Gonna go see Prometheous in 3D today

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Haven't been to a theater in a very long time outside of the drive in with the kids and friends. But Ive been a Ridley Scott fan since his early days so im gonna splurge.

UNLESS someone in here has seen it and says its not worth 30 bucks....
I saw the preview for it in 3-D. I normally hate 3D but it looked very impressive.

I plan on seeing it in 3D as well.
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Just finished watching it. Excellent set up for Alien and the subsequent finale which I'm sure is coming based on the ending.
Do not see this horrible POS. Yes, it does explain some things that happened before Alien. The rest of it is a statement about how faith and biblical creationism is somehow valid despite finding overwhelming proof none of it happened. They lay the faith and christian religion bullshit on with a cement mixer over the plot. Alien was not about religion. The things that are really interesting about the aliens and how we got here are just briefly mentioned in between bullshit philisophical arguments.

Yes, they do a great job of scenery that you can recognize from the original Alien. For the brief moments this is an alien movie it is actually good. This is not a compliment because it only reminds you this had a decent idea behind it, and could have been a great prequel had they stuck to what made Alien and Aliens really good space horror movies. Most of the movie is not this.

To explain I will use the scenes from the trailer. They discover a number of non-christian civilizations had some similar dealings with giant people and a map that leads to the planet. Nothing was christian. All of the reasons they know what they know comes from non-christian tribal faiths. The movie then goes on to confirm this planet and these giant people existed which means the bible was a load of human created bullshit that never referenced these beings. Then despite all the evidence the so called scientists "want" to believe in jesus so they ignore everything. I am sitting there the whole time thinking these scientists are the worst possible scientists ever.

It may have been OK if they picked a side to stay on instead of trying to be on both, but they didn't. Because of this all the fun of Alien which never involved the deep philisophical ideas of where we came from and what we are doing here was completely lost among a few scenes of nostalgic scenery that somewhat explains the original. Even that explanation was so poorly explained we had to have captain exposition give us the brief explanation of why the aliens were there so we could get back to the god arguments which had nothing at all to do with the reasons any of this was going on. Oh, and the best thing is that after answering most of the questions as to why the nostromo was eventually diverted to this planet, they raised so many more questions. Of course these are questions i have no desitre to see answered if i have to take the bible beating in a second movie.

this movie is to alien what episode one was to star wars. Complete with all the dated arguments of creationism and biblical bullshit we see today that they tried to shove into their fantasy movie to explain things like metachlorians explain jedi. Seriously, all they needed was a crazy future presidential campaign with the first gay president fighting against the evil Mick Parry, Nutt Rimney, and Dick Assjizz. Have i mentioned how much i hate when fantasy films start involving modern arguments for no fucking reason?
Jesus... It's only an escapist movie, and not a prophesy

Do not see this horrible POS. Yes, it does explain some things that happened before Alien. The rest of it is a statement about how faith and biblical creationism is somehow valid despite finding overwhelming proof none of it happened. They lay the faith and christian religion bullshit on with a cement mixer over the plot. Alien was not about religion. The things that are really interesting about the aliens and how we got here are just briefly mentioned in between bullshit philisophical arguments.

Yes, they do a great job of scenery that you can recognize from the original Alien. For the brief moments this is an alien movie it is actually good. This is not a compliment because it only reminds you this had a decent idea behind it, and could have been a great prequel had they stuck to what made Alien and Aliens really good space horror movies. Most of the movie is not this.

To explain I will use the scenes from the trailer. They discover a number of non-christian civilizations had some similar dealings with giant people and a map that leads to the planet. Nothing was christian. All of the reasons they know what they know comes from non-christian tribal faiths. The movie then goes on to confirm this planet and these giant people existed which means the bible was a load of human created bullshit that never referenced these beings. Then despite all the evidence the so called scientists "want" to believe in jesus so they ignore everything. I am sitting there the whole time thinking these scientists are the worst possible scientists ever.

It may have been OK if they picked a side to stay on instead of trying to be on both, but they didn't. Because of this all the fun of Alien which never involved the deep philisophical ideas of where we came from and what we are doing here was completely lost among a few scenes of nostalgic scenery that somewhat explains the original. Even that explanation was so poorly explained we had to have captain exposition give us the brief explanation of why the aliens were there so we could get back to the god arguments which had nothing at all to do with the reasons any of this was going on. Oh, and the best thing is that after answering most of the questions as to why the nostromo was eventually diverted to this planet, they raised so many more questions. Of course these are questions i have no desitre to see answered if i have to take the bible beating in a second movie.

this movie is to alien what episode one was to star wars. Complete with all the dated arguments of creationism and biblical bullshit we see today that they tried to shove into their fantasy movie to explain things like metachlorians explain jedi. Seriously, all they needed was a crazy future presidential campaign with the first gay president fighting against the evil Mick Parry, Nutt Rimney, and Dick Assjizz. Have i mentioned how much i hate when fantasy films start involving modern arguments for no fucking reason?
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The only reference to god or religion that I noticed was the doctors necklace. And its role was only a couple minutes long. I think someone had something on their brain before they saw the movie.
Jesus... It's only an escapist movie, and not a prophesy

Exactly, and that was none of the plot of this movie. That was what made the Alien movies exciting. Even when there should have been some realization that they were really fucked they just kept wanting to talk to the aliens. Even when some of the worst shit in the world happened to one of the main scientists she just fucking forgot about it and went on with the mission. There is no way any rational and sane human being would have participated in all of this when things started to go to hell. I just kept thinking of the line from Aliens "Nuke it from orbit. That is the only way to be safe." I know for continuity they could not do that, but there was a point where that was the only thing that made sense for every character but one or two. At least have the aliens kill everyone while trying to escape, and not just have them keep wandering into more dangerous situations with absolutely no motivation at all.
Haven't been to a theater in a very long time outside of the drive in with the kids and friends. But Ive been a Ridley Scott fan since his early days so im gonna splurge.

UNLESS someone in here has seen it and says its not worth 30 bucks....

Im seeing it in the morning, then off to play pinball with the wife.

Im not a fan of 3D. I find it distracting and limits my immesion into the story itself. I really like to watch backgrounds and other actors reactions to whats being said and 3D blurs out things so the focus is on a primary target. That bugs the hell out of me.

Unfortunately, there are NO 2D showings in my area and I absolutely have to see this movie. Alien and Blade Runner are both in my top ten all time movies so Prometheus is a no brainer to go see immediately.

Ill check back into the thread after i see the movie to see what others are saying about it. Dont want any spoilers just yet so I only rwad the OP and the first response LOL.
The only reference to god or religion that I noticed was the doctors necklace. And its role was only a couple minutes long. I think someone had something on their brain before they saw the movie.

Did you go to the bathroom during every conversation with the doctor and the one wearing the cross? The whole purpose of them going there was to find their creator despite the fact the main characters all wanted to believe in god except the blonde captain. I knew there was trouble when the female scientist was in cryosleep talking to her father about death and all the religious nature of that pointless scene. Did you miss the 7 or 8 references to christ in that whole scene, or were you in the bathroom again? Then the female doctor always wanting to believe in jesus no matter how much they were showing jesus had no presence on earth. There was the whole basis of intelligent design which was the whole purpose of the opening scene and the idea that these being supposedly put the human race where they were. Oh, and then there is the best suck you out of the movie and into pointless life drama when her boyfriend makes the crack about only needing a couple of brain cells to make life, and then she goes into her pointless crying jag implying she was barren which did not add anything at all to the movie and was the first time reproduction was even mentioned. In all honesty considering what happened that scene might have actually been valuable towards enhancing her character had they actually done something more on development of that aspect of her character.

There is a lot of religious bullshit in this movie, and Alien is not religious. If they wanted to do some sort of Contact type of philisophical commentary on god and science it was not the right movie. That might have been a good movie on it's own, but it is not alien, and I am quite sure the company does not give a fuck about God or even the alien races that supposedly spawned humans. They wanted a weapon from an advanced civilization. They actually may have tried to make a statement about the lust for power that keeps the human race down, but they kept on dropping it to go back to blind faith.
Jesus... It's only an escapist movie, and not a prophesy

Exactly, and that was none of the plot of this movie. That was what made the Alien movies exciting. Even when there should have been some realization that they were really fucked they just kept wanting to talk to the aliens. Even when some of the worst shit in the world happened to one of the main scientists she just fucking forgot about it and went on with the mission. There is no way any rational and sane human being would have participated in all of this when things started to go to hell. I just kept thinking of the line from Aliens "Nuke it from orbit. That is the only way to be safe." I know for continuity they could not do that, but there was a point where that was the only thing that made sense for every character but one or two. At least have the aliens kill everyone while trying to escape, and not just have them keep wandering into more dangerous situations with absolutely no motivation at all.

Do you really need to include spoilers in your posts? At least wait till tomorrow night if you must.

As far as the rest of your posts this is a science fiction movie. As such it requires that you suspend your beliefs in reality and let your imagination go. Obviously you didn't. My only problem with the movie was it was a bit slow in parts. But then again so did alien.

I give it an 8.5/10 worth a ticket
The only reference to god or religion that I noticed was the doctors necklace. And its role was only a couple minutes long. I think someone had something on their brain before they saw the movie.

Did you go to the bathroom during every conversation with the doctor and the one wearing the cross? The whole purpose of them going there was to find their creator despite the fact the main characters all wanted to believe in god except the blonde captain. I knew there was trouble when the female scientist was in cryosleep talking to her father about death and all the religious nature of that pointless scene. Did you miss the 7 or 8 references to christ in that whole scene, or were you in the bathroom again? Then the female doctor always wanting to believe in jesus no matter how much they were showing jesus had no presence on earth. There was the whole basis of intelligent design which was the whole purpose of the opening scene and the idea that these being supposedly put the human race where they were. Oh, and then there is the best suck you out of the movie and into pointless life drama when her boyfriend makes the crack about only needing a couple of brain cells to make life, and then she goes into her pointless crying jag implying she was barren which did not add anything at all to the movie and was the first time reproduction was even mentioned. In all honesty considering what happened that scene might have actually been valuable towards enhancing her character had they actually done something more on development of that aspect of her character.

There is a lot of religious bullshit in this movie, and Alien is not religious. If they wanted to do some sort of Contact type of philisophical commentary on god and science it was not the right movie. That might have been a good movie on it's own, but it is not alien, and I am quite sure the company does not give a fuck about God or even the alien races that supposedly spawned humans. They wanted a weapon from an advanced civilization. They actually may have tried to make a statement about the lust for power that keeps the human race down, but they kept on dropping it to go back to blind faith.

It's a move. You get out of it exactly what you're willing to take from it. And yes I saw the parts in question. When a small child looses a parent that's what most people say to explain it to their child.
Jesus... It's only an escapist movie, and not a prophesy

Exactly, and that was none of the plot of this movie. That was what made the Alien movies exciting. Even when there should have been some realization that they were really fucked they just kept wanting to talk to the aliens. Even when some of the worst shit in the world happened to one of the main scientists she just fucking forgot about it and went on with the mission. There is no way any rational and sane human being would have participated in all of this when things started to go to hell. I just kept thinking of the line from Aliens "Nuke it from orbit. That is the only way to be safe." I know for continuity they could not do that, but there was a point where that was the only thing that made sense for every character but one or two. At least have the aliens kill everyone while trying to escape, and not just have them keep wandering into more dangerous situations with absolutely no motivation at all.

Do you really need to include spoilers in your posts? At least wait till tomorrow night if you must.

As far as the rest of your posts this is a science fiction movie. As such it requires that you suspend your beliefs in reality and let your imagination go. Obviously you didn't. My only problem with the movie was it was a bit slow in parts. But then again so did alien.

I give it an 8.5/10 worth a ticket

About the spoilers, I was intentionally vague. It is a prequel to aliens, and if you don't get that bad shit is going to happen then you missed many of the trailers. There is a difference between suspending belief when dealing with science fiction and not having character motivations right. Your characters should maintain their motivation unless they are alien/robot or under some form of mind control. If you are going to have me suspend my belief because everything is so foreign do not drag christianity into it to try and make the characters more real. Still there comes a certain point where you RUN! That happened in all of the other alien movies, and that was really what made the movies was the escape.

My big problem with the movie is not that it sucked. i can deal with a sucky campy movie. My real problem with this is that there is just enough of almost goopd to show you what the movie could have been had the suck not been there. beneath all the un needed bullshit it does do a great job of setting up Alien. There are parts where it does a great job of show rather than tell which makes it frustrating when they use exposition to tell important plot points that could have been shown and discovered. It is not like Scott is not capable of doing that. It has some good twists which it blatantly exposes early on. It does not develop important points about the female lead that would make her far more defined and explain a few things better, but they focus on pointless crap in her life that doesn't enhance anything.

It shows you just enough of how great a movie it could have been and then buries it in crap. The only reason i did not ask for my money back was it did play into the alien universe and set things up like it was supposed to. I could see the better movie. I watched alien resurrection without this problem. It was dumb, it was campy, it was really fucking stupid, and there was no good movie underneath so I could just say it was stupid and go on with life. This one i could see a really great movie underneath all the crap. That is what pisses me off. It was not expectation or whatever, there was a legitimately good movie burried under a whole lot of shit which ruined it.
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I just got back, worth the price.

the restaurant after was where the real horror show was...my god, does no on know how to manage people any more? For Fu** sakes......BJ's ought to pack it in.

oh one questions, tenuous spolier alert -

the alien at the begging who drinks the serum whatever it was, was he committing suicide? Attempting to get his toxic remains into the water supply ...what?

Except for the Squid-Hero.

Old White Rich guy is the BAD GUY along with his blonde robot and Charliz Theron, who never was nekkid.

Heroine gave herself an abortion

Black Earth ship Captain Obama went down with the ship saving Earth. He was flanked by the prerequisite minority group actors: Asian and Hispanic.

Alien Bad Guy was a Giant White Skin Head.

Typical Hollywood Politically Spun Crap.
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oh one questions, tenuous spolier alert -

the alien at the begging who drinks the serum whatever it was, was he committing suicide? Attempting to get his toxic remains into the water supply ...what?

Was it even the same planet?
When the humans landed, there was no waterfalls, instead a desert planet.
Maybe the serum was something to destroy life on the planet (beginning with the water).

When he drinks that "serum" in the sky is also a ship, or not?
oh one questions, tenuous spolier alert -

the alien at the begging who drinks the serum whatever it was, was he committing suicide? Attempting to get his toxic remains into the water supply ...what?

Was it even the same planet?
When the humans landed, there was no waterfalls, instead a desert planet.
Maybe the serum was something to destroy life on the planet (beginning with the water).

When he drinks that "serum" in the sky is also a ship, or not?

The plot was retarded.

The only point was to show a Black Leader who died to save the planet from an Evil Old White Guy.
The only reference to god or religion that I noticed was the doctors necklace. And its role was only a couple minutes long. I think someone had something on their brain before they saw the movie.

Did you go to the bathroom during every conversation with the doctor and the one wearing the cross? The whole purpose of them going there was to find their creator despite the fact the main characters all wanted to believe in god except the blonde captain. I knew there was trouble when the female scientist was in cryosleep talking to her father about death and all the religious nature of that pointless scene. Did you miss the 7 or 8 references to christ in that whole scene, or were you in the bathroom again? Then the female doctor always wanting to believe in jesus no matter how much they were showing jesus had no presence on earth. There was the whole basis of intelligent design which was the whole purpose of the opening scene and the idea that these being supposedly put the human race where they were. Oh, and then there is the best suck you out of the movie and into pointless life drama when her boyfriend makes the crack about only needing a couple of brain cells to make life, and then she goes into her pointless crying jag implying she was barren which did not add anything at all to the movie and was the first time reproduction was even mentioned. In all honesty considering what happened that scene might have actually been valuable towards enhancing her character had they actually done something more on development of that aspect of her character.

There is a lot of religious bullshit in this movie, and Alien is not religious. If they wanted to do some sort of Contact type of philisophical commentary on god and science it was not the right movie. That might have been a good movie on it's own, but it is not alien, and I am quite sure the company does not give a fuck about God or even the alien races that supposedly spawned humans. They wanted a weapon from an advanced civilization. They actually may have tried to make a statement about the lust for power that keeps the human race down, but they kept on dropping it to go back to blind faith.

Look, tererun. We get that you are a liberal atheist and don't like to hear reference to God. Tough Shit! It's a MOVIE that is not about you. Please go away.
The only reference to god or religion that I noticed was the doctors necklace. And its role was only a couple minutes long. I think someone had something on their brain before they saw the movie.

Did you go to the bathroom during every conversation with the doctor and the one wearing the cross? The whole purpose of them going there was to find their creator despite the fact the main characters all wanted to believe in god except the blonde captain. I knew there was trouble when the female scientist was in cryosleep talking to her father about death and all the religious nature of that pointless scene. Did you miss the 7 or 8 references to christ in that whole scene, or were you in the bathroom again? Then the female doctor always wanting to believe in jesus no matter how much they were showing jesus had no presence on earth. There was the whole basis of intelligent design which was the whole purpose of the opening scene and the idea that these being supposedly put the human race where they were. Oh, and then there is the best suck you out of the movie and into pointless life drama when her boyfriend makes the crack about only needing a couple of brain cells to make life, and then she goes into her pointless crying jag implying she was barren which did not add anything at all to the movie and was the first time reproduction was even mentioned. In all honesty considering what happened that scene might have actually been valuable towards enhancing her character had they actually done something more on development of that aspect of her character.

There is a lot of religious bullshit in this movie, and Alien is not religious. If they wanted to do some sort of Contact type of philisophical commentary on god and science it was not the right movie. That might have been a good movie on it's own, but it is not alien, and I am quite sure the company does not give a fuck about God or even the alien races that supposedly spawned humans. They wanted a weapon from an advanced civilization. They actually may have tried to make a statement about the lust for power that keeps the human race down, but they kept on dropping it to go back to blind faith.

Look, tererun. We get that you are a liberal atheist and don't like to hear reference to God. Tough Shit! It's a MOVIE that is not about you. Please go away.

The point of her wearing a cross was to show the audience that even Christians get abortions.

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