Defense Department Warns Biden's Green Energy Plans Threaten National Security


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Defense Department Warns Biden's Green Energy Plans Threaten National Security​

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Mike Miller

The Pentagon, on Monday, warned that Joe Biden’s overreaching so-called “green energy” plans pose national security risks, as reported by Fox News. So now what’s a fossil-fuel-loathing, EV-loving president to do?
According to Fox, the Department of Defense (DoD) recently warned the White House that the administration’s ridiculous offshore wind farm development goals could significantly impede U.S. Naval operations. Pentagon spokesperson Kelly Flynn told Fox News Digital:
The initial assessment performed by DoD found complicated compatibility challenges with wind turbines near Navy and Air Force training. The DoD continues to work with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, industry, and other stakeholders to identify the best locations for development.​
Uh, oh — “stakeholders.” A clear indication that the Pentagon spokesperson is a left-winger. [sarc]
Anyway, Flynn continued:
This discussion includes impacts [on]the environment, shipping, fishing, viewshed, and military readiness, and includes mitigation strategies to overcome the impacts. The DoD is committed to facilitating development while protecting national security, as we have done in every call area in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico.​
In other words, the DoD is still all in on aggressive offshore wind farm development.
In addition to the DoD’s national security concerns, as my colleague Bob Hoge reported here, and here, environmentalists are also at war with offshore wind turbine farms, as dead whales continue to wash up on East Coast beaches. As of March 4, there were more than 25 reported whale deaths — just since the beginning of December 2022.
But, hey— Biden pushes the ever-loving crap of electric vehicles, despite multiple cases of exploding EV batteries and even EV fires killing people, so what’s a few dead whales and national security threats, here and there, when you’re waging a war against fossil fuels? Foolishly tilting at windmills, as it were.
Let’s be somewhat amusingly honest. This whole “green energy” mess puts Biden between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, as Commander in Chief, he swore an oath to defend the United States, while on the other hand, the Pentagon is in weird agreement with climate lunatics — and dead whales.
Meanwhile, billions and billions of taxpayer dollars continue to needlessly be washed down the “green energy” drain, needless threats to national security continue, and dead whales continue to wash ashore along America’s East Coast.
Insanity, as defined by Einstein? Damn right.

Just like the art world, and the excessive college tuition and fees; these environmental studies and plans are nothing more than a way for leftists to steal from the American public and line the pockets of a select few.
It’s criminal.
Joint Chiefs shuffle: Biden’s top contenders to replace Trump’s military leaders
Besides the chair, the Pentagon could also see new leaders for the Army, Navy, Marines and possibly the Air Force this year.
As many as five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the eight most senior uniformed leaders who advise the president on military issues, are scheduled to leave their assignments this year. Besides the Joint Chiefs chair, the heads of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and potentially the Air Force are all set to leave. Three of the military’s top operational commanders are changing over as well: The heads of Northern Command, Space Command and Cyber Command.

Joint Chiefs shuffle: Biden’s top contenders to replace Trump’s military leaders
Biden isn't smart or aware enough to consider the consequences of his idiotic policies. But since everything he does comes from the Marxist leadership of his party, that makes the Democrat party the real enemy of the American people.
Te question is weter te averae American citizen will finally rebel against Biden and is Maoist Democrat Commies..
Te question is weter te averae American citizen will finally rebel against Biden and is Maoist Democrat Commies..
Actually, the question is, are these neo- communists going to follow through with the ONLY thing that gave rise to this sickness?
Histoty shows that DEATH and MASS-murder was/is the only path to conformity to this sickness that the demented LEFT are pushing in the media.
The Anti-white NARRATIVE is all but PREVALENT in the cesspool of today's media!

Kill Your Tee Vee!!!

Defense Department Warns Biden's Green Energy Plans Threaten National Security​

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Mike Miller

The Pentagon, on Monday, warned that Joe Biden’s overreaching so-called “green energy” plans pose national security risks, as reported by Fox News. So now what’s a fossil-fuel-loathing, EV-loving president to do?
According to Fox, the Department of Defense (DoD) recently warned the White House that the administration’s ridiculous offshore wind farm development goals could significantly impede U.S. Naval operations. Pentagon spokesperson Kelly Flynn told Fox News Digital:
The initial assessment performed by DoD found complicated compatibility challenges with wind turbines near Navy and Air Force training. The DoD continues to work with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, industry, and other stakeholders to identify the best locations for development.​
Uh, oh — “stakeholders.” A clear indication that the Pentagon spokesperson is a left-winger. [sarc]
Anyway, Flynn continued:
This discussion includes impacts [on]the environment, shipping, fishing, viewshed, and military readiness, and includes mitigation strategies to overcome the impacts. The DoD is committed to facilitating development while protecting national security, as we have done in every call area in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico.​
In other words, the DoD is still all in on aggressive offshore wind farm development.
In addition to the DoD’s national security concerns, as my colleague Bob Hoge reported here, and here, environmentalists are also at war with offshore wind turbine farms, as dead whales continue to wash up on East Coast beaches. As of March 4, there were more than 25 reported whale deaths — just since the beginning of December 2022.
But, hey— Biden pushes the ever-loving crap of electric vehicles, despite multiple cases of exploding EV batteries and even EV fires killing people, so what’s a few dead whales and national security threats, here and there, when you’re waging a war against fossil fuels? Foolishly tilting at windmills, as it were.
Let’s be somewhat amusingly honest. This whole “green energy” mess puts Biden between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, as Commander in Chief, he swore an oath to defend the United States, while on the other hand, the Pentagon is in weird agreement with climate lunatics — and dead whales.
Meanwhile, billions and billions of taxpayer dollars continue to needlessly be washed down the “green energy” drain, needless threats to national security continue, and dead whales continue to wash ashore along America’s East Coast.
Insanity, as defined by Einstein? Damn right.

Just like the art world, and the excessive college tuition and fees; these environmental studies and plans are nothing more than a way for leftists to steal from the American public and line the pockets of a select few.
It’s criminal.
Joint Chiefs shuffle: Biden’s top contenders to replace Trump’s military leaders
Besides the chair, the Pentagon could also see new leaders for the Army, Navy, Marines and possibly the Air Force this year.
As many as five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the eight most senior uniformed leaders who advise the president on military issues, are scheduled to leave their assignments this year. Besides the Joint Chiefs chair, the heads of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and potentially the Air Force are all set to leave. Three of the military’s top operational commanders are changing over as well: The heads of Northern Command, Space Command and Cyber Command.

Joint Chiefs shuffle: Biden’s top contenders to replace Trump’s military leaders

Electric tanks on the battlefield? And you think finding an EV Charger for your car in the city is nearly impossible...

Just for suggesting this idea people should be immediately fired and banned from govt service ever again.

The Biden/Democrat plan to destroy this country in every conceivable way just keeps rolling merrily along.

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