Donald Trump in his own words

So they’re unproductive now? I thought they were so productive that they were suppressing wages?

Stop changing your mind.
You cling to absolutes

And strawmen

Many of the 30 million are children and old people

The rest are largely uneducated and illiterate peons who contribute little to the economy
You cling to absolutes

And strawmen

Many of the 30 million are children and old people

The rest are largely uneducated and illiterate peons who contribute little to the economy
You make things up and change your story.

Your attacking the intelligence and character of immigrants shows your hand. This isn’t about economics, it’s about your hatred.

Even uneducated and illiterate workers contribute to the economy. All it actually takes is hard work. Not sure why you don’t respect that.
Your attacking the intelligence and character of immigrants shows your hand.
I dont put shoeless peasants swimming the Rio Grande in the same category as real immigrants who are chosen on merit
I dont put shoeless peasants swimming the Rio Grande in the same category as real immigrants who are chosen on merit
Why not? Clearly they’re hard workers that go to great lengths to achieve a better outcome for themselves and their kids.

Those are exactly the kind of people that work hard and contribute to society.
Why not? Clearly they’re hard workers that go to great lengths to achieve a better outcome for themselves and their kids.

Those are exactly the kind of people that work hard and contribute to society.
Some of them may be fine people but they were not invited and not needed

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