Colonel Douglas McGregor says war with Russia is possible in Tucker Carlson interview. This is unthinkable. What about the memory of World War II?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Douglas Macgregor sat down for about an hour with Tucker Carlson to do a very informative interview.

Talking about how the western media is not giving us the full details about the war in Ukraine. The lie that Vladimir Putin is Hitler, the lie that Russia is evil. My own opinion is that this is a denigration of a memory of the allies of World War II. The western media providing the propaganda lie that Ukraine is a democracy when they suspend presidential elections. That Zelensky is a great leader, and Putin is evil.

MacGregor reports that 400,000 Ukrainians have been killed, 50,000 have had their limbs blown off …. Tons of Ukrainians are surrendering to the Russians. But that the Russian soldiers are very hospitable just like American soldiers. They are accepting the troop surrendering, and treat them with respect.

My own opinion to interject is that I think it’s disgraceful that the small portion of Americans think that Russians are evil but that somehow American soldiers are perfect. Again, that is a attack on the legacy of the allies of World War II to call Russians evil.

Both Russia and the United States have invaded other countries. We’ve gotten involved in unpopular wars. We have a lot of similarities. Russians and Americans are humane. It’s the soldiers that go off the war. The politicians make the decisions sometimes good sometimes bad.

The colonel talks about the struggles of America how politicians are dividing us by race. We have good politicians but of course the Biden BLM people dividing us by race that’s not good for our military. We have leaders in America giving awards to people, not based on merit but based on nonsense, like how they might look.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor is a military expert. Respected all over the world. He served in important positions in numerous presidencies. He says Russia is playing a defensive war in Ukraine , and slowly moving the ball forward going on the offensive. Remember that Russia initially started this war with a very small force. Russia still has a lot of people left in reserve.

As for the United States, we need to go back to what we were. Go back to the World War II era an era when Democrats were honorable filled with integrity. When we worked together with Republicans to win World War II. To give us the post ww2 great prosperity decades of uninterrupted glory for the middle class. And when in those days men and women had great jobs. Our military was a force to be reckoned with. We will get the American spirit back. We just have to do things right.
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Many on the Left refuse to believe anything that doesn't come cleared by their media sources. Anyone who believes Russia would never use a nuke, even if they were losing, is dangerously naive. These people won't believe it's possible until they see it happen. There is no such thing as a "limited" use of nuclear weapons.
Lets hope the Kyiv Nazi Trolls here , like Winkle the Titty, aka Litwin and Toomuchbooze, learn from this interview and see that they are being paid peanuts for their Gullibility and simply endlessly repeating misinformation that they seem to swallow piecemeal.

Douglas Macgregor sat down for about an hour with Tucker Carlson to do a very informative interview.

Talking about how the western media is not giving us the full details about the war in Ukraine. The lie that Vladimir Putin is Hitler, the lie that Russia is evil. My own opinion is that this is a denigration of a memory of the allies of World War II. The western media providing the propaganda lie that Ukraine is a democracy when they suspend presidential elections. That Zelensky is a great leader, and Putin is evil.

MacGregor reports that 400,000 Ukrainians have been killed, 50,000 have had their limbs blown off …. Tons of Ukrainians are surrendering to the Russians. But that the Russian soldiers are very hospitable just like American soldiers. They are accepting the troop surrendering, and treat them with respect.

My own opinion to interject is that I think it’s disgraceful that the small portion of Americans think that Russians are evil but that somehow American soldiers are perfect. Again, that is a attack on the legacy of the allies of World War II to call Russians evil.

Both Russia and the United States have invaded other countries. We’ve gotten involved in unpopular wars. We have a lot of similarities. Russians and Americans are humane. It’s the soldiers that go off the war. The politicians make the decisions sometimes good sometimes bad.

The colonel talks about the struggles of America how politicians are dividing us by race. We have good politicians but of course the Biden BLM people dividing us by race that’s not good for our military. We have leaders in America giving awards to people, not based on merit but based on nonsense, like how they might look.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor is a military expert. Respected all over the world. He served in important positions in numerous presidencies. He says Russia is playing a defensive war in Ukraine , and slowly moving the ball forward going on the offensive. Remember that Russia initially started this war with a very small force. Russia still has a lot of people left in reserve.

As for the United States, we need to go back to what we were. Go back to the World War II era an era when Democrats were honorable filled with integrity. When we worked together with Republicans to win World War II. To give us the post ww2 great prosperity decades of uninterrupted glory for the middle class. And when in those days men and women had great jobs. Our military was a force to be reckoned with. We will get the American spirit back. We just have to do things right.

Here is the bottom line, "does he believe that America should assist a clearly imperfect but allied Ukraine, or,.does he believe that the world (this isn't just America helping Ukraine btw) should just let their citizens perish at fhe hands of a larger state?" Unlike Donald H and Luiza, the in-house fake provocateurs, we need an objective answer from anyone who doesn't agree with the vital alliance between the West and a flawed Ukraine. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. If Russia isn't stopped now, they will in time attempt to swallow all of Europe (Patton warned of this).
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Many on the Left refuse to believe anything that doesn't come cleared by their media sources. Anyone who believes Russia would never use a nuke, even if they were losing, is dangerously naive. These people won't believe it's possible until they see it happen. There is no such thing as a "limited" use of nuclear weapons.

I’ve been clear on the issue. Very clear. No room for misunderstanding my position. Let me repeat that now.

Launch them. Launch the nukes. I dare you.

Any questions on my position?

Douglas Macgregor sat down for about an hour with Tucker Carlson to do a very informative interview.

Talking about how the western media is not giving us the full details about the war in Ukraine. The lie that Vladimir Putin is Hitler, the lie that Russia is evil. My own opinion is that this is a denigration of a memory of the allies of World War II. The western media providing the propaganda lie that Ukraine is a democracy when they suspend presidential elections. That Zelensky is a great leader, and Putin is evil.

MacGregor reports that 400,000 Ukrainians have been killed, 50,000 have had their limbs blown off …. Tons of Ukrainians are surrendering to the Russians. But that the Russian soldiers are very hospitable just like American soldiers. They are accepting the troop surrendering, and treat them with respect.

My own opinion to interject is that I think it’s disgraceful that the small portion of Americans think that Russians are evil but that somehow American soldiers are perfect. Again, that is a attack on the legacy of the allies of World War II to call Russians evil.

Both Russia and the United States have invaded other countries. We’ve gotten involved in unpopular wars. We have a lot of similarities. Russians and Americans are humane. It’s the soldiers that go off the war. The politicians make the decisions sometimes good sometimes bad.

The colonel talks about the struggles of America how politicians are dividing us by race. We have good politicians but of course the Biden BLM people dividing us by race that’s not good for our military. We have leaders in America giving awards to people, not based on merit but based on nonsense, like how they might look.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor is a military expert. Respected all over the world. He served in important positions in numerous presidencies. He says Russia is playing a defensive war in Ukraine , and slowly moving the ball forward going on the offensive. Remember that Russia initially started this war with a very small force. Russia still has a lot of people left in reserve.

As for the United States, we need to go back to what we were. Go back to the World War II era an era when Democrats were honorable filled with integrity. When we worked together with Republicans to win World War II. To give us the post ww2 great prosperity decades of uninterrupted glory for the middle class. And when in those days men and women had great jobs. Our military was a force to be reckoned with. We will get the American spirit back. We just have to do things right.

Tucker who??
Tucker who??
Tucker who??
what a load of hooey. the Soviets at the end of WW2 enslaved all of eastern Europe. I guess you Russia lovers forget that right? Russia INVADED Ukraine twice and you people can't seem to recall that either.

In the 1960’s and 70’s, there was a segment that was sympathetic with the Soviet Union. They were interested in the “perfect political model” that was Marxism. They didn’t yet understand how the model was fatally flawed before you really even began.

Today those in sympathy with Russia are easily identifiable Trolls and radical RW types. I don’t mean classic Reagan Conservatives. I mean radical RW types.

They like the image of a strong leader who punished Homosexuals and those who disagree with him. They long for similar things here. They like the idea of punishing their political opponents.

They don’t understand that Reagan enticed the Russian people with freedom.

I remember a story. The Soviet Embassy recorded one of those Living in Poverty specials on Nightline or Sixty Minutes.

The video was shipped home and to show the horrors of Western Capitalism and contrast it with the superior Soviet Model. Only one problem. The Russian Citizens had not seen anything like this. The Poor in America had cars. They had multiple TV’s. They had Microwaves and they were Fat.

There were no hours long line to get Bread. The Poor Americans abused by the Capitalist System lived as well if not better than the Senior Managers did. In fact only the Politburo members lived better.

Do I need to say that the effort backfired?
Eh, I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden was on the Russian payroll as well as he is with China.

Biden couldn’t even stop an air balloon. 😬
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Here is the bottom line, "does he believe that America should assist a clearly imperfect but allied Ukraine, or,.does he believe that the world (this isn't just America helping Ukraine btw) should just let their citizens perish at fhe hands of a larger state?" Unlike Donald H and Luiza, the in-house fake provocateurs, we need an objective answer from anyone who doesn't agree with the vital alliance between the West and a flawed Ukraine. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. If Russia isn't stopped now, they will in time attempt to swallow all of Europe (Patton warned of this).
Your conclusions are inaccurate. This war never happens had the West not promoted and supported it. Russia and Ukraine would have signed a peace treaty long ago, thus avoiding the bloodshed which you apparently support.
In the 1960’s and 70’s, there was a segment that was sympathetic with the Soviet Union. They were interested in the “perfect political model” that was Marxism. They didn’t yet understand how the model was fatally flawed before you really even began.

Today those in sympathy with Russia are easily identifiable Trolls and radical RW types. I don’t mean classic Reagan Conservatives. I mean radical RW types.

They like the image of a strong leader who punished Homosexuals and those who disagree with him. They long for similar things here. They like the idea of punishing their political opponents.

They don’t understand that Reagan enticed the Russian people with freedom.

I remember a story. The Soviet Embassy recorded one of those Living in Poverty specials on Nightline or Sixty Minutes.

The video was shipped home and to show the horrors of Western Capitalism and contrast it with the superior Soviet Model. Only one problem. The Russian Citizens had not seen anything like this. The Poor in America had cars. They had multiple TV’s. They had Microwaves and they were Fat.

There were no hours long line to get Bread. The Poor Americans abused by the Capitalist System lived as well if not better than the Senior Managers did. In fact only the Politburo members lived better.

Do I need to say that the effort backfired?
We live in different universes and I hope one day you find the route back to planet earth . But you need to be aware that the differences between Soviet Russia and the modern Federation are massive . Indescribably huge and you need to have visited and travelled extensively to see this . I have .I doubt you ever have .That does not mean I have any special associations with the Federation but it does mean that I have seen things in detail and first hand rather than being entrained to deliberate MSM misinformation .
The Ukraine crowd is the 911 Crowd.

Zionist Fascism doesn't care if the US gets nuked. IT would care if Israel got nuked, not us.
Putin is actually the victim in this whole ordeal...we basically invaded them

Every patriotic American should be cheering for Russia and hope they vanquish the Ukrainians....besides, it will totally own the libs to do so...

And our true leader is the apple of Putin's eye
We live in different universes and I hope one day you find the route back to planet earth . But you need to be aware that the differences between Soviet Russia and the modern Federation are massive . Indescribably huge and you need to have visited and travelled extensively to see this . I have .I doubt you ever have .That does not mean I have any special associations with the Federation but it does mean that I have seen things in detail and first hand rather than being entrained to deliberate MSM misinformation .
You don’t need to travel to know the enormous difference between the USSR and Russia today. You do need to get informed and think independently. Unfortunately, few Americans seem capable of this.

I’ve long thought the dissolution of the Soviet Empire PEACEFULLY, has to be one of the greatest events in world history. For a great empire to terminate itself without bloodshed, is almost unheard of. Of course this goes unappreciated and unrecognized in the West.
If one watches the end of the interview with Colonel McGregor one will see a transgender Ukrainian “news reporter” claiming that Vladimir Putin bathes in the blood of children. Anyone that supports the Ukrainian government is knowingly or unknowingly, supporting sensationalism and extreme racism against Russians.

Interesting that trans news reporter is supporting Nazis in ukraine. The Azov battalion has soldiers with swastikas as Colonel McGregor points out. For the United States government to support Ukraine is a disgrace to the allies of World War II ….the Soviets and Americans that liberated the concentration camps. And it is astonishing to see how some fellow Democrats of mine are talking about Russia and World War II. They have no idea what history is, or the ramifications of what the world wouldve looked like Germany won. They just keep on pounding their fists making these insane excuses rambling on about communism and the cold war which occurred a few years after the end of World War II.

It’s true, that communism in any country could lead to a disaster, and I say the United States should never have communism. But to ignore the sacrifice of the allies of World War II is disgraceful. By the way, there are those who say of Franklin Roosevelt had lived on past April 1945. We would not have seen the Cold War.

There is no nuance to those who criticize the allied world effort of World War II, they keep pounding their hands yelling at the screen. There’s no moral part to their argument.

Imagine for a moment when the US had invaded Iraq if somebody in England got in front of a camera, saying George W. Bush bathes in the blood of children. This is what we’re dealing with here. The point is some of us Americans might think this war is wrong and its brutal for Russia to do what it is doing… but this is irresponsible and imagine going up to a iraqi who has had to flee his country in 2003 because of the American invasion and getting on that moral high horse saying “we’re so righteous and beautiful for supporting the Ukraine.”

It’s unfortunate to see fellow Democrats blasting Russia saying “Russia is evil, and Putin is like Hitler” that’s irresponsible.
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What do Biden supporters and neoconservative say to the families of 400,000 dead Ukrainians, to the Ukrainian soldiers that have had to have their limbs amputated and they’re 60,000 of them

What happened to responsibility for my fellow Democrats in common sense. They’re literally acting like the American soldier alone is humane, and that Russians are evil. That’s the definition of racism … Russian soldiers are excepting large numbers of Ukrainian soldiers, surrendering, and they are treating them with respect. Just like many Americans did to Iraqi pows during the war in Iraq.

There are a host of reasons of why the USA should not be involved in supporting Ukraine’s government to fight Russia. Back in 2014 Ukraine had a more pro Russian government that was supported by tons of Ukrainians, and it was overthrown in a coup. There’s so much about the history between Ukraine and Russia, that some Americans are completely unaware of it maybe even some of them don’t care about it they just do whatever the media tells them to do.

I’m glad to see that according to a CNN poll that over 50% of Americans no longer support funding the war in Ukraine. We’re making great strides.

Douglas Macgregor sat down for about an hour with Tucker Carlson to do a very informative interview.

Talking about how the western media is not giving us the full details about the war in Ukraine. The lie that Vladimir Putin is Hitler, the lie that Russia is evil. My own opinion is that this is a denigration of a memory of the allies of World War II. The western media providing the propaganda lie that Ukraine is a democracy when they suspend presidential elections. That Zelensky is a great leader, and Putin is evil.

MacGregor reports that 400,000 Ukrainians have been killed, 50,000 have had their limbs blown off …. Tons of Ukrainians are surrendering to the Russians. But that the Russian soldiers are very hospitable just like American soldiers. They are accepting the troop surrendering, and treat them with respect.

My own opinion to interject is that I think it’s disgraceful that the small portion of Americans think that Russians are evil but that somehow American soldiers are perfect. Again, that is a attack on the legacy of the allies of World War II to call Russians evil.

Both Russia and the United States have invaded other countries. We’ve gotten involved in unpopular wars. We have a lot of similarities. Russians and Americans are humane. It’s the soldiers that go off the war. The politicians make the decisions sometimes good sometimes bad.

The colonel talks about the struggles of America how politicians are dividing us by race. We have good politicians but of course the Biden BLM people dividing us by race that’s not good for our military. We have leaders in America giving awards to people, not based on merit but based on nonsense, like how they might look.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor is a military expert. Respected all over the world. He served in important positions in numerous presidencies. He says Russia is playing a defensive war in Ukraine , and slowly moving the ball forward going on the offensive. Remember that Russia initially started this war with a very small force. Russia still has a lot of people left in reserve.

As for the United States, we need to go back to what we were. Go back to the World War II era an era when Democrats were honorable filled with integrity. When we worked together with Republicans to win World War II. To give us the post ww2 great prosperity decades of uninterrupted glory for the middle class. And when in those days men and women had great jobs. Our military was a force to be reckoned with. We will get the American spirit back. We just have to do things right.

Only Trump can stop it.

That’s why they’re trying to destroy him.
Many on the Left refuse to believe anything that doesn't come cleared by their media sources. Anyone who believes Russia would never use a nuke, even if they were losing, is dangerously naive. These people won't believe it's possible until they see it happen. There is no such thing as a "limited" use of nuclear weapons.
Liberals, not the left.

The left vehemently opposes this madness.

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