder is Sayyid Qutb, whose name was mentioned among the other names in the destroyed houses of Be'eri. Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) was one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the fifties and sixties until his hanging in 1966. In his penned book, Our War at the Jews, Qutb explained the dynamics of the extermination of the Jews. "The stories of their corruption [sic] are repeated, as are their humiliations and deportations. Every time the Israelites returned to corrupt the land, they received their punishment and the tradition (Sunnah) emphatically states, 'However, if you return to your ways, we will also return.' The Jews indeed went back to corrupt practices, that's why Allah handed over the rule over them to the Muslims and they expelled the Jews from the entire Arabian Peninsula... Then they went back to corruption.. This was the case until modern times, when Hitler ruled over them. Here today returned once more to do the evil [sic] in the establishment of Israel, which brought suffering and disasters to the Arabs, the owners of the land, therefore Allah will punish them with the most terrible punishment of all, fulfilling Allah's unequivocal promise..."

Per Qutb... therefore the extermination of the Jews is not only a matter of a national struggle for one or another piece of land but almost a divine commandment. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam also followed this spirit in his book Al-Saratan Al-Ahmar - The Red Cancer. Azzam, also from the Muslim Brotherhood, born in Silat al-Harithiya in the Jenin governorate, incorporated in his books the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and saw the Jews as an eternal enemy of the Muslims wherever they are. Later in the 1980s, Azzam, together with Osama Bin Laden, founded the al-Qaeda organization and participated in the war in Afghanistan. Azzam was eliminated on November 24, 1989. Even Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi, who died about a year ago, defined the Jews as part of the enemies of the Islamic order and devoted an honorable chapter to them in his book. The view of the J.. as the servants of [supposedly] Satan and evil in the world is an anti-Semitic view that has become widespread in various publications of the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1950s. This concept was also expressed in the Hamas charter published in August 1988.

"The Islamic resistance movement calls on the Arab and Islamic peoples to act seriously and persistently to prevent the execution of this terrifying plan, and to warn the masses of the danger arising from exiting the circle of conflict with Zionism. Because today it is Palestine and tomorrow it is another country or countries, because the Zionist plan has no boundaries. After Palestine, [the Zionists] aim to spread from the Nile to the Euphrates, and after they have eaten the area they have reached, they will aim for further expansion, and so on. Their plan is [reflected] "in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and there is no [such as their behavior] in the present to testify to our word." (section 32).

Absurdly, a movement that sees the Nazi war criminal Haj Muhammad Amin al-Husseini as the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, accuses the Jews of [supposed] "Nazism" in its creed. "There is no escape from concentrating all the forces and efforts to confront this malicious Tatar Nazi invasion. Otherwise homelands will be lost, the inhabitants will be displaced, corruption will take hold on the face of the earth and all religious values will be destroyed. Everyone must know that he is responsible before Allah." (section 32).

It can be said that the Hamas organization today advocates the implementation of the final solution which includes the extermination of the Jewish people. Thus, for example, in an official publication of the Hamas organization (Al-Qassam issue, August 2007), Hamas commemorates Kamal Kahil, as a soldier known as "Jazaar al Yahud" (Slaughterer of the Jews). As a resident of the Gaza Strip, he was originally one of the heads of Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, the military arm of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Kahil carried out a series of terrorist attacks. In the columns dedicated to his memory, it was noted that he contributed a lot to the terrorist attacks in the nineties (years of cautious optimism due to the Oslo Accords) until his death in 1995. This is an official expression of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades and it was not for nothing that they chose to emphasize that he slaughtered the Jews and not the Israelis or the Zionists. As mentioned, this is just one example out of many. The massacres of October 7th are not a work accident of the Hamas organization but part of a regular cycle of genocide that the Hamas organization has been advocating since its foundation. It was not for nothing that the Hamas terrorists immortalized the name of Sayyid Qutb on the burned houses of Be'eri. After all, their war is with the Jews.

Dr. (Lt.Col.) Shaul Bartel is a senior researcher at the BSA Center and a research fellow at the Center for Oriental Studies at the University of Lisbon (Instituto do Oriente (IO) at the University of Lisbon)) during his military service he served in a variety of positions in Judea and Samaria. Taught in the Department of Middle Eastern History and the Department of Political Science .
Saeed Qubt's writings are banned in most of the Arab world. It was strictly reaction to zionism.
Saeed Qubt's writings are banned in most of the Arab world. It was strictly reaction...
But adopted by palestine Arabs. And no. It is an ideology not a "reaction to..." You also said -likewise- falsely in the past that Muslim Brothethood [1928] was a "reaction" to [1948] establishment of Israel..🤣🤣🤣
But adopted by palestine Arabs. And no. It is an ideology not a "reaction to..." You also said -likewise- falsely in the past that Muslim Brothethood [1928] was a "reaction" to [1948] establishment of Israel..🤣🤣🤣

Just Hamas..not Palestinians in general. Do you know any Palestinians?

Yes, it was a reaction to Zionism from about 1928. Before that Palestine was a sleepy, apolitical backwater. Under the Ottomans the different groups basically governed themselves. Jews were a minority from the 2nd century AD.

Read Zionist Aspirations in Palestine. It was written in July 1920.
Just Hamas..not Palestinians in general. Do you know any Palestinians?
Why do I have to know any palestinian Arabs in order to know that 93% of them are racists and that over 70% back genocide Hamas?


No. Muslim Brotherhood refer to Jews [yahud] per se. You can't blame all islamofacism on Zionism.

Or the 1834 Arab on Jews persecution "looting in Safed" in the holyland? The cruelty went on for 33 days.

Or the 1840 Danascus blood libel?

All these are before the "zionist movement".


Or maybe you want to go even earlier...

  • 636 vs 1800s:
    Some “40,000 Jews lived in (Eretz Israel innthe area of) Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost.”
  • 1517: Safed [Tzfat] Israel, Jews were evicted from their homes, robbed and plundered, and they fled naked to the villages.

Last edited:
Why do I have to know any palestinian Arabs in order to know that 93% of them are racists and that over 70% back genocide Hamas?


No. Muslim Brotherhood refer to Jews [yahud] per se. You can't blame all islamofacism on Zionism.

Or the 1834 Arab on Jews persecution "looting in Safed" in the holyland? The cruelty went on for 33 days.

Or the 1840 Danascus blood libel?

All these are before the "zionist movement".


Or maybe you want to go even earlier...

  • 636 vs 1800s:
    Some “40,000 Jews lived in (Eretz Israel innthe area of) Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost.”
  • 1517: Safed [Tzfat] Israel, Jews were evicted from their homes, robbed and plundered, and they fled naked to the villages.

Lolol 😂

Arabs imperialists still don't understand how long is memory,

too eager for blood, but never the consequence, they never learn.

"For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[23]

Last edited:
Arabs imperialists still don't understand how long is memory,

too eager for blood, but never the consequence, they never learn.

"For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[23]

You're still punishing Damascus?
You're still punishing Damascus?

Still claiming the Damascus Affair, and the Arab pogroms
were mere merely the "occasional order of things"?

Report from Safed about the Arab massacres of 1834:

"Now I have come to announce the large losses and afflictions that have been created in Israel in four countries, ie Jerusalem,and Hebron and the Upper Galilee, namely Safed. And the lower Galilee, namely the city of Tabriya. By the hands of the plunderers and looters that rose in the country. And they come only upon the Jews...

On Sunday, eight days in the month of Sivan, the looters, inhabitants of the villages joined with the inhabitants of the cities. They had weapons of war and shields and fell upon all the Jews and stripped their clothes from men and women. They expelled them naked from the city, and plundered all their property...

The remnants were coerced and raped whether men or women. Tore all the Torah scrolls, and their talit and tefilin and the city was abandoned... This was so for 33 days, so was done in the city of Safed, so was done in other towns."

Periodicals of people of Israel in Eretz Israel - Menachem Mendel ben- Aaharon 1800-1873​

Islamists beg to hear our plan for the day "after",
you still don't understand, and never learn.
We'll hunt you further than we did Nazis.

We've got 150 years of Zionist revolution,
in response to "merely" the Damascus Affair,
and the following Arab pogroms throughout the caliphate.
Imagine how far we'll go and for how many generations after 7th October.
Arabs imperialists still don't understand how long is memory,

too eager for blood, but never the consequence, they never learn.

"For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[23]

Still claiming the Damascus Affair, and the Arab pogroms
were mere merely the "occasional order of things"?

Islamists beg to hear our plan for the day "after",
you still don't understand, and never learn.
We'll hunt you further than we did Nazis.

We've got 150 years of Zionist revolution,
in response to "merely" the Damascus Affair,
and the following Arab pogroms throughout the caliphate.
Imagine how far we'll go and for how many generations after 7th October.

Many across the world were shocked to see children sing happily about “eliminating” an entire people “within one year”. Yet a closer look at Israeli literature and curricula shows this open celebration of genocide was the only natural outcome of Israel’s persistent indoctrination – or brainwashing to be more blunt – of its children to ensure that they do not view Palestinians as human and fully embrace apartheid and occupation.

Many across the world were shocked to see children sing happily about “eliminating” an entire people “within one year”. Yet a closer look at Israeli literature and curricula shows this open celebration of genocide was the only natural outcome of Israel’s persistent indoctrination – or brainwashing to be more blunt – of its children to ensure that they do not view Palestinians as human and fully embrace apartheid and occupation.

How does quoting the Hamas state channel address my post?

Al-Jazeera can't rewrite history, and there's nothing in Israeli
school curriculum that teaches of Arabs as inhumane,
or embracing discrimination or seeking martyrdom.

How does quoting the Hamas state channel address my post?

Al-Jazeera can't rewrite history, and there's nothing in Israeli
school curriculum that teaches of Arabs as inhumane,
or embracing discrimination or seeking martyrdom.


SEE Hassan al Banna 1928.

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