College Students now calling for "Infitada" with no clue what that means


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Those disinterested in history and who do not know it are doomed to repeat it. Obviously the college students screaming for "Infitada" are either dedicated Jew hating antisemites or they are absolutely ignorant of what they are calling for.

There needs to be some expulsion going on.
There needs to be some expulsion going on.
On college campuses? I agree. Any student protesting against college rules or in a way damaging or dangerous to property or people or disruptive to others should be told to cease and desist immediately. Those who do not should be expelled and, if warranted, jailed.
When I was in college, students were required to treat invited guests to campus with the utmost respect and courtesy no matter how radical or how much we disagreed with those guests. And we were challenged to hear them out and analyze and dissect what they had to offer and come to a reasoned, logical conclusion of whether their point of view had merit or not. In other words we were actually educated.

Had ANY of us organized a protest that included disrupting life on campus, threatened anybody and certainly if it damaged property and/or endangered people, we would have been summarily thrown off campus and told never to come back. And that is how it should be.

The worst thing college students did on campus then was dismantle the administrator's Volkswagon beetle and reassemble it inside the main foyer of the administration building. (A janitor admitted them in the wee hours of the morning.) There would have been pretty severe repercussions for that too but I don't think anybody squealed.
It means the SHTF this Summer ( Terrorist Attacks In the US ) ( Migrant Crimewave ) ( widespread Far Left Inspired Civil Unrest ) ...
I hope not .. but I am concerned that many terrorists have taken advantage of our weakened border ... and I wouldn't be surprised if the left goes absolutely berserk in large numbers if Trump wins the election .
I hope not .. but I am concerned that many terrorists have taken advantage of our weakened border ... and I wouldn't be surprised if the left goes absolutely berserk in large numbers if Trump wins the election .
and the 10-20 Million Illegals who swarmed in under Biden will resort to crime ?

College Students now calling for "Infitada" with no clue what that means​

I can't be too hard on them for that, I have no knowledge of that word either.

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