Zone1 Ever Think to Yourself There's No Possible Way That You Could be Saved?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

Or the leftist world anyways. I know that we aren't saved by our works, but aren't our works a reflection of our salvation? So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
You will have countless further opportunities to move up a rung or two so do not get despondent .
Remember you are energy and can never be destroyed -- the one fixed law of the Universe .
What am I supposed to be being saved from? Hell? I don't believe in Hell so why should I worry about being saved from it?
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

Or the leftist world anyways. I know that we aren't saved by our works, but aren't our works a reflection of our salvation? So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
Here is what God promised when referring to your name being written in the Lamb's Book of Life:

Romans 3:23-28, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.

Romans 5:20-21 The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You are in the same position that every person that ever lived is in. We all fall short.
While we question our own ability, there is no question that Jesus is able to present us to our Father as pure and white as snow.
We can't trust our own ability, but we can trust Jesus' ability to finish the job for us. It is why He came. You are God's little child. He wants you home with Him. And he will forgive and forgive and forgive to get you there. Relax in the arms of Jesus and give your soul peace.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

Jesus took our sin and gave us His perfect record to enter Heaven with. When you accepted His gift your name was written in the book. You are already there, you just haven't given up the clay yet. Maybe I'll be seated next to you at our Father's table. How fun.
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It seems like Jesus can forgive me so easily but yet I cannot forgive myself whenever I know that I've been bad and let Him down. I beat myself into a pulp and that's when I hear His voice saying; "Well stop!! Good gracious girl you're giving me gray hair!! " 😆
It seems like Jesus can forgive me so easily but yet I cannot forgive myself whenever I know that I've been bad and let Him down. I beat myself into a pulp and that's when I hear His voice saying; "Well stop!! Good gracious girl you're giving me gray hair!! " 😆
King David did the same thing. Bad behavior is regrettable, I know, but you have to put it in the past where it belongs and thank Jesus for getting rid of it when it shows up. Satan wants you to suffer for it, Jesus wants you to leave it nailed to His cross and experience the joy of having it removed.
Whenever your transgression rears it's ugly head, sing a song of praise for the one who took it from you. Satan hates that. The angels love it and your Father dances over you when you do it. It's a win win...
See ya there!
That is a LIE
The soul that sins, IT SHALL DIE

I appreciate that you are locked into that quaint old thinking.
It might take you a few more incarnations until you learn the next step forward .

Look me up at a later stage in your development and we can have a laugh at your old ideas .

We all end up at the same spot .
However , some take thousands of lives longer to reach the terminus though when they finally get there they find that Time has disappeared .
Even your Essene Monk realised that when he talked abut eternity .
It seems like Jesus can forgive me so easily but yet I cannot forgive myself whenever I know that I've been bad and let Him down. I beat myself into a pulp and that's when I hear His voice saying; "Well stop!! Good gracious girl you're giving me gray hair!! "
This is addressed in Catholicism as well: When we feel and know God has forgiven us, why can't we forgive ourselves? The two best responses I've heard to this is that it may not be so much we can't forgive ourselves, is that we struggle to get past the shame of our failures. The question becomes, How do I get past the shame?

1st Answer: Jesus is your Lord, meaning he is Lord over all of you. When you feel shame, give that shame to the Lord of your shame and allow him to deal with it.

2nd Answer: Accept our brokenness, but don't let failures stop you, no matter how many failures, no matter how many times you failed over the same issue. A priest back in the time Latin was the norm had a motto. After every failure, or every hour, or ever minute say (English translation), "Now I begin." And take the next step forward.

Thank you Mr. Tactful. You know instead of telling somebody that they're going to Hell if they don't have Jesus in their lives, maybe you should try to sell the idea of why having Jesus in their lives is such a great thing.

The way you word things makes a big difference. As you can't really just make somebody believe in something they don't. You should try and get them interested in actually wanting to become a believer instead of just using scare tactics like that. Just in my opinion that is.
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

Or the leftist world anyways. I know that we aren't saved by our works, but aren't our works a reflection of our salvation? So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
well, you speak of a fiance. I hope you aren't sleeping with your fiance.

the saints say that sexual sins are what get most people to Hell. After that, it is lack of charity
Thank you Mr. Tactful. You know instead of telling somebody that they're going to Hell if they don't have Jesus in their lives, maybe you should try to sell the idea of why having Jesus in their lives is such a great thing.
why not both? It is both

People have "itching ears," and always want to hear what they want to hear. The truth is brutal at times.. when we are not prepared for it.. aren't living it...
the saints say that sexual sins are what get most people to Hell. After that, it is lack of charity

No none of that is true. The only sin that's unforgivable that will lead you to Hell is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
No none of that is true. The only sin that's unforgivable that will lead you to Hell is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
That is WRONG as can be.

Any serious (mortal) sin will put you into Hell if not repented of. And even after you repent and give up the sin, there is the stain of that sin on your soul... (the after effects or "damage").

It's like a child going out in the mud to play and his parents won't let him in the house until he cleans up. If he refuses to clean up, he can't come in...

not the best analogy because they won't leave the child out all night, much less for a week. If he refuses to wash up, they will likely grab him and do it for him... I've seen God do such things in people's lives.. allow weird things to happen to get them to repent... or at least think about it... etc
That is WRONG as can be.

Any serious (mortal) sin will put you into Hell if not repented of. And even after you repent and give up the sin, there is the stain of that sin on your soul... (the after effects or "damage").

It's like a child going out in the mud to play and his parents won't let him in the house until he cleans up. If he refuses to clean up, he can't come in...

not the best analogy because they won't leave the child out all night, much less for a week. If he refuses to wash up, they will likely grab him and do it for him... I've seen God do such things in people's lives.. allow weird things to happen to get them to repent... or at least think about it... etc

Well obviously you need to repent of it I didn't say that as I do believe that it goes without saying but not one single sin is unforgivable except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit if you repent of it and ask for forgiveness first.
Well obviously you need to repent of it I didn't say that as I do believe that it goes without saying but not one single sin is unforgivable except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit if you repent of it and ask for forgiveness first.
people outside the True Church don't even know the meaning of Blasphemy of the HS

so there's that
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

saved from what ... from antiquity, to triumph over evil - sin no more is the manner to attain judgement if the claim is true for admission to the everlasting.

the heavens could care less about cussing or anything else not harmful in of itself.

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