Democrats Projected to Keep Majority in the US Senate!

At 9:18 Eastern Time, CNN projected that the Democrats would retain their leadership of the US Senate race with a Democratic win in Nevada as the incumbent Democrative Senator Catherine Cortez Masto defeats her Republican challenger, Adam Laxalt.

(So far, I've seen three threads on this subject, but based on information available on this site, I believe my thread was the first one posted)
Good, let them choke.
I am not the one making stupid fucking proclamations on the web but doing nothing to back them up.

If you truly believe what you have posted, why are you not acting up on it?
The irony that you don't do fuck about anything is lost on you. Drooling harder on your keyboard is not exactly proactive.

I apologize if I gave you the impression that I want to engage with an effeminate sissy-fuck like you.

I don't.
The irony that you don't do fuck about anything is lost on you. Drooling harder on your keyboard is not exactly proactive.

I apologize if I gave you the impression that I want to engage with an effeminate sissy-fuck like you.

I don't.

Such the internet tough guy.

I bet all your co-workers at Wendy's are damn impressed by your act.
We may very well be entering a new stage in the Trump saga where Republicans try to move past Trump, but he refuses to leave the national stage. This could be called the Glenn Close stage (ala "Fatal Attraction") as Trump declares to the GOP that he will not be ignored.

Trump's relationship with the GOP has always been, at its core, a basically dysfunctional relationship, but the GOP hitched its wagon to Trump probably hoping that he would rise to level of the office of President, or at least ameliorate his worst behavioral impulses. Trump never has, and he never will because he is simply incapable of doing so.

The simple fact of the matter is that Trump doesn't care about anything but himself, and he will unhesitantly burn down the GOP if they try to move on from him. As this becomes more and more clear, Republicans will have to decide if they're willing to allow a figurative politically drowning man to pull them and their party down under the waves with him, or will it finally be the time for the GOP to come together and dump him by publicly giving him a collective dose of his own medicine. Regardless, it's going to be incredibly ugly to watch, and it will be unlike anything we've ever seen before. And to make matters worse, it will all unfold as Trump's criminal investigations and his civil suits progress. That will only serve to make him more combative even though that's his default setting in his interactions with people who refuse to cave to his will.
Lol. The election thefts are trump's fault. Oh. What crimes has he committed?
Yeah, you obviously got a lot going on in that double wide if this silly shit gives you the warm and fuzzies. You and the tranny boyfriend taking the night off from throwing ashtrays and beer cans at each other? Well, congrats on that.

But, if you choke to death on a 12" black dildo tonite, who would you ever miss you?

Ouch, that can't feel too good, hmm? :laughing0301:
Your MAGAt sexual fantasies sure have a tight grip on you, don't they?
At 9:18 Eastern Time, CNN projected that the Democrats would retain their leadership of the US Senate race with a Democratic win in Nevada as the incumbent Democrative Senator Catherine Cortez Masto defeats her Republican challenger, Adam Laxalt.

(So far, I've seen three threads on this subject, but based on information available on this site, I believe my thread was the first one posted)
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Sanity prevails.
Yes, sanity has prevailed...for the time being. Then, shortly, if we are to believe reports, Trump will announce his third bid for the WH, and we'll find ourselves back in the Wacky Races where Trump will behave like a petulant child on a daily basis. My sense is that most Americans are sick and tired of this all too predictable show because it's so demeaning to the country as a whole.
Yes, sanity has prevailed...for the time being. Then, shortly, if we are to believe reports, Trump will announce his third bid for the WH, and we'll find ourselves back in the Wacky Races where Trump will behave like a petulant child on a daily basis. My sense is that most Americans are sick and tired of this all too predictable show because it's so demeaning to the country as a whole.
/——-/ Tissue, Snowflake?
Republicans won the House? Link please.
Democrats have the Senate and Republicans will almost surely have the house. Thus democrat legislation in the Senate will be blocked by House Republicans and republican legislation passed by the House will be blocked by Democrats in that Senate.
That should be clear enough for you.
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Democrats have the Senate and Republicans will almost surely have the house. Thus democrat legislation in the Senate will be blocked by House Republicans and republican legislation passed by the House will be blocked by Democrats in that Senate.
That should be clear enough for you.
They will? Link please. Looks like a sweep for the Democrats to me.
I think that is coming to an end. They have been paying the bills for a man that is pushing candidates that cannot win.
Today he blamed McConnell for the Senate loss. Yeah, stick with that theory and see how far it gets you. If the repubs do not grow a spine and tell the lard ass that they are through with him, they will continue to lose elections. Cause he picks election deniers and members of his cult that cannot win in the General.
Yeah, it's going to be like a car wreck that almost all Americans are going to be forced to rubber neck as it happens. In my opinion, it will only serve to make people hate Trump even more. That's a good thing in a bad way. Yeah, it's ironic.
The Dems need trump to stick around. He is slowly sending the repub party into the waste basket of history. And they bend over and ask for more.

We may very well be entering a new stage in the Trump saga where Republicans try to move past Trump, but he refuses to leave the national stage. This could be called the Glenn Close stage (ala "Fatal Attraction") as Trump declares to the GOP that he will not be ignored.

Trump's relationship with the GOP has always been, at its core, a basically dysfunctional relationship, but the GOP hitched its wagon to Trump probably hoping that he would rise to level of the office of President, or at least ameliorate his worst behavioral impulses. Trump never has, and he never will because he is simply incapable of doing so.

The simple fact of the matter is that Trump doesn't care about anything but himself, and he will unhesitantly burn down the GOP if they try to move on from him. As this becomes more and more clear, Republicans will have to decide if they're willing to allow a figurative politically drowning man to pull them and their party down under the waves with him, or will it finally be the time for the GOP to come together and dump him by publicly giving him a collective dose of his own medicine. Regardless, it's going to be incredibly ugly to watch, and it will be unlike anything we've ever seen before. And to make matters worse, it will all unfold as Trump's criminal investigations and his civil suits progress. That will only serve to make him more combative even though that's his default setting in his interactions with people who refuse to cave to his will.
He is going to have a large number of MAGA deniers in the House that will keep him relevant. He will continue to drag the repub party down a rat hole, cause his elected cult will not allow the repub party to move on.

But the danger is not so much trump the man anymore. It is the disease called trumpism that is the real danger. It may not be lead by trump, but it may be lead by one of his spawns, such as desantis.
He is going to have a large number of MAGA deniers in the House that will keep him relevant. He will continue to drag the repub party down a rat hole, cause his elected cult will not allow the repub party to move on.

But the danger is not so much trump the man anymore. It is the disease called trumpism that is the real danger. It may not be lead by trump, but it may be lead by one of his spawns, such as desantis.
No traitor, the disease is called democrats. You need to be eradicated.

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