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And I do begrudge him the closed captions. Unless the guy plans on traveling with a closed-caption set-up everywhere he goes, it becomes a profoundly important issue, and one which rightly should give people pause...
A deaf Senator would have to have a signer everywhere they went, and that signer would have access to pretty highly classified information. The same would go for whoever is typing out the captions for Fetterman. I think there are just some questions that need to be addressed before blindly pushing someone into a job just because he's a democrat. We screwed up badly when we pushed a dementia-rattled senior citizen into the Oval Office just because he's a democrat, why compound the error?
A deaf Senator would have to have a signer everywhere they went, and that signer would have access to pretty highly classified information. The same would go for whoever is typing out the captions for Fetterman. I think there are just some questions that need to be addressed before blindly pushing someone into a job just because he's a democrat. We screwed up badly when we pushed a dementia-rattled senior citizen into the Oval Office just because he's a democrat, why compound the error?

A few years ago, the Mayor of St. Augustine, Florida had a stroke immediately following a city council meeting.

Knowing that she couldn't properly serve her constituents in the manner they deserved and expected, while at the same time doing what she needed to do for herself and her recovery, she resigned the next day.

For me, that's what a leader does. A leader steps aside when leading is no longer possible.

Fetterman would do well to consider that...
And those few seconds were monumental.

When Dr. Oz wins in Pennsylvania, you'll be able to look at those "couple seconds" as the reason why...
It is true that moments define debates.
A few years ago, the Mayor of St. Augustine, Florida had a stroke immediately following a city council meeting.

Knowing that she couldn't properly serve her constituents in the manner they deserved and expected, while at the same time doing what she needed to do for herself and her recovery, she resigned the next day.

For me, that's what a leader does. A leader steps aside when leading is no longer possible.

Fetterman would do well to consider that...
And whoever is pushing them is willing to sacrifice the person for the party. I blame Jill, for example, for pushing Quid Pro to stumble for the presidency (can hardly call that running, he barely left the basement).
There are varying degrees of damage that can occur after a stroke, so saying somebody else had a stroke and is just fine means nothing. Heck, I work with a guy that had a stroke and you'd never know it happened if he didn't tell you. Some strokes, OTOH, are immediately fatal, it all depends where the bleeding is in the brain and how much blood was lost. So, the question becomes, just like with Quid Pro Joe's dementia, is the damage bad enough that it will affect his ability to do the job? In Quid Pro's case, that's a resounding YES, in Fetterman's case, also yes. We do NOT need another mumbling, incoherent teleprompter reader in Washington who needs a perpetual swarm of sycophants (you know who you are) telling everyone that no, he didn't mean what he just said, this is what he really meant to say.

Fetterman should take the time to heal as much as he can heal before attempting to become a Senator in Washington that will be ignored.
If the only effect of Fetterman's stroke was that he had trouble processing audible words, then his stroke wouldn't be an issue for me. But the debate showed that it goes beyond that and that would be the issue I would have with him were I a PA voter. Hearing impairment or in Fetterman's case inability to process the spoken word isnt something that cannot be overcome with technology or some basic consideration. His inability to express his views and speak in a manner which can represent the electorate in the Senate due to a cognitive issue is the problem.

They have captioning apps for smart phones so that really wouldnt be an issue IMO. At least not one that couldnt be overcome.
He didn't say "at the state level"

He said "local political leaders"

Does Oz have a problem communicating?

State leaders are local compared to federal. Not sure what you don’t understand.
If the only effect of Fetterman's stroke was that he had trouble processing audible words, then his stroke wouldn't be an issue for me. But the debate showed that it goes beyond that and that would be the issue I would have with him were I a PA voter. Hearing impairment or in Fetterman's case inability to process the spoken word isnt something that cannot be overcome with technology or some basic consideration. His inability to express his views and speak in a manner which can represent the electorate in the Senate due to a cognitive issue is the problem.

They have captioning apps for smart phones so that really wouldnt be an issue IMO. At least not one that couldnt be overcome.
Any time you have to function through an interpreter, you substantially raise the difficulty level of the task. In my mind, it would be similar to electing a Senator who didn't speak English. Would he/she really be able to understand fully what people are saying and be able to make him/herself fully understood? That aside, I agree that the inability to speak coherently is an issue, just look at the cloud of translators Quid Pro has around him, standing by to tell people what he meant to say was not what he said.
There are varying degrees of damage that can occur after a stroke, so saying somebody else had a stroke and is just fine means nothing. Heck, I work with a guy that had a stroke and you'd never know it happened if he didn't tell you. Some strokes, OTOH, are immediately fatal, it all depends where the bleeding is in the brain and how much blood was lost. So, the question becomes, just like with Quid Pro Joe's dementia, is the damage bad enough that it will affect his ability to do the job? In Quid Pro's case, that's a resounding YES, in Fetterman's case, also yes. We do NOT need another mumbling, incoherent teleprompter reader in Washington who needs a perpetual swarm of sycophants (you know who you are) telling everyone that no, he didn't mean what he just said, this is what he really meant to say.

Fetterman should take the time to heal as much as he can heal before attempting to become a Senator in Washington that will be ignored.

And your “diagnosis” isn’t based purely on partisan politics.

Sure buddy
It is true that moments define debates.
So Oz’s “women, doctors, and local political leaders” should define him?


It does
And your “diagnosis” isn’t based purely on partisan politics.

Sure buddy

He had a Stroke you moron, nothing partisan about that at all.
And your “diagnosis” isn’t based purely on partisan politics.

Sure buddy
If his performance in the debate is indicative of his performance in Washington, I don't need to be a doctor who examined him to know it will be a disaster.
So Oz’s “women, doctors, and local political leaders” should define him?


It does
If you find people reciting that quote 10 years from now, it would. People still remember Reagan's "There you go again" and promising not to let Mondale's youth and inexperience be an issue. Will anyone except for a handful of fever swamp dwellers remember what Oz said in even 5 years? Not likely, given the embarrassment at the other lecturn.
In 6 months when Fetterman is completely recovered...and a sitting Senator...no one will remember this issue...other than your disgusting attacks on him.
In 6 months when Fetterman is completely recovered...and a sitting Senator...no one will remember this issue...other than your disgusting attacks on him.
He's not likely to see much more recovery, and people will remember the issue every time he can't give a press conference because there's no one to transcribe questions to him. or no one to translate what he says into something coherent.
That sounds awesome. But that was 5 years ago. And the place is still in bad shape.

perhaps herschel can lock up all the bad guys!

And Mayor John still has brain damage.

I didn't realize you were his neurologist.

It unfortunate for him that he had a stroke. It's unfortunate that he hasnt had enough time to recover. He should have bowed out of the race to recover and run again if/when that happens.

"After six months, improvements are possible but will be much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively steady state at this point. For some, this means a full recovery. Others will have ongoing impairments, also called chronic stroke disease."

How long should we expect the people of PA to endure a Senator who is compromised? This is who Fetterman is now for the most part. While it's unfortunate it is also the truth.

lol ...

herschel walker.

'nuff said.
Yeah, the people of Braddock are wondering what happened to the money he got for redevelopment of the town.

The town LOST 40 percent of its population under his mayorship.

A sure sign that you are popular.


is that why he was also elected as lt. gov'?

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