Fix4 Captchas not working on Firefox Browsers


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Captchas suddenly stoped working this week on Firefox Browsers, which some say is Google trying to block it to get people to use Google's Chrome browser.
Here's the fix until it get's sorted out.
In the Firefox address bar, type: about:config
Search for: general.useragent.override (it won't be in the config files but will appear in your search to create it)
Selecting "String" and then the + button
Copy and Paste this into the field:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) AppleWebKit Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0

Click the Checkmark Blue button to save. You're done.
*Remember to delete settings after they get this fixed * Bookmark this setting so you can find it easy & delete it when this issue is fixed.
I removed the config to overide the browser agent and Captchas seemed to work again, so since there was no update to firefox to thank for this, it must have been a glitch or spite on Google's Captcha side that blocked Firefox browsers. Save this solution in case Google pulls another Microsoft fast one on yas. 😏

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