Facebook paid no taxes despite record profits


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Facebook paid no taxes despite record profits | Fox News

Despite earning more than $1 billion in profits last year, social media juggernaut Facebook paid zilch when it came to federal and state taxes in 2012.

In fact, the website will actually be getting a refund totaling $429 million thanks to a tax reduction for executive stock options.

In the coming years, Facebook will continue to get monster tax breaks, totaling about $3 billion.

Hmm wonder if it is akick back for supporting Obama

Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns received a large boost from social media sites such as Facebook, which has experts speculating why they haven’t been singled out.
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Did Facebook do anything illegal? NO

Who wrote the tax code that allowed this to happen? Congress

Which party controlled congress for most of the last 75 years? Democrats

Any questions?
Facebook paid no taxes despite record profits | Fox News

Despite earning more than $1 billion in profits last year, social media juggernaut Facebook paid zilch when it came to federal and state taxes in 2012.

In fact, the website will actually be getting a refund totaling $429 million thanks to a tax reduction for executive stock options.

In the coming years, Facebook will continue to get monster tax breaks, totaling about $3 billion.

Hmm wonder if it is akick back for supporting Obama

Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns received a large boost from social media sites such as Facebook, which has experts speculating why they haven’t been singled out.

what percentage did Exxon/Mobil pay?
As was pointed out by rightwingers throughout the election season, no one has the obligation to pay more in taxes than they are legally required to.

and the top 10 most profitable companies paid an average of just 9% on their 2011 taxes.

10 Most Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Average Tax Rate Of Just 9 Percent Last Year: Report

so what are you faux-raging about now, hatebear?

I repeat---the democrats in congress wrote most of the tax code

corporations do not pay taxes, consumers pay taxes in the price of the product. If the oil companies were tax exempt, gas would be a lot cheaper. WE are paying the tax on gasoline.
As was pointed out by rightwingers throughout the election season, no one has the obligation to pay more in taxes than they are legally required to.

and the top 10 most profitable companies paid an average of just 9% on their 2011 taxes.

10 Most Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Average Tax Rate Of Just 9 Percent Last Year: Report

so what are you faux-raging about now, hatebear?

I repeat---the democrats in congress wrote most of the tax code

corporations do not pay taxes, consumers pay taxes in the price of the product. If the oil companies were tax exempt, gas would be a lot cheaper. WE are paying the tax on gasoline.

when did the democrats write "most of the tax code"?

i'm sure you have a link to that, right?

of course corporations pay taxes. they're supposed to pay about 35%

and even if they wrote "most" of it, which i highly doubt, what parts affect corporations and who "wrote" them and voted on them?

and does i really matter when corporations offshore money, jobs and profits?

please figure out what you're talking about before you post.

we do not have a VAT. We have INCOME taxes.
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Did Facebook do anything illegal? NO

Who wrote the tax code that allowed this to happen? Congress

Which party controlled congress for most of the last 75 years? Democrats

Any questions?

Yes. Were you born a massive twat, or is that an acquired characteristic?

The law that Facebook used to offset its tax liability was passed in 2006, when Bush and the Republicans were in control.
As was pointed out by rightwingers throughout the election season, no one has the obligation to pay more in taxes than they are legally required to.

and the top 10 most profitable companies paid an average of just 9% on their 2011 taxes.

10 Most Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Average Tax Rate Of Just 9 Percent Last Year: Report

so what are you faux-raging about now, hatebear?

I repeat---the democrats in congress wrote most of the tax code

corporations do not pay taxes, consumers pay taxes in the price of the product. If the oil companies were tax exempt, gas would be a lot cheaper. WE are paying the tax on gasoline.

when did the democrats write "most of the tax code"?

i'm sure you have a link to that, right?

of course corporations pay taxes. they're supposed to pay about 35%

please figure out what you're talking about before you post.

we do not have a VAT. We have INCOME taxes.

democrats controlled congress for most of the last 75 years---look it up

look at any corporate balance sheet, taxes are a cost of doing business are show up on the "expense" side of the balance sheet. Corporations are taxed on net income after deductions and exemptions. They pay 35% of net income. The low %'s that you see in the media are comparisons of gross income to taxes paid-------its BS intended to confuse people---looks like it worked on you.

Do you think that Walmart does not include federal taxes in the price it charges you for your flip flops made in China? of course it does----YOU are paying the corporate income taxes.
You missed the other thread on this?

The one where the author of the thread gets proven to be retarded?

Do you want your turn?


You proved what?

You are truly delusional.

What do you think the point of this thread is?

To show the hypocrisy of the Democrats and Liberals who, in the past, bash Oil Companies for not "paying their fair share" yet when a company which massively supported Democrats and Obama doesn't pay a dime in income taxes, they go out of their to defend it.

Thank you for not disappointing on either thread.

You proved what?

You are truly delusional.

What do you think the point of this thread is?

To show the hypocrisy of the Democrats and Liberals who, in the past, bash Oil Companies for not "paying their fair share" yet when a company which massively supported Democrats and Obama doesn't pay a dime in income taxes, they go out of their to defend it.

Thank you for not disappointing on either thread.

It also gives them an opportunity to continue their baseless attack on evil corporations and evil rich guys------------

You proved what?

You are truly delusional.

What do you think the point of this thread is?

To show the hypocrisy of the Democrats and Liberals who, in the past, bash Oil Companies for not "paying their fair share" yet when a company which massively supported Democrats and Obama doesn't pay a dime in income taxes, they go out of their to defend it.

Thank you for not disappointing on either thread.

Show me where I defended it.

btw, as was pointed out in the other thread, Mark Zuckerberg just held a Chris Christie fundraiser.

You people are unbelievably stupid.

it's irrelevant who wrote "most"....

what is relevant is who wrote the sections that give corporations a pass.

you aren't very bright.

typical libtard, when defeated by the facts, hurl insults. Were there no democrats that voted for the bill that set up this exemption? Of course dems voted for it. You are the one who is not very bright.

Who controlled Congress in 2006?

are you claiming that no dems voted for the bill that set this up?

My point was larger than this single issue. you libs always attack the tax code that allows deductions for corporations, but you never acknowledge that the dems have controlled the body that writes the tax code for all but a few of the last 75 years.

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