GOP wants to screw US over Social Security


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

Republicans are battling among themselves over whether to push reforms to reduce Social Security spending, with some conservatives rallying around the idea of raising the retirement age.

Republicans pushing reforms to Social Security argue that raising the retirement age would not cut benefits and would be phased in slowly so as not to affect people near retirement age.

But others in the party warn that talking about delaying Social Security benefits in an election year is political malpractice and would give Democrats a golden opportunity to accuse GOP candidates of wanting to cut Social Security.

“Horrible idea. Totally opposed to this,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said of raising the retirement age, even for people who don’t plan to retire soon.

“What a terrible idea. If Republicans want to be in the minority party forever then go ahead and endorse that,” he said. “Republicans are so stupid. If they want to go to working people and say, ‘Congratulations, you have paid into this your whole life — your payroll taxes — and now we’re going to take part of it away from you, we’re going to make you work even longer than we said beforehand,’ I just think that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard.”

Republican calls to reform Social Security got fresh attention when the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), which includes more than 170 GOP lawmakers, released a budget plan this week calling for “modest adjustments to the retirement age for future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy.”

Advocates of raising the Social Security retirement age in the past have proposed raising it from 67 to 69, though the RSC budget did not cite specific numbers.

The RSC budget also called for lowering benefits for the highest-earning beneficiaries, an idea that proponents call “means testing.”

Republicans who have called for reforms to entitlement programs have said it is important to consider changes given the nation’s rising debt and to keep the programs solvent.
When you actually read all of it you can see it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And they aren't even putting a bill up or anything, they are talking about ways to keep social security alive for the next generation to retire.

If our economy wasn't in the shitter and we were wasting trillions like we are right now no one would need to bring up social security.

I know you don't like republicans and doing your imitation of chicken little, but you're jumping the gun.

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

/----/ You asswipes have been spreading that lie for decades.
President Barack Hussien Obama...give them the pain pill. give them the pain pill. give them the pain pill.

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

The "rich" don't have enough money to solve this problem. What is your solution? Or are you just going to whine about the "rich" needing to pay more?

Our Unfunded Liability. This is from about six months ago, it is higher today.


Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

The peasants will have to pay for it in some way. You will never get enough from the rich. Charge them if you want. It will not be enough.
Again and again, I have to ask myself, are Democrats/Leftists really that stupid?

In no changes are made, the Social Security "trust fund*" will be depleted in the foreseeable future. Because SS is unconstitutional, funding CANNOT be supplemented with funds from the General Fund, so it must not be allowed to run dry. If it were to run dry, the system would have to revert to a pay-as-you-go mode, which would reduce monthly benefits to about 80% of what they are now. That would result in a lot of complaints, but most geezers would be fine.

So it is inevitable that sometime in the next few years a BI-PARTISAN congressional committee will go into a figurative smoke-filled room and devise a scheme to keep the "trust fund" solvent. That scheme will include one or more of the following changes:
  • An increase in the amount of earnings that are subject to the FICA tax (or an elimination of the cap altogether),
  • A slight and possibly progressive raising of the age when one can collect "full benefits,"
  • A change in the formula that calculates the annual COLA adjustment, and/or
  • A slight increase in the tax rate, for either the employee, the employer, or both.
BOTH parties will sign off on the ultimate package, and EVERYONE will complain that it is "unfair." But NOBODY's MONTHLY "CHECK" will be reduced, ever.

Democrats ALWAYS claim that the GOP wants to "cut Social Security," and it is always a lie. How fucking stupid do you have to be in order to believe it?

* It is not actually a trust fund. NOBODY has any vested interest in a single dime in the Social Security trust fund. Congress can increase payments, decrease payments, or stop payments altogether, and there ain't a fucking thing anybody can do about it. And when you die, even after paying hundreds of thousands into SS, you heirs will get, at most, a pittance. This is how we know it ain't a trust fund.
When you actually read all of it you can see it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And they aren't even putting a bill up or anything, they are talking about ways to keep social security alive for the next generation to retire.

If our economy wasn't in the shitter and we were wasting trillions like we are right now no one would need to bring up social security.

I know you don't like republicans and doing your imitation of chicken little, but you're jumping the gun.
If they had paid attention 20 years ago when Republicans were raising the issue of the inevitable bankrupting of the program, we could have put in place some relatively painless measures that would have headed off the painful things we need to do now. But we're talking about democrats here.
Donald Trump is a staunch supporter of Social Security and Medicare.

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