Can Emmer - or anyone else - be elected Speaker without Democrat votes?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Doesn't look like it. Big spending Republicans passed the CR but had to get help from Dems to do it.

They will either have to cut a deal with Dems or nominate someone who is so Dem-like that Dems will vote for him.

I don't think Emmer fits that bill. He talks a good fiscal conservative game until he votes for more Pelosi level spending.

So if Dems vote for him, it's because he made the deal.
And even worse than that, he voted to certify the election, thus opposing your god.
There have already been democrats (i.e. Dean Phillips) who've said that they'll either not show or vote "present", to change the denominator, if the vote for the RINO douchebag Emmer is close.

That's how badly the left wants that wormy scumbag in charge.
Hard to believe that it's a mystery to some posters whether he's a RINO or not.
There have already been democrats (i.e. Dean Phillips) who've said that they'll either not show or vote "present", to change the denominator, if the vote for the RINO douchebag Emmer is close.

That's how badly the left wants that wormy scumbag in charge.
I doubt that the Dims will do what Brandon tells them to do — since nobody has yet told Brandon what he “thinks.”

Scumbags though they are, the Dims aren’t always stupid. I agree that they will orchestrate a scheme (along the lines of a near universal Dim vote of ‘present’) in order to have the “go along to get along” feckless GOP majority install the most liberal “Speaker” available.
No that's your projection.

This is a thread about Congress in the "Congress" forum.

And yet each person hoping to be Speaker has to go kiss the ring of the Don asking for his blessing.

And you think that is normal! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I don't care anymore. Things have become "unfixable". Notice the lowIQ verming posting in here. All void of common sense or the ability to use logical thought. They never waiver, never learn, never will. Disgusting creatures all of them. Including the phony bunch BLackMacGater types. Thing will end bloody now. It is clear//
I don't see Emmer getting the GOP votes to win. So will some Democrats take one for the team? I'm sure Hakeem would love to work with an emasculated Speaker to pass spending bill after spending bill, but he wont want to be on record casting a vote for him.

Maybe the Repubs who did not want Donalds or other fiscal conservatives could articulate their problem with them. If we had journalists anymore, im sure they would ask that.
Crash and burn....


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