Found One! Still need more cases to prove Tea Party is 28% fruitcake


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District gusiana-movie-theater-shooting-suspect-134806223.html


My friend should be pleased at this news, who made that bet with me that the Tea Party is 70% Klan, 28% fruitcake and 2% real Constitutionalists.

We may not agree what % Victoria Jackson qualifies as a fruitcake or a real Constitutionalist Patriot.

But this guy was clearly imbalanced and a self-described member of the Tea Party Nation.
So I will chalk one up for either the Klan % or the Fruitcake % of the bet.

Had he received proper counseling to get back on track, I'd say some % of him
was sincere Constitutionalist that could have been kept on track and in line, but since he didn't get the right help, he went way overboard and became the dangerous deadly kind of mental case with criminal illness issues.

My respect and support goes out to all the people affected by this shooting
that COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED, especially with this guy who had the ability to communicate
his views and could have worked things out with his therapy if he had the right counselors.

I know a pastor in Houston who specializes in counseling and therapy for "apocalyptic" type people
and believe with the right support, this violence can be totally diverted. He had a better chance
than that messed up kid in Charleston that needed more specialized help and detainment to stay safe.

This man was workable with, but now 3 people are dead and many more injured and traumatized
because he didn't get help but was allowed to run free, left to his own devices.

I will tell my friend that there is one case in the news that fits his profile.
And use this to lobby for reporting dangerous people to get REAL help with spiritual and political counseling
and not run free as a risk to public safety.

This can totally be prevented. This man was workable with, but now it's too late.
We need programs where people can turn to get help, so I will talk with my minister friend
and set that up as soon as possible. This is a tragedy and travesty all around, and the
saddest thing is that it can totally be prevented. There are specialized counselors who
have worked with worse cases of violent sick people, and turned them completely around,
so this man should have been reported or referred to get that kind of help. And 3 people might
be alive right now who died in this senseless shooting. My prayers to the victims, families and communities.

May we all pull together and collaborate on more effective solutions and prevention to end political violence,
mental and criminal illness which can be diagnosed and treated early instead of escalating to deadly disaster.
"The Hatewatch Blog, which is run by the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, uncovered that Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.
"Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, “Hitler accomplished far more than any other through ‘pragmatically forming.’”
John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News

Now, just how do they know he was the person on USMB?
especially with this guy who had the ability to communicate

Posting inflammatory BS is not the "ability to communicate", Emily.

Communication implies an exchange of ideas.

This whackjob wasn't interested in learning about anything that didn't fit into his own personal perverted extremist rightwing bubbleverse.

Just like so many of his ilk in this forum.

Obviously something set him off and it is possible that his inability to communicate with others might have played a role but that is pure speculation.

People who can communicate have a means to vent their frustrations. None of the 14 posts he made in this forum were attempts at communication IMO.
"The Hatewatch Blog, which is run by the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, uncovered that Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.
"Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, “Hitler accomplished far more than any other through ‘pragmatically forming.’”
John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News

Now, just how do they know he was the person on USMB?

Because if you use the search feature you will find his member profile.

Rusty Houser US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"The Hatewatch Blog, which is run by the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, uncovered that Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.
"Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, “Hitler accomplished far more than any other through ‘pragmatically forming.’”
John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News

Now, just how do they know he was the person on USMB?

Because if you use the search feature you will find his member profile.

Rusty Houser US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Very interesting… He was a moron in many ways.
"The Hatewatch Blog, which is run by the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, uncovered that Houser posted about his fondness for Hitler, neo-Nazis and lone wolves on several online forums.
"Elsewhere, on the U.S. Message Board, a political discussion forum, he wrote, “Hitler accomplished far more than any other through ‘pragmatically forming.’”
John Russel Houser What we know about Louisiana movie theater shooting suspect - Yahoo News

Now, just how do they know he was the person on USMB?

Because if you use the search feature you will find his member profile.

Rusty Houser US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, the article cites his post as
Rusty Houser US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Derideo_Te I was referring to his participation on the radio talk show.
That's even more telling if he was posting here.
Definitely reachable if he was using both free speech and press.

The same way people can be prevented from killing themselves,
by stabilizing the connection with others to enforce a lifeline,
anyone can be reached and helped.

There are worse people going around destroying themselves and others
who have been able to turn around by forging a connection,
then using that to clear out the garbage causing them to go overboard.

The Alternatives to Violence Project in prisons has turned
homicidal killers into compassionate volunteers who give the rest of their lives
to help others turn around through the same all - volunteer program.
Totally changing how they see the world and interact with others as one humanity.

How do we know these people cannot be helped if we don't try.

The only people we fail with are the ones we cannot reach at all.
If they totally cut everyone off, there isn't much you can do.
Sometimes prayers will still reach someone choosing to cut everyone off.

But as long as people are trying to say something or make contact or send a message,
that is something to go on. Even the very sick man in Ohio who kidnapped and raped
those women over many years and held their children captive also, wrote out a note
saying he knew he needed help.

The human conscience wants to be free, and solving the problems is the only way out.
All these shortcuts are out of desperation for not seeing any viable steps soon enough.
People want things to change so badly, they will use violence to push for attention and protest.

So if we focus on solving problems directly, there isn't that displaced aggression projected elsewhere.
All the energy can be redirected toward better solutions, but we all have to pull together to make that happen.

After reading about this guy, my friend who made that bet
will probably say he fits the category for Klan/Racist as well as for the Fruitcake.

Again, I have a minister friend who can talk with the antigovt/armageddonist types like David Koresh
and his followers, and get them on the same page instead of rejection that sends them off the deep end!

There is a way to handle these cases where you don't set them off like a grenade.

For the truly unreachable sick and dangerous types, that's where I would
definitely refer the teams doing spiritual healing that can address whole gangs or cults that are
too dangerous to confront individually. There are ways to deal with those also,
but I would defer that to the hardcore healers who can work with ex gangs and dangerous criminals and turn them around.

It can be done, but I don't specialize in that.

I work with the types who are at least willing to communicate
and work out political solutions.

If people can't cope with that, well, we need to prepare ourselves for this level of work, anyway.
Because that's what is required to fix these problems civilly.

If we don't work out our conflicts head on, then the people who lose faith that anything is being done, and get impatient
like the shooter who wanted to start a race war, will continue to "troll" for responses hoping to incite change that way.

All I can say is I'd rather people troll and invite response using WORDS and sharing ideas VERBALLY,
even if they are preaching one way to start with,
instead of sending a message using bullets or physical violence that isn't so easy to work with and fix after damage is done.
Verbal bullying and abuse can at least be addressed for the purpose correction and prevention
in the future, while the anger and sickness is still expressed in that format before it escalates physically.

So I'd much rather intervene on the level of Verbal warfare and start addressing issues there.
The fact that this man was speaking out on radio and online, that is something that can be worked with
rather than someone who cuts themselves off completely so there is no way you can respond in advance.

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