Debate Now Did Hungry Children Suckle From Domesticated Pigs In Arcane History ?


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Feb 3, 2018
" Did Hungry Children Suckle From Domesticated Pigs In Arcane History ? "

* Complying With Religious Technicalities Of Science While Avoiding Starvation *

This judgment reported by the following article raises a question .

It is understood that pigs have trichinosis and science of antiquity indoctrinated by religion would proscribe eating its meat .

Would science of antiquity maintain a similar conclusion that suckling from suids is dangerous or would during periods it would be considered provisional ?

Why would a depiction of children suckling from a pig be disparaging or possibly even unusual if survival is more relevant than over generalizing a prohibition against eating pig meat into a complete dissociation from the animal ?

Does it seem that something may be missing in the story ?

German court rules medieval anti-Semitic sculpture can stay on church
The "Judensau," or "Jew pig", on a wall of Wittenberg's St Mary's church is a reminder of widespread anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages. It depicts a rabbi lifting the tail of a sow and peeping at its behind, while Jewish children suckle on the animal.

Pigs are considered unclean in Judaism, which forbids both their rearing as well as pork consumption.

The Higher Regional Court in Naumburg ruled that displaying the "Judensau", which is 4 meters from the ground did not constitute an offence.

"The sculpture in its current context has neither an insulting character, nor does it violate the plaintiff's personal rights," the judgment said.

* Middle Earth Quirks *

Pig milk - Wikipedia
Pig milk contains 8.5% fat compared to 3.5% in cow's milk.[1] It has similar colostrum composition in terms of protein, fat, and lactose, when compared to cow's milk.[2] Pigs with high-protein diets produce more milk compared to those on low-protein diets.[3] It is also described as more gamy than goat's milk and seems more watery than cow's milk.

Pig milk is not considered suitable for human consumption or commercial production for a number of reasons. Pigs are considered difficult to milk. The sow herself is reluctant to be milked, may be uncooperative or become spooked by human presence, and lactating pigs may be quite aggressive.[4][5][6] Sows have 8 to 16 small nipples, each giving little milk for a short duration. A pig's milking time can be around ten minutes compared to fifteen seconds for a cow. A sow may produce only 13 pounds of milk per day compared to a cow's production of 65 pounds. (Production has been estimated using a system of weighing piglets prior to and after suckling.)[7] In addition, no existing milking machine is designed to attach to around a dozen teats and extract milk for fifteen seconds. Finally, pigs, unlike cows, cannot become pregnant while lactating, which makes a pig milk operation even less viable.[1]

Pig - Wikipedia
With around 1 billion individuals alive at any time, the domestic pig is among the most populous large mammals in the world.[3][4] Pigs are omnivores and can consume a wide range of food.[5] Pigs are biologically similar to humans and are thus frequently used for human medical research.[6]

* Hormone Humor Visitation *

Has anyone else experienced livid dreams after eating animal fats ?
" Did Hungry Children Suckle From Domesticated Pigs In Arcane History ? "

* Complying With Religious Technicalities Of Science While Avoiding Starvation *

This judgment reported by the following article raises a question .

It is understood that pigs have trichinosis and science of antiquity indoctrinated by religion would proscribe eating its meat .

Would science of antiquity maintain a similar conclusion that suckling from suids is dangerous or would during periods it would be considered provisional ?

Why would a depiction of children suckling from a pig be disparaging or possibly even unusual if survival is more relevant than over generalizing a prohibition against eating pig meat into a complete dissociation from the animal ?

Does it seem that something may be missing in the story ?

German court rules medieval anti-Semitic sculpture can stay on church
The "Judensau," or "Jew pig", on a wall of Wittenberg's St Mary's church is a reminder of widespread anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages. It depicts a rabbi lifting the tail of a sow and peeping at its behind, while Jewish children suckle on the animal.

Pigs are considered unclean in Judaism, which forbids both their rearing as well as pork consumption.

The Higher Regional Court in Naumburg ruled that displaying the "Judensau", which is 4 meters from the ground did not constitute an offence.

"The sculpture in its current context has neither an insulting character, nor does it violate the plaintiff's personal rights," the judgment said.

* Middle Earth Quirks *

Pig milk - Wikipedia
Pig milk contains 8.5% fat compared to 3.5% in cow's milk.[1] It has similar colostrum composition in terms of protein, fat, and lactose, when compared to cow's milk.[2] Pigs with high-protein diets produce more milk compared to those on low-protein diets.[3] It is also described as more gamy than goat's milk and seems more watery than cow's milk.

Pig milk is not considered suitable for human consumption or commercial production for a number of reasons. Pigs are considered difficult to milk. The sow herself is reluctant to be milked, may be uncooperative or become spooked by human presence, and lactating pigs may be quite aggressive.[4][5][6] Sows have 8 to 16 small nipples, each giving little milk for a short duration. A pig's milking time can be around ten minutes compared to fifteen seconds for a cow. A sow may produce only 13 pounds of milk per day compared to a cow's production of 65 pounds. (Production has been estimated using a system of weighing piglets prior to and after suckling.)[7] In addition, no existing milking machine is designed to attach to around a dozen teats and extract milk for fifteen seconds. Finally, pigs, unlike cows, cannot become pregnant while lactating, which makes a pig milk operation even less viable.[1]

Pig - Wikipedia
With around 1 billion individuals alive at any time, the domestic pig is among the most populous large mammals in the world.[3][4] Pigs are omnivores and can consume a wide range of food.[5] Pigs are biologically similar to humans and are thus frequently used for human medical research.[6]

* Hormone Humor Visitation *

Has anyone else experienced livid dreams after eating animal fats ?
That whole thing is unfortunate. :(
" Motivation And Observation "

* Anecdotal Inquiry *

What is the point of this thread? What's to "debate"?
Deuteronomy 14:8 states nothing about suckling suids for milk , " The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. " ; thus , were there occurrences where suckling a suid for milk occurred ?

Europeans were largely of japhetic lineage and the inscription includes shem hamephorash , that is a reference to shem ; such that , anyone familiar with the epistles of saul to romans , with protestantism and with antinomianism , might find an impetus for the included reference interesting .

Ultimately , what was the depiction seeking to imply ?


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