Flipping Luxury Watches

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
LUXURY WATCH FLIPPING: A Day in the Life of a Real Watch Flipper - What it is, How it Works, and how to Do it Ethically and Realize a Profit

A request has been made of me to explain luxury watch flipping to the laymen out there. I am a professional watch flipper on the East Coast of some notoriety. I operate as a middleman between retail AD and gray. Please note that I was asked to do this in the “day-in-the-life” format. Therefore, some elements of my personal life will be disclosed.


Now, on to my day. I hope you enjoy the read and acquire a little wisdom to boot!

I was stretched out relaxing, in a nice post-coitus glow, as my bed mate busily braided my pubic hair. He is a young dandy immigrant from Thailand I met at the airport. I decided to take him into my employ as a housekeeper. I still am not quite sure of his name. But he is nubile and loyal. He has strict instructions to clean my private area of debris immediately after any sort of tryst in which I engage. Then he developed this oh so odd habit of braiding my hair down there. Frankly, I think it makes his job more difficult. But what do I know? I am not Asian. LOL!

Anyway, let’s move forward and get to the point of this story, shall we? After I managed to pry my housekeeper off my loins, I put him up in his box and started getting on with my day. See, this was merely my morning encounter; perhaps the first of many for the day.

The first thing I did was to initiate my self-cleaning regime. After such an encounter I must first wash my hands with soap and hot water exactly 4 times in order to remove the sin from my skin. Being that this is the pre-shower phase of my morning, I was still wearing my nighttime watch, a gorgeous IWC diver I picked up on a skin cruise in the Caribbean back in the spring.

I am very careful to remove my timepiece PRIOR to washing my hands. It is not the water I fear, for I thoroughly trust the exquisite horological mastery that comes with Swiss watchmaking. Rather, it is the relatively radical movement with my wrists and hands that I fear. What I mean is that while there is nothing unusual with hand washing, the rapid back and forth, up and down, motions associated with this procedure (necessitated by it, even), is more stress than I am comfortable voluntarily subjecting the delicate mechanical movement to. Now obviously this will not itself damage the movement or cause excessive wear hastening a servicing. But, over time as you wash your hands during the course of my regimented 27 incremental daily washings, at 4 consecutive washings each, the accrued abnormal movement over, say, one year will become a factor in both timekeeping precision and wear. Therefore, I find that the best practice is to remove my watch prior to each hand cleaning.

Thereafter, I shower, preen, and primp. It usually takes me 2 hours minimum to complete both this and getting dressed for the day. Some days it may take longer depending on whether I need my Thai housekeeper to administer an enema to me (twice weekly minimum for wellness).

Once ready for the day I leave my home, usually by 10:30 am. The first order of business is to have my chauffeur deliver me to my favorite cafe where I shall sip espresso for an hour as I peruse the latest news of the day (Hodinkee, WatchSeeker, Chrono24, etc…). By the time I am finished, the French pastry chef, Frédérique, usually goes on break and joins me at my table for a chat. We have a right jaunty repartee over a variety of topics. Frédérique is married to a morbidly obese Greek lass with 2 young children. But little do they know that he doubles as a trans lady nightclub singer at a seedy little dive bar on the south side of town called “The Busted Cherry”. But I digress.

After coffee I visit my favorite cigar lounge, called “Suck on This!”. I love the Uber-masculine ambiance there!! I usually suck on a large Cuban for an hour or so as I sip Cabernet and gossip with the “kept” men who are passing time as their wealthy significant others are toiling away in the salt mines. We all wear very nice and very expensive watches on our wrists (and other places…wink,wink!). We like to take group wrist shots and post them to the internet to memorialize our taste and sophistication.

Now, let me be clear here. Most of these men at the cigar lounge are heterosexual men. But it rarely takes much coaxing to have them produce their cocks. In fact, for a time we practiced “Dicks Out Monday” at the lounge where we all were required to have our member out and on full display as we smoked cigars. As luck would have it, eventually someone would get hard, then one thing would lead to another and … But Hans, the owner, was forced to put a stop to this after a Bible thumper wandered in one day for a cigar and found us all in mid-coitus engaging in an orgy. Hans had to pay a large fine imposed by the city for “indecent conduct” and a whole lot of other trumped up charges. So now we have to keep our cocks holstered when on the premises. Of course, this does not mean that we cannot explore our prurient interests together. We just have to take it off the premises. There’s a men’s room in the Arby’s next door that has seen a LOT of action!

By now it’s at least 2:00 pm and I am ready to go to work. This is where the rubber hits the dick, my friends! I have several ADs of several luxury watch brands I work with throughout the city. They know I am a flipper. But they do not care. I provide kickbacks and sexual favors, not to mention my extortion racket. I have all of the ADs and their staffs under my thumb. Get out of line with me and maybe the Handy-Js stop happening. Or maybe your wife anonymously receives a photograph with my dick in your mouth. Plus, most of the sales reps cannot make ends meet without the 10% kickbacks I give them. The managers like this because it means they do not need to pay the sales reps as much to keep them there. See, it all works out for everybody. Nobody is hurt. Rolex and others get a steady stream of distribution of product, then we all get a cut.

In order to perpetuate this system there must be a gray market accommodating prices way above retail. In order to have this opportunity the ADs keep up their bullshit about limited supply. They put you on a non-existent waitlist and then forget about you. They treat prospective purchasers like shit to encourage them to go gray and pay more.

Let’s be clear here. Each individual luxury watch AD is usually an independently owned company. There are some self-dealing corporate stores out there, but most product is distributed through independently owned ADs. Now, Rolex does not just given them inventory to sell. Nope! The brand or a third party financier provide floor plan financing, like what is used by a car lot taking cars from the manufacturer. The Brand gets paid by the AD for the product upon sale, plus interest. The AD nets the retail price, minus the cost of product (paid to the manufacturer) and overhead.

In reality, the AD makes relatively very little off each sale. In order to maintain distribution, the brand sometimes has to offer rebates and other bell-and-whistle incentives to the retailer. Yes, the AD nets a decent amount. But just how many watches do they have to sell in order to pay rent and keep their lights on? A lot! These ADs are not located in the hood. They are in high-rent districts. It’s a business and they have to make ends meet.

I suspect that the brands know full well what is going on, and APPROVE of it. The floor plan financing assures they get paid. In order to maintain distribution they allow the ADs to profit a little by forcing customers into the gray market so they can get the additional revenue from the kickback. If you have ever run a business then you know how tight budgets can be. These kickbacks keep many ADs liquid.

My job as a “flipper” is to facilitate. I am one of the middlemen. I supply the gray market. I take product out of a low-price market and put it into a higher price market, which generates more money off the same product. I net money, and I take care of those who take care of me.

Let’s be clear here. There are unscrupulous individuals out there who practice Enhanced Market Facilitation (which I prefer to “Flipper”) in secret. They buy retail from the Ad, sell high on the gray market, then pocket the net proceeds. This is tantamount to theft and it hurts the entire system. They fuck the AD. I, instead, take care of my ADs and they help me with product supply.

Have you ever waited a year for a particular Rolex? Two years? Three years? Then when you finally get the call it is only to offer you a completely different watch that the one you are waiting for? Yes, there are VIPs out there who get priority over you. There are also the AD approved flippers, like myself, who get priority over you. You are essentially a nobody to them. I, on the other hand, will pay them full retail PLUS an additional 10% on the flip. Of course folks in this racket get priority over you. Selling to you is a LOSS for the AD. They are in business to net a profit, not to satisfy some schmucky trust fund kid. LOL!

So that is, in a nutshell, how my day goes. I usually get home around 9:00 pm, unless I am out schmoozing an AD or sales rep (in which case I may be gone all night). On a normal evening after work I arrive home, have a stiff toddy and receive my nightly hummer from my Thai servant. My groundskeeper lets him out of his box at 5:00pm everyday to feed him and let him go outside to do his peeps and poops. My maid, Helga, then gets him bathed so that he is immaculate when I arrive home.

At this point I know you have something on your mind, to wit: How much do I earn? Well, I like to play it close to the vest on matters of money. Let’s just say that I’m comfortable. I will add that I do indulge my desires from time to time. For example, if I have a particularly good month I may splurge on the “Geraldo Experience”. This is where I pay a handsome sum to a gorgeous man named “Geraldo” to inject cocaine into my penis and then stomp on my nuts with his booted size 12 foot.

So that is it. I hope you learned something about this business. More importantly, I hope I have dispelled some of the myths. It’s nothing personal to you when the AD never returns your phone calls and sells your desired piece out from under you. The truth is that the AD legitimately does not give s shit about you and what you want. I hope this heals any egos out there that have been wounded by an AD. Finally, please do not flip lux watches unless you take care of your AD. Not only is it the morally right thing to do, it will pay dividends to you in the future!! Okay, ciao!

Tl;dr: I get my willie waxed then flip watches. Ok, ciao!
LUXURY WATCH FLIPPING: A Day in the Life of a Real Watch Flipper - What it is, How it Works, and how to Do it Ethically and Realize a Profit

A request has been made of me to explain luxury watch flipping to the laymen out there. I am a professional watch flipper on the East Coast of some notoriety. I operate as a middleman between retail AD and gray. Please note that I was asked to do this in the “day-in-the-life” format. Therefore, some elements of my personal life will be disclosed.


Now, on to my day. I hope you enjoy the read and acquire a little wisdom to boot!

I was stretched out relaxing, in a nice post-coitus glow, as my bed mate busily braided my pubic hair. He is a young dandy immigrant from Thailand I met at the airport. I decided to take him into my employ as a housekeeper. I still am not quite sure of his name. But he is nubile and loyal. He has strict instructions to clean my private area of debris immediately after any sort of tryst in which I engage. Then he developed this oh so odd habit of braiding my hair down there. Frankly, I think it makes his job more difficult. But what do I know? I am not Asian. LOL!

Anyway, let’s move forward and get to the point of this story, shall we? After I managed to pry my housekeeper off my loins, I put him up in his box and started getting on with my day. See, this was merely my morning encounter; perhaps the first of many for the day.

The first thing I did was to initiate my self-cleaning regime. After such an encounter I must first wash my hands with soap and hot water exactly 4 times in order to remove the sin from my skin. Being that this is the pre-shower phase of my morning, I was still wearing my nighttime watch, a gorgeous IWC diver I picked up on a skin cruise in the Caribbean back in the spring.

I am very careful to remove my timepiece PRIOR to washing my hands. It is not the water I fear, for I thoroughly trust the exquisite horological mastery that comes with Swiss watchmaking. Rather, it is the relatively radical movement with my wrists and hands that I fear. What I mean is that while there is nothing unusual with hand washing, the rapid back and forth, up and down, motions associated with this procedure (necessitated by it, even), is more stress than I am comfortable voluntarily subjecting the delicate mechanical movement to. Now obviously this will not itself damage the movement or cause excessive wear hastening a servicing. But, over time as you wash your hands during the course of my regimented 27 incremental daily washings, at 4 consecutive washings each, the accrued abnormal movement over, say, one year will become a factor in both timekeeping precision and wear. Therefore, I find that the best practice is to remove my watch prior to each hand cleaning.

Thereafter, I shower, preen, and primp. It usually takes me 2 hours minimum to complete both this and getting dressed for the day. Some days it may take longer depending on whether I need my Thai housekeeper to administer an enema to me (twice weekly minimum for wellness).

Once ready for the day I leave my home, usually by 10:30 am. The first order of business is to have my chauffeur deliver me to my favorite cafe where I shall sip espresso for an hour as I peruse the latest news of the day (Hodinkee, WatchSeeker, Chrono24, etc…). By the time I am finished, the French pastry chef, Frédérique, usually goes on break and joins me at my table for a chat. We have a right jaunty repartee over a variety of topics. Frédérique is married to a morbidly obese Greek lass with 2 young children. But little do they know that he doubles as a trans lady nightclub singer at a seedy little dive bar on the south side of town called “The Busted Cherry”. But I digress.

After coffee I visit my favorite cigar lounge, called “Suck on This!”. I love the Uber-masculine ambiance there!! I usually suck on a large Cuban for an hour or so as I sip Cabernet and gossip with the “kept” men who are passing time as their wealthy significant others are toiling away in the salt mines. We all wear very nice and very expensive watches on our wrists (and other places…wink,wink!). We like to take group wrist shots and post them to the internet to memorialize our taste and sophistication.

Now, let me be clear here. Most of these men at the cigar lounge are heterosexual men. But it rarely takes much coaxing to have them produce their cocks. In fact, for a time we practiced “Dicks Out Monday” at the lounge where we all were required to have our member out and on full display as we smoked cigars. As luck would have it, eventually someone would get hard, then one thing would lead to another and … But Hans, the owner, was forced to put a stop to this after a Bible thumper wandered in one day for a cigar and found us all in mid-coitus engaging in an orgy. Hans had to pay a large fine imposed by the city for “indecent conduct” and a whole lot of other trumped up charges. So now we have to keep our cocks holstered when on the premises. Of course, this does not mean that we cannot explore our prurient interests together. We just have to take it off the premises. There’s a men’s room in the Arby’s next door that has seen a LOT of action!

By now it’s at least 2:00 pm and I am ready to go to work. This is where the rubber hits the dick, my friends! I have several ADs of several luxury watch brands I work with throughout the city. They know I am a flipper. But they do not care. I provide kickbacks and sexual favors, not to mention my extortion racket. I have all of the ADs and their staffs under my thumb. Get out of line with me and maybe the Handy-Js stop happening. Or maybe your wife anonymously receives a photograph with my dick in your mouth. Plus, most of the sales reps cannot make ends meet without the 10% kickbacks I give them. The managers like this because it means they do not need to pay the sales reps as much to keep them there. See, it all works out for everybody. Nobody is hurt. Rolex and others get a steady stream of distribution of product, then we all get a cut.

In order to perpetuate this system there must be a gray market accommodating prices way above retail. In order to have this opportunity the ADs keep up their bullshit about limited supply. They put you on a non-existent waitlist and then forget about you. They treat prospective purchasers like shit to encourage them to go gray and pay more.

Let’s be clear here. Each individual luxury watch AD is usually an independently owned company. There are some self-dealing corporate stores out there, but most product is distributed through independently owned ADs. Now, Rolex does not just given them inventory to sell. Nope! The brand or a third party financier provide floor plan financing, like what is used by a car lot taking cars from the manufacturer. The Brand gets paid by the AD for the product upon sale, plus interest. The AD nets the retail price, minus the cost of product (paid to the manufacturer) and overhead.

In reality, the AD makes relatively very little off each sale. In order to maintain distribution, the brand sometimes has to offer rebates and other bell-and-whistle incentives to the retailer. Yes, the AD nets a decent amount. But just how many watches do they have to sell in order to pay rent and keep their lights on? A lot! These ADs are not located in the hood. They are in high-rent districts. It’s a business and they have to make ends meet.

I suspect that the brands know full well what is going on, and APPROVE of it. The floor plan financing assures they get paid. In order to maintain distribution they allow the ADs to profit a little by forcing customers into the gray market so they can get the additional revenue from the kickback. If you have ever run a business then you know how tight budgets can be. These kickbacks keep many ADs liquid.

My job as a “flipper” is to facilitate. I am one of the middlemen. I supply the gray market. I take product out of a low-price market and put it into a higher price market, which generates more money off the same product. I net money, and I take care of those who take care of me.

Let’s be clear here. There are unscrupulous individuals out there who practice Enhanced Market Facilitation (which I prefer to “Flipper”) in secret. They buy retail from the Ad, sell high on the gray market, then pocket the net proceeds. This is tantamount to theft and it hurts the entire system. They fuck the AD. I, instead, take care of my ADs and they help me with product supply.

Have you ever waited a year for a particular Rolex? Two years? Three years? Then when you finally get the call it is only to offer you a completely different watch that the one you are waiting for? Yes, there are VIPs out there who get priority over you. There are also the AD approved flippers, like myself, who get priority over you. You are essentially a nobody to them. I, on the other hand, will pay them full retail PLUS an additional 10% on the flip. Of course folks in this racket get priority over you. Selling to you is a LOSS for the AD. They are in business to net a profit, not to satisfy some schmucky trust fund kid. LOL!

So that is, in a nutshell, how my day goes. I usually get home around 9:00 pm, unless I am out schmoozing an AD or sales rep (in which case I may be gone all night). On a normal evening after work I arrive home, have a stiff toddy and receive my nightly hummer from my Thai servant. My groundskeeper lets him out of his box at 5:00pm everyday to feed him and let him go outside to do his peeps and poops. My maid, Helga, then gets him bathed so that he is immaculate when I arrive home.

At this point I know you have something on your mind, to wit: How much do I earn? Well, I like to play it close to the vest on matters of money. Let’s just say that I’m comfortable. I will add that I do indulge my desires from time to time. For example, if I have a particularly good month I may splurge on the “Geraldo Experience”. This is where I pay a handsome sum to a gorgeous man named “Geraldo” to inject cocaine into my penis and then stomp on my nuts with his booted size 12 foot.

So that is it. I hope you learned something about this business. More importantly, I hope I have dispelled some of the myths. It’s nothing personal to you when the AD never returns your phone calls and sells your desired piece out from under you. The truth is that the AD legitimately does not give s shit about you and what you want. I hope this heals any egos out there that have been wounded by an AD. Finally, please do not flip lux watches unless you take care of your AD. Not only is it the morally right thing to do, it will pay dividends to you in the future!! Okay, ciao!

Tl;dr: I get my willie waxed then flip watches. Ok, ciao!
Watches: Boring or just dull?
I know all about the supposed watch flippers. Most of them spend hours talking about what everyone else knows... the same old shit.

And there is nothing wrong with a good Seiko. All upscale gold pieces are tradable.
I have a handful of vintage watches. The hardest part is finding someone to service them. I have one of the earliest Automatic Zodiac Moonphase watches made. A few Hamiltons and a couple Omega's.
LUXURY WATCH FLIPPING: A Day in the Life of a Real Watch Flipper - What it is, How it Works, and how to Do it Ethically and Realize a Profit

A request has been made of me to explain luxury watch flipping to the laymen out there. I am a professional watch flipper on the East Coast of some notoriety. I operate as a middleman between retail AD and gray. Please note that I was asked to do this in the “day-in-the-life” format. Therefore, some elements of my personal life will be disclosed.


Now, on to my day. I hope you enjoy the read and acquire a little wisdom to boot!

I was stretched out relaxing, in a nice post-coitus glow, as my bed mate busily braided my pubic hair. He is a young dandy immigrant from Thailand I met at the airport. I decided to take him into my employ as a housekeeper. I still am not quite sure of his name. But he is nubile and loyal. He has strict instructions to clean my private area of debris immediately after any sort of tryst in which I engage. Then he developed this oh so odd habit of braiding my hair down there. Frankly, I think it makes his job more difficult. But what do I know? I am not Asian. LOL!

Anyway, let’s move forward and get to the point of this story, shall we? After I managed to pry my housekeeper off my loins, I put him up in his box and started getting on with my day. See, this was merely my morning encounter; perhaps the first of many for the day.

The first thing I did was to initiate my self-cleaning regime. After such an encounter I must first wash my hands with soap and hot water exactly 4 times in order to remove the sin from my skin. Being that this is the pre-shower phase of my morning, I was still wearing my nighttime watch, a gorgeous IWC diver I picked up on a skin cruise in the Caribbean back in the spring.

I am very careful to remove my timepiece PRIOR to washing my hands. It is not the water I fear, for I thoroughly trust the exquisite horological mastery that comes with Swiss watchmaking. Rather, it is the relatively radical movement with my wrists and hands that I fear. What I mean is that while there is nothing unusual with hand washing, the rapid back and forth, up and down, motions associated with this procedure (necessitated by it, even), is more stress than I am comfortable voluntarily subjecting the delicate mechanical movement to. Now obviously this will not itself damage the movement or cause excessive wear hastening a servicing. But, over time as you wash your hands during the course of my regimented 27 incremental daily washings, at 4 consecutive washings each, the accrued abnormal movement over, say, one year will become a factor in both timekeeping precision and wear. Therefore, I find that the best practice is to remove my watch prior to each hand cleaning.

Thereafter, I shower, preen, and primp. It usually takes me 2 hours minimum to complete both this and getting dressed for the day. Some days it may take longer depending on whether I need my Thai housekeeper to administer an enema to me (twice weekly minimum for wellness).

Once ready for the day I leave my home, usually by 10:30 am. The first order of business is to have my chauffeur deliver me to my favorite cafe where I shall sip espresso for an hour as I peruse the latest news of the day (Hodinkee, WatchSeeker, Chrono24, etc…). By the time I am finished, the French pastry chef, Frédérique, usually goes on break and joins me at my table for a chat. We have a right jaunty repartee over a variety of topics. Frédérique is married to a morbidly obese Greek lass with 2 young children. But little do they know that he doubles as a trans lady nightclub singer at a seedy little dive bar on the south side of town called “The Busted Cherry”. But I digress.

After coffee I visit my favorite cigar lounge, called “Suck on This!”. I love the Uber-masculine ambiance there!! I usually suck on a large Cuban for an hour or so as I sip Cabernet and gossip with the “kept” men who are passing time as their wealthy significant others are toiling away in the salt mines. We all wear very nice and very expensive watches on our wrists (and other places…wink,wink!). We like to take group wrist shots and post them to the internet to memorialize our taste and sophistication.

Now, let me be clear here. Most of these men at the cigar lounge are heterosexual men. But it rarely takes much coaxing to have them produce their cocks. In fact, for a time we practiced “Dicks Out Monday” at the lounge where we all were required to have our member out and on full display as we smoked cigars. As luck would have it, eventually someone would get hard, then one thing would lead to another and … But Hans, the owner, was forced to put a stop to this after a Bible thumper wandered in one day for a cigar and found us all in mid-coitus engaging in an orgy. Hans had to pay a large fine imposed by the city for “indecent conduct” and a whole lot of other trumped up charges. So now we have to keep our cocks holstered when on the premises. Of course, this does not mean that we cannot explore our prurient interests together. We just have to take it off the premises. There’s a men’s room in the Arby’s next door that has seen a LOT of action!

By now it’s at least 2:00 pm and I am ready to go to work. This is where the rubber hits the dick, my friends! I have several ADs of several luxury watch brands I work with throughout the city. They know I am a flipper. But they do not care. I provide kickbacks and sexual favors, not to mention my extortion racket. I have all of the ADs and their staffs under my thumb. Get out of line with me and maybe the Handy-Js stop happening. Or maybe your wife anonymously receives a photograph with my dick in your mouth. Plus, most of the sales reps cannot make ends meet without the 10% kickbacks I give them. The managers like this because it means they do not need to pay the sales reps as much to keep them there. See, it all works out for everybody. Nobody is hurt. Rolex and others get a steady stream of distribution of product, then we all get a cut.

In order to perpetuate this system there must be a gray market accommodating prices way above retail. In order to have this opportunity the ADs keep up their bullshit about limited supply. They put you on a non-existent waitlist and then forget about you. They treat prospective purchasers like shit to encourage them to go gray and pay more.

Let’s be clear here. Each individual luxury watch AD is usually an independently owned company. There are some self-dealing corporate stores out there, but most product is distributed through independently owned ADs. Now, Rolex does not just given them inventory to sell. Nope! The brand or a third party financier provide floor plan financing, like what is used by a car lot taking cars from the manufacturer. The Brand gets paid by the AD for the product upon sale, plus interest. The AD nets the retail price, minus the cost of product (paid to the manufacturer) and overhead.

In reality, the AD makes relatively very little off each sale. In order to maintain distribution, the brand sometimes has to offer rebates and other bell-and-whistle incentives to the retailer. Yes, the AD nets a decent amount. But just how many watches do they have to sell in order to pay rent and keep their lights on? A lot! These ADs are not located in the hood. They are in high-rent districts. It’s a business and they have to make ends meet.

I suspect that the brands know full well what is going on, and APPROVE of it. The floor plan financing assures they get paid. In order to maintain distribution they allow the ADs to profit a little by forcing customers into the gray market so they can get the additional revenue from the kickback. If you have ever run a business then you know how tight budgets can be. These kickbacks keep many ADs liquid.

My job as a “flipper” is to facilitate. I am one of the middlemen. I supply the gray market. I take product out of a low-price market and put it into a higher price market, which generates more money off the same product. I net money, and I take care of those who take care of me.

Let’s be clear here. There are unscrupulous individuals out there who practice Enhanced Market Facilitation (which I prefer to “Flipper”) in secret. They buy retail from the Ad, sell high on the gray market, then pocket the net proceeds. This is tantamount to theft and it hurts the entire system. They fuck the AD. I, instead, take care of my ADs and they help me with product supply.

Have you ever waited a year for a particular Rolex? Two years? Three years? Then when you finally get the call it is only to offer you a completely different watch that the one you are waiting for? Yes, there are VIPs out there who get priority over you. There are also the AD approved flippers, like myself, who get priority over you. You are essentially a nobody to them. I, on the other hand, will pay them full retail PLUS an additional 10% on the flip. Of course folks in this racket get priority over you. Selling to you is a LOSS for the AD. They are in business to net a profit, not to satisfy some schmucky trust fund kid. LOL!

So that is, in a nutshell, how my day goes. I usually get home around 9:00 pm, unless I am out schmoozing an AD or sales rep (in which case I may be gone all night). On a normal evening after work I arrive home, have a stiff toddy and receive my nightly hummer from my Thai servant. My groundskeeper lets him out of his box at 5:00pm everyday to feed him and let him go outside to do his peeps and poops. My maid, Helga, then gets him bathed so that he is immaculate when I arrive home.

At this point I know you have something on your mind, to wit: How much do I earn? Well, I like to play it close to the vest on matters of money. Let’s just say that I’m comfortable. I will add that I do indulge my desires from time to time. For example, if I have a particularly good month I may splurge on the “Geraldo Experience”. This is where I pay a handsome sum to a gorgeous man named “Geraldo” to inject cocaine into my penis and then stomp on my nuts with his booted size 12 foot.

So that is it. I hope you learned something about this business. More importantly, I hope I have dispelled some of the myths. It’s nothing personal to you when the AD never returns your phone calls and sells your desired piece out from under you. The truth is that the AD legitimately does not give s shit about you and what you want. I hope this heals any egos out there that have been wounded by an AD. Finally, please do not flip lux watches unless you take care of your AD. Not only is it the morally right thing to do, it will pay dividends to you in the future!! Okay, ciao!

Tl;dr: I get my willie waxed then flip watches. Ok, ciao!
/---/ I couldn't get past the second paragraph of your stupid narration. You try too hard to be funny. Take some writing courses and try again.

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