Disinformation is enemy #1.

No "fake" electors every got past the initial part of the process. no illegal votes occurred. It was in response to possible fraud.

Did Biden take office at the appointed time and place, yes or no?
Some illegal votes did occur, Just not enough to change the outcome
In all honesty, its very difficult to find Truth in all the distorted misleading information out there.
Everything seems centered around Winning for one tribe or the other.
I agree! The fact is, giving money to Ukraine is to settle the bribe creepy has
I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.
can men get pregnant? have a baby? :abgg2q.jpg:
If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.
someone should have asked him/her/they if he/she/they know what a woman is...you know the level of "disinformation" he/she/they have ingested would require him/her/they to say "YES!" as if him/her/they were biologists.
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Two old people express a quick opinion and they speak for all of us? Really? Shall we take all the really stupid or inflammatory statements made by leftists and portray them as speaking for all of you? Let's at least be intellectually honest about this.

But if Russia is our ENEMY, why do we still staff our embassy in Moscow? Admittedly Biden has withdraw a lot of personnel from that embassy but has not broken off all diplomatic relations with Russia and we are still issuing visas for Russian citizens to visit here.
We don't throw out the baby with the bath water,
I often wonder how America and Russia would get along if not controlled by a dictator?
how about you start by not calling us magaists, like maggots

democrats have no place in this world, I remember when the democrats called black americans the n-word, democrats simply hate and need a group of people to hate, to retain power

democrats need to convince everyone they are here to protect you from maggots and they are the only ones that can
Because there is a difference between REPUBLICANS and MAGA.
You still won't answer my question?

How many people did you kill running around thinking you were "immune" to Covid, because Joe Biden lied to you about it?

Or, do you still believe the "vaccine" gives you immunity?

It's one or the other...
Some Democrats work hard, some don’t. The fact is that a considerably higher percentage of Democrats are on welfare than Republicans. The poorest of the poor vote for Democrats in mass.

Yes, Democrats skew towards globalism. Who doesn’t know that? Is it really a stretch to believe that globalists would be funding their party? Do you think globalists would be ok with more and more people pouring over our Southern border? Do you really believe that Biden has any desire whatsoever to stop it?
How or where did you get the Welfare numbers by political party?
Is party affiliation included on welfare forms? EXPLAIN.
In all honesty, its very difficult to find Truth in all the distorted misleading information out there.
Everything seems centered around Winning for one tribe or the other.

You are so spot on.

And the winning is seen as survival.

So those in charge use fear as their primary motivator.

MAGA ==> Make America Great Again

You mean it's not GREAT now ???? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
How or where did you get the Welfare numbers by political party?
Is party affiliation included on welfare forms? EXPLAIN.

There is a reason that Democratic ballot harvesters spend their time in the projects and not at the country club. Don't be silly, everyone knows that the poorest of the poor vote for Democrats. Isn't that just common sense?

In my state, ultra-elites and ultra-poor are heavily Democrat. The poor to get on the dole and the ultra-rich to appease their guilt, as long as it doesn't affect their lavish lifestyles.
There are a few reasons, the predominate and most damaging being the victimhood sentiment that is perpetuated and promoted by the Democratic Party. If a person believes they can’t succeed without help due to an immutable characteristic, they won’t.

There are other cultural issues also promoted by Democrats like the lack of value in nuclear families. While this sentiment is damaging to people of all races, it particularly hurts those who are less financially successful.
A lot of people collect welfare,
you keep talking about Black people, Who are only about 11% of the population are you saying that most of them don't work?
not sure what point you are trying to make?
A lot of people collect welfare,
you keep talking about Black people, Who are only about 11% of the population are you saying that most of them don't work?
not sure what point you are trying to make?
Pull some statistics and tell us

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