GME and AMC up BIG TIME TODAY - Roaring Kitty has returned to Twitter

Here is a great explanation of the market today....

What the problem is going to be is that it can cause a cascade failure.
Because the SEC has been so corrupt and inept for so long....we are really in trouble. The USA'S strength is actually a weakness.
It's about to get crazy soon.
To be exact, I paid $48 per share for GameStop. It was worth as much as 78 now it’s at about 68. It’s going crazy.

Paid about $9.20 for AMC stock and that’s also above 11 $

Both stocks are moving like wildfire… i’ve never experienced something like this pretty fun stock is moving very fast
I hope you got out. I held AMC on Monday, made money and got out. Bought it back Tuesday, held it for 1/2 hour, got out. Profits.
I did lose on GME however, but overall, UP money on these Roaring Kitty stocks. No trades today, just watching.
Both are tanking today - lol
Probably just for today.
AMC just watered down their stock and GME is expected to do something similar too....
GME is at 500% float already. Whatever they do it will be ineffectual. The stocks are going back up...this is a buying opportunity not a panic and lose money opportunity.

That's real shares...not loaned ones.
The loaned ones total is at 500% on options trading....meaning that if anyone exercises their options the issuer of the option is on the hook for the shares that don't exist. Making the price insanity level due to supply vx demand. Not because of business fundamentals.

Now where the analysts are saying it's dumb money chasing after these shares and options....they aren't dumb enough to know that 2 million can't be split 10 million ways without the price skyrocketing.
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I hope you got out. I held AMC on Monday, made money and got out. Bought it back Tuesday, held it for 1/2 hour, got out. Profits.
I did lose on GME however, but overall, UP money on these Roaring Kitty stocks. No trades today, just watching.
I got out of GME

But I took a loss. I could’ve had a nice healthy profit if I would’ve sold a Highpoint around 7:10 AM yesterday. But that’s how it goes. My other stocks are performing though so it’s all good.

Does anyone believe that game stop will recover go to over $100 a share?
"After hours" trades are a problem. "Normal" people, like us, aren't allowed to play after the bell rings at the end of the trading day, unlike the "special" people. To me and many others, that is wrong and shouldn't be allowed to happen. The after hours trades can make or break a stock/company and that is part of what you see going on right now with the "meme" stocks. Look at where the stocks were at the time the bell rang (HOLO, GME, AMC) and then look at where it is when the market opens this morning. I haven't checked GME and AMC yet, but I do know that HOLO took a dive. That drop did not happen because of people like me, but instead it is because of a particular group trying to tank that company for their own benefit. I invested in it a couple months ago when I saw what was going on and will continue to "hold" and invest more.

The group on Reddit, Superstonk, that I'm part of, now owns approx 25% of GME.
Yes, this is a good point. And when I say after hours, Charles Schwab, for example, allows people to purchase and sell stocks after hours from 4 PM till 8 PM and then again starting at 7 AM. But it’s that window from 8 PM until 7 AM that the so-called special people could take advantage of. And that is clearly an Imbalance and it doesn’t make any sense that that’s allowed to happen.

That's real shares...not loaned ones.
The loaned ones total is at 500% on options trading....meaning that if anyone exercises their options the issuer of the option is on the hook for the shares that don't exist. Making the price insanity level due to supply vx demand. Not because of business fundamentals.

Now where the analysts are saying it's dumb money chasing after these shares and options....they aren't dumb enough to know that 2 million can't be split 10 million ways without the price skyrocketing.

So in short, you believe that game stock will go back up in price. what is the ceiling and how long will it take for a substantial profit to be seen from its current point?

I understand your analysis, but isn’t it also true that there’s no guarantees meaning that there’s no guarantee that the stock price will go up even based on the facts you bring to the table. Perhaps you’re saying that there is a high likelihood that the stock price will go up?
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So in short, you believe that game stock will go back up in price. what is the ceiling and how long will it take for a substantial profit to be seen from its current point?
The play is in the options....and exercising those options while others hold the stock and hedge funds scramble to find any available. Paying any price to honor the option or be out of business.
The Stock is going to be highly volatile again. And getting a buy or sell order executed is going to require a lot of luck. Trading was halted 38 times today alone.

The only way in or out with the stock is by purchasing a basket of stocks by contract with GME as one of them in the basket. This is "off book" trading...and how real certificates move between brokerages and seats on the exchange.

At a guess....GME to $400 again for brief moments (set up automated buy/sale orders and dollar cost averaging)

With 500% of actual float available in call/put options....and the entire float traded on a daily basis....that's gonna make this really soar....I seen one prediction for $1k/shr. Not completely unreasonable considering what happened last time and how many "dumb money" people put $$$ in their pockets while Cramer was screaming about how they were all going to lose money....when in reality it was Cramer himself that was losing money.

This cycle of it being repeated again? Even more people are going to play this....volatility higher....interest rates are going to be higher so naked shorts even more expensive than ever before....

Hint to hedge funds: Take the loss already. That bad debt is not going to fix itself.
The play is in the options....and exercising those options while others hold the stock and hedge funds scramble to find any available. Paying any price to honor the option or be out of business.
The Stock is going to be highly volatile again. And getting a buy or sell order executed is going to require a lot of luck. Trading was halted 38 times today alone.

The only way in or out with the stock is by purchasing a basket of stocks by contract with GME as one of them in the basket. This is "off book" trading...and how real certificates move between brokerages and seats on the exchange.

At a guess....GME to $400 again for brief moments (set up automated buy/sale orders and dollar cost averaging)

With 500% of actual float available in call/put options....and the entire float traded on a daily basis....that's gonna make this really soar....I seen one prediction for $1k/shr. Not completely unreasonable considering what happened last time and how many "dumb money" people put $$$ in their pockets while Cramer was screaming about how they were all going to lose money....when in reality it was Cramer himself that was losing money.

This cycle of it being repeated again? Even more people are going to play this....volatility higher....interest rates are going to be higher so naked shorts even more expensive than ever before....

Hint to hedge funds: Take the loss already. That bad debt is not going to fix itself.
A lot of the stock lingo you use is something that I am not aware of or understand. So I’ve got a lot of work to do there.

But let me just say that what if somebody purchases GameStop stock and sets a limit sale if that term is correct… meaning that they put in a number where if the stock reaches a certain price it automatically triggers as a sale. Is that a good idea for a potential investment in GameStop?
"After hours" trades are a problem. "Normal" people, like us, aren't allowed to play after the bell rings at the end of the trading day, unlike the "special" people. To me and many others, that is wrong and shouldn't be allowed to happen. The after hours trades can make or break a stock/company and that is part of what you see going on right now with the "meme" stocks. Look at where the stocks were at the time the bell rang (HOLO, GME, AMC) and then look at where it is when the market opens this morning. I haven't checked GME and AMC yet, but I do know that HOLO took a dive. That drop did not happen because of people like me, but instead it is because of a particular group trying to tank that company for their own benefit. I invested in it a couple months ago when I saw what was going on and will continue to "hold" and invest more.

The group on Reddit, Superstonk, that I'm part of, now owns approx 25% of GME.
Ayep, figgured something like that was going on.

A lot of the stock lingo you use is something that I am not aware of or understand. So I’ve got a lot of work to do there.

But let me just say that what if somebody purchases GameStop stock and sets a limit sale if that term is correct… meaning that they put in a number where if the stock reaches a certain price it automatically triggers as a sale. Is that a good idea for a potential investment in GameStop?
Yes. If you bought it low, that is.
A lot of the stock lingo you use is something that I am not aware of or understand. So I’ve got a lot of work to do there.

But let me just say that what if somebody purchases GameStop stock and sets a limit sale if that term is correct… meaning that they put in a number where if the stock reaches a certain price it automatically triggers as a sale. Is that a good idea for a potential investment in GameStop?
Buy orders for what price you want to buy the stock at. (Usually at a couple cents higher than market price is the execution)
Sell orders when you make the money you desire off the stock. (And again it will execute at a few cents lower than market predict the high and place a sell order for a few cents/dollar per share less)

The brokerages get you every time with this stuff.

Stop losses are not engaged with this crap shoot. Meaning if you buy and the price falls 8% you don't get a stop loss and ride it down until you manually sell it.
But the stock price fluctuates 45% in a day with this sort of stock.

Options. Call options are a contract to purchase shares at a specific price depending upon current market price and minus fees.

Put options are similar to call options except now it's to sell at a specific price. (Short selling a stock).

See :
A lot of the stock lingo you use is something that I am not aware of or understand. So I’ve got a lot of work to do there.

But let me just say that what if somebody purchases GameStop stock and sets a limit sale if that term is correct… meaning that they put in a number where if the stock reaches a certain price it automatically triggers as a sale. Is that a good idea for a potential investment in GameStop?

Of you are somehow playing this stock...

Do yourself a favor and only use money you were going to piss away at the casino anyway. Because this stock is not for most people with limited experience. It's extremely volatile and has very short windows of getting in or out. It was stopped 38 times during a 6 hour trading day. That should be a clue.

Because fear and greed will eat you alive.

Met more than one guy who lost his entire retirement portfolio in the market.

Pigs want free stock advice but Hogs get slaughtered.
Of you are somehow playing this stock...

Do yourself a favor and only use money you were going to piss away at the casino anyway. Because this stock is not for most people with limited experience. It's extremely volatile and has very short windows of getting in or out. It was stopped 38 times during a 6 hour trading day. That should be a clue.

Because fear and greed will eat you alive.

Met more than one guy who lost his entire retirement portfolio in the market.

Pigs want free stock advice but Hogs get slaughtered.
I only invest what I can afford. And I don’t really play casino games. I do play poker and I have a very healthy profit in the past four years. Poker is a game of skill. Unlike say a slot machine or roulette.

You’re making a great point fear of missing out is a real thing and it can eat people alive.

I don’t know if I will go back into GameStop. I paid about 16,000 into the game stop stock and AMC completely ready to lose it all. In other words I again only do what I can afford.

I was staring at my phone yesterday yesterday morning realizing I was up nine or $10,000. But in my mind I felt that the number would go even higher. And in the end of it all I ended up losing maybe 2000. And as somebody who is not experienced in this type of stock buying and selling, I ended up selling and taking a small loss. Now time will tell if that was a mistake and we will see if GameStop and AMC can recover.

I may invest another 2000 or so in the game stop stock and put a stop sell on it. I won’t be investing 10,000 or so into it because I don’t feel like having to look at my phone more and things like that.
Of you are somehow playing this stock...

Do yourself a favor and only use money you were going to piss away at the casino anyway. Because this stock is not for most people with limited experience. It's extremely volatile and has very short windows of getting in or out. It was stopped 38 times during a 6 hour trading day. That should be a clue.

Because fear and greed will eat you alive.

Met more than one guy who lost his entire retirement portfolio in the market.

Pigs want free stock advice but Hogs get slaughtered.
Great post. Money can be made in this stuff, but you MUST be willing to take modest profits and be willing to exit quickly, hold it a half hour if need be. When you get your profit - OUT. Same thing with SMCI last month. Play the volatility, but yes, PIGS GET SLAUGHTERED.
I only invest what I can afford. And I don’t really play casino games. I do play poker and I have a very healthy profit in the past four years. Poker is a game of skill. Unlike say a slot machine or roulette.

You’re making a great point fear of missing out is a real thing and it can eat people alive.

I don’t know if I will go back into GameStop. I paid about 16,000 into the game stop stock and AMC completely ready to lose it all. In other words I again only do what I can afford.

I was staring at my phone yesterday yesterday morning realizing I was up nine or $10,000. But in my mind I felt that the number would go even higher. And in the end of it all I ended up losing maybe 2000. And as somebody who is not experienced in this type of stock buying and selling, I ended up selling and taking a small loss. Now time will tell if that was a mistake and we will see if GameStop and AMC can recover.

I may invest another 2000 or so in the game stop stock and put a stop sell on it. I won’t be investing 10,000 or so into it because I don’t feel like having to look at my phone more and things like that.
In poker you play the players and have a great understanding of the odds based upon the cards you can see and the tells of the other players.
So it becomes about skill instead of luck.

This is no different except that you payed a price to learn poker...this game has an ability to become a skill...but this really is not the right stock to begin learning on. Something like Tesla has plenty of movement in small enough increments that a person could make 10-15% per week off of a thousand dollars and possibly make enough to make a mortgage payment with proceeds.

Then after cutting your teeth on Tesla and you consistently understand what works and what doesn't...then use a pretend program that uses real time data but fake money...and see what happens to you.

Ameritrade has a program like for the asking and download. There are others.
Learn before playing.
In poker you play the players and have a great understanding of the odds based upon the cards you can see and the tells of the other players.
So it becomes about skill instead of luck.

This is no different except that you payed a price to learn poker...this game has an ability to become a skill...but this really is not the right stock to begin learning on. Something like Tesla has plenty of movement in small enough increments that a person could make 10-15% per week off of a thousand dollars and possibly make enough to make a mortgage payment with proceeds.

Then after cutting your teeth on Tesla and you consistently understand what works and what doesn't...then use a pretend program that uses real time data but fake money...and see what happens to you.

Ameritrade has a program like for the asking and download. There are others.
Learn before playing.
Ameritrade? Are you sure? Pretty sure they got bought out by Schwab.

That was in 2019, brah.

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