Donald Trump Opts For Government Shutdown Again

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I know what he's trying to do here, but this still doesn't sound like a wise idea. I don't believe that our economy can take it again and I don't think that Trump is thinking very clearly on this one although he still is the best choice for the 47th president in my book.

America's war against Russia cannot be interfered with and risked. How that is avoided is the interesting question.

We only can know that it won't be risked and that means that the Ukraine will receive the 20+ billion in aid.

Possible talking points for those objecting to the aid package will possibly turn the 'nuclear war' threat talking point.
Perhaps he realises that some admission of bankruptcy is inevitable and that it is a better option for him to have it happen while Piss Pants is still nominally in charge , rather when he is back at the helm .
I know what he's trying to do here, but this still doesn't sound like a wise idea. I don't believe that our economy can take it again and I don't think that Trump is thinking very clearly on this one although he still is the best choice for the 47th president in my book.

Shutting down means Border Patrol doesn’t get paid. Horrible idea. Border is already a disaster.
Shutting down means Border Patrol doesn’t get paid. Horrible idea. Border is already a disaster.

Right now it also means the military does not get paid as the GOP cannot even agree debate the bill that would fund them.

If the shutdown happens every Dem up for election needs to keep Trump's orders to the GOP telling them to shut it down handy and use it in every single ad over the next year.
Right now it also means the military does not get paid as the GOP cannot even agree debate the bill that would fund them.

If the shutdown happens every Dem up for election needs to keep Trump's orders to the GOP telling them to shut it down handy and use it in every single ad over the next year.
The military will still get paid, unless Biden goes out of his way to stop it.
I know what he's trying to do here, but this still doesn't sound like a wise idea. I don't believe that our economy can take it again and I don't think that Trump is thinking very clearly on this one although he still is the best choice for the 47th president in my book.

Meanwhile Potatohead and the stupid Democrats opt for more debt, because $33 trillion ain't enough.
The military will still get paid, unless Biden goes out of his way to stop it.

No, they will not. The bill that the GOP could not even agree on the rules for opening the debate was for the military to get paid. Now, they still have time to pass it, but unless they do the military will go without checks till it is over.

It will not be the first time it has happened.
I know what he's trying to do here, but this still doesn't sound like a wise idea. I don't believe that our economy can take it again and I don't think that Trump is thinking very clearly on this one although he still is the best choice for the 47th president in my book.

/——-/ Libs blame the deficit on Trump even though he let the government shut down. He reluctantly signed it because people were being hurt. democRATs refuse to negotiate or to cut spending. But it’s the Republicans who are blamed for the debt.
Right now it also means the military does not get paid as the GOP cannot even agree debate the bill that would fund them.

If the shutdown happens every Dem up for election needs to keep Trump's orders to the GOP telling them to shut it down handy and use it in every single ad over the next year.
Shutting down isn’t the answer. Not electing Biden is. What? Too late?! Yeah
Your beloved party does not seem to agree with you.

When you force people to choose between being shot or being poisoned, one should not whine about which choice they make
I disagree with you. You are one of those annoying people who thinks he knows everything. Biden has ruined this country. You can cry your Trump Trump Trump all you want. Voters elected Biden who turned out to be a corrupt, inept, dementia ridden loser who kowtows to the woke.

He promised to be a unifier. He has been anything but that.
I disagree with you. You are one of those annoying people who thinks he knows everything. Biden has ruined this country. You can cry your Trump Trump Trump all you want. Voters elected Biden who turned out to be a corrupt, inept, dementia ridden loser who kowtows to the woke.

He promised to be a unifier. He has been anything but that.

Yes, Biden fucking sucks. No doubt about that.

Yet, here we are in a thread about Trump ordering his party to shut down the fucking Govt just so he can try to avoid having his day in court.

Yes, Biden fucking sucks, but Trump is not a better choice as he fucking sucks too.
Yes, Biden fucking sucks. No doubt about that.
Glad we agree
Yet, here we are in a thread about Trump ordering his party to shut down the fucking Govt just so he can try to avoid having his day in court.
Trump is the ultimate troll. He knows people are unhappy with the Govt so he is fanning the flames. I disagree with him often just less often than I disagree with Biden.
Yes, Biden fucking sucks, but Trump is not a better choice as he fucking sucks too.
Anyone is better than Biden. A broken chair is better than Biden.
A crying shame that the gubmint won't actually get shut down.
The RINOs will give in to the Democrat filth.

They will pretend to get some kind of budget concession but it won't amount to anything.

$33 trillion in debt ain't enough for these Democrats. They want MOAR, MOAR and MOAR!

After all, it is important to give the Illegals welfare, give subsidies to the UAW to build EVs and fund electric buses for India.

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