BREAKING: Kari Lake Files First Complaint Against Maricopa County, Says She Has Whistleblowers And Smoking Gun Evidence Of Uncertified Printers

Right. You cannot disprove a single democrat quote so you close your eyes and ears to the facts. What a sick, fragile belief system you communists have.

Then spent the next four years on a book tour selling her book to weak-minded simps like you on how republicans stole her election.

Russians, Chinese--- --- good to know you have lots of good sources for your lies and propaganda. Do they pay well, too?

Is that when we found out they were both running secret, private servers outside of the government where enemies spies could gain free access?

No doubt obviously because that is what THEY use to cheat?

No wonder you're so mad at him! Trump is trying to take elections out of your stealing hands and put them back in the control of honest people by going back to simple paper physical ballot counts AT the voting station ON election day! The HORROR!!! :shok:
I have no problem with the Democrat quotes, there's not a single one that says there was election fraud, they all say you are totally full of crap and they are absolutely correct doofus.
I have no problem with the Democrat quotes, there's not a single one that says there was election fraud, they all say you are totally full of crap and they are absolutely correct doofus.



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So Franky, I trust then that your Funny to my SIX PAGES of linked and documented quotes of democrats denying election outcomes and validity is your typically weeny way of admitting I was right and you ain't got nuttin'. As usual. :71:
Of course they don't say there was any cheating on how the votes were counted etcetera etcetera, just that the Russians and the GOP have basically the same exact same garbage hate chaotic divisive propaganda, brainwashed functional moron....
And she has spent every day since then claiming the election was stolen from her by various people, organizations and countries.
She complains that she lost because of a mountain of crap propaganda from the GOP and the Russians and because James comey is a total idiot at best.... Not voter fraud, brainwashed functional moron...
So Franky, I trust then that your Funny to my SIX PAGES of linked and documented quotes of democrats denying election outcomes and validity is your typically weeny way of admitting I was right and you ain't got nuttin'. As usual. :71:
Let's see that link, I don't recognize it from your description that's for sure lol...
Of course they don't say there was any cheating
Of course you'd think that since THAT IS ALL THEY SAY.

on how the votes were counted etcetera etcetera,
That's up to the experts to decide. Hey, these are only QUOTES from what Democrats SAID that you claimed DIDN'T EVEN EXIST, not the analysis of the claims. So as usual, you run with piss down you leg from what they said trying to gaslight us into a whole different discussion to change the topic now that you've been exposed a LIAR.

just that the Russians and the GOP have basically the same exact same garbage hate chaotic divisive propaganda, brainwashed functional moron....
And since the leaders of the GOP are now exposed as totally in bed with the DNC hand-in-hand, that is to admit that the democrats who actually RUN everything, are in bed with the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Europeans, all with the same exact garbage of hate and chaotic divisive propaganda against the real American people, you fucked-in-the-head traitorous bitch.
Of course you'd think that since THAT IS ALL THEY SAY.

That's up to the experts to decide. Hey, these are only QUOTES from what Democrats SAID that you claimed DIDN'T EVEN EXIST, not the analysis of the claims. So as usual, you run with piss down you leg from what they said trying to gaslight us into a whole different discussion to change the topic now that you've been exposed a LIAR.

And since the leaders of the GOP are now exposed as totally in bed with the DNC hand-in-hand, that is to admit that the democrats who actually RUN everything, are in bed with the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Europeans, all with the same exact garbage of hate and chaotic divisive propaganda against the real American people, you fucked-in-the-head traitorous bitch.
All the experts have looked at all your ideas about cheating and they were all laughed out of court, in fact most of your stuff they wouldn't even say in court because lying in court is a crime period end of story, brainwashed functional moron get it through your head geez.
Of course you'd think that since THAT IS ALL THEY SAY.

That's up to the experts to decide. Hey, these are only QUOTES from what Democrats SAID that you claimed DIDN'T EVEN EXIST, not the analysis of the claims. So as usual, you run with piss down you leg from what they said trying to gaslight us into a whole different discussion to change the topic now that you've been exposed a LIAR.

And since the leaders of the GOP are now exposed as totally in bed with the DNC hand-in-hand, that is to admit that the democrats who actually RUN everything, are in bed with the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Europeans, all with the same exact garbage of hate and chaotic divisive propaganda against the real American people, you fucked-in-the-head traitorous bitch.
The 12% of the country that is lost in garbage propaganda like you are not exactly patriots because they are totally out of their minds about all these ridiculous anti American conspiracies. It's all over for crying out loud.
All the experts have looked at

NOTHING. Nor were they any "experts." A bunch of hired media shills to tell the media what they paid to hear guided by the government to tell you just what you wanted to hear and what they wanted you to believe, so they can keep right on laughing at you useful idiots in helping them perpetrate the Big Steal over the other half of the country! :happy-1:

Give yourself a BIG past on the back there, Trouper!
So, if your side had won, would you be here saying the voting system works and nothing was rigged?

If it is truly all rigged to the extent you claim, how do republicans ever win at all?

Either it’s all rigged, or none of it is.
Dumbass,presidential elections have been rigged for DECADES including gop presidents thst were illegitimate presidents.
A cry baby Republican loser suing other Republicans. The Trump divide of the GOP continues.
Both parties are corrupt and one in the same and lake same as trump is not a globalist part of the corrupt two party system you stupid fuck.
Just curious...

Isn't Arizona the place where they have 9 House Seats and 6 of 9 were won by GOP candidates. Two of which - IIRC - were flipped from blue to red.

DEM's are so freaking stupid they cheated in the Hobbs/Lake race but forgot to steal the House and Senate races so the DEMs could retrain control of the House.

Boy, those cheaters are profoundly intellectually challenged.

:thankusmile: Indeed.:auiqs.jpg:
Wow. If 75 million patriots + another 15 million silent voters adds up to only 12% of the country, that must mean that we have 750 million people of voting age living in this country!!!

Good job there, Frank! You're hired as the resident Village Idiot.
They ain't you you're off the deep
Both parties are corrupt and one in the same and lake same as trump is not a globalist part of the corrupt two party system you stupid fuck.
Try watching real news, it's a huge difference, especially if Democrats could get real power like the 1960s. Democrats want a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID cards to end illegal immigration problem, and mainly taxing the rich again for crying out loud. Every time Republicans get in they deregulate and have a corrupt bubble and bust recession or depression. The only reason people vote for them is because they are either greedy idiots or just total ignoramuses. They used to be the silent majority, now they are the brainwashed loudmouth majority. Now on their way out thank God. Trump is the lowest of the low.
Donald Trump has been whining about all his "evidence" of a stolen election for two fucking years.

He's filed lawsuits all over the country. All who have examined his ridiculous "evidence" have said he's full of shit. Something most of us already knew.

Kari Lake is just another snivelling dumbass who can't accept the fact that she can - and did - lose an election. She's just another worthless whiner, just like trump.

Kari Lake = no class and no brains.
Donald Trump has been whining about all his "evidence" of a stolen election for two fucking years.

He's filed lawsuits all over the country. All who have examined his ridiculous "evidence" have said he's full of shit. Something most of us already knew.

Kari Lake is just another snivelling dumbass who can't accept the fact that she can - and did - lose an election. She's just another worthless whiner, just like trump.

Kari Lake = no class and no brains.
Kari Lake is an America loving patriot, as is Trump. Both of them won and the evidence is in a lock box. Rest assured, it will be revealed. The justice system is scared shitless of the Cabal.
Kari Lake is an America loving patriot, as is Trump. Both of them won and the evidence is in a lock box. Rest assured, it will be revealed. The justice system is scared shitless of the Cabal.
Trump and Lake won?

Evidence is in a "lockbox?"

Justice system is scared shitless of the "Cabal?"

Gad, that's some funny shit. Thanks for the laughs. Lol...

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