boulder dam idea


VIP Member
Nov 24, 2015
One thing I learned about when I was studying river's is that big boulders that sit in a river create two differing currents on either side of the boulder. In the picture below, B is a wall built in a river to emulate a boulder, not an entire dam just a small wall. The river current at A enters into conduit that is shaped so the water falling in narrows as it passes D at a faster rate. The river current at C would allow for some energy to be taken out at D. D is just a small waterwheel. It is more efficient then a larger hefty water wheel. This contraption could be built in any river at any point in the river, which is an advantage over most dams which drown 100's of square miles.

river momentum dam.png
1. It's tiny. Big is more efficient than small. Massively so.
2. It depends on flow levels, so it can't make consistent power.
3. You have to run wires somewhere in a raging river. Maintenence is a nightmare.

Sure, you could do it, but it's a big money loser.
1. It's tiny. Big is more efficient than small. Massively so.
2. It depends on flow levels, so it can't make consistent power.
3. You have to run wires somewhere in a raging river. Maintenence is a nightmare.

Sure, you could do it, but it's a big money loser.
Yep, you are correct.....Even something as simple as irrigation using a electric water pump is a giant pain in the ass.

I used to rent out garden plots on my Shenandoah River property and it was a PITA just to move a bit of river water.

Finally a flood came through and took it all out so I quit messing with it.....Talk about some kick-ass gardens though!

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