Zone1 BNBuilders fires 3 workers for alleged involvement in noose incident at Redmond construction site


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest

So in the year 2022 everyone know you don't do things like this. UNLESS you're a hard core racist, and one could logically conclude that the parties involved in this act are frustrated and feeling impotent in one manner or another.

I don't think a strategy of waiting for them to all die out is going to be effective because they apparently just continue to spawn more racist who then carry on where the 1800s left off - youngsters like Dylann Roof, Payton Gendron, etc. who have never lived in a world like the one they long for, where whites have absolute lawful dominion over everyone of the black race, or so they believed.

Man finds noose at his work site in Redmond​
By Jake Chapman, KIRO 7 NewsJuly 21, 2022 at 7:53 pm PDT​
REDMOND, Wash. — BNBuilders confirms with KIRO 7 that three individuals were terminated recently for their alleged involvement in an incident at a construction site in Redmond, where a noose was found with a Black carpenter’s name on it. A company spokesperson also stated this was an ongoing investigation and they were still working with Redmond police on the matter. Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime.​
Jim Gleason, the PNW Regional Council supervisor of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, confirmed with KIRO that he knows some of those involved are members of the Northwest Carpenters Union. He says he’s embarrassed and mad about the entire matter.​
“That I think the members are a lot more aware and members that are not involved in this s*** will be more active to report now and verify discrimination and harassment on job sites,” Gleason said.​
Gleason says the Carpenters Union conducts extensive diversity training with their apprentices and carpenters to ensure an inclusive work environment.​
“We spend a lot of time training our members to recognize that our industry is changing. It’s diversified now,” Gleason said.​
Gleason says he agrees with the punishment by BNBuilders, but activists like Eddie Rye Jr. say incidents like this show something more.​
“We have a serious problem. There’s a shortage of workers, but yet we still have this discrimination. And we have to do something to remedy that,” Rye said.​
He believes more needs to be done for those responsible.​
“As far as I’m concerned, there has to be some charges brought. And there also has to be transparency We need to know who the people that perpetrated this are,” Rye said.​
The investigation isn’t over, according to Gleason and BNBuilders. Gleason hopes everyone can continue to learn and grow from the matter.​
“But it is not what a union carpenter is. We are respectful of others. Especially with the apprenticeship side is sensitivity. So, I guess I was disappointed in those members,” Gleason said.​
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I don’t get the point of the OP, unless it’s to prove that in a nation or more than 300 million people, you can find some examples of racists who do disgusting things.

Same with Jews. (They in fact are more likely to experience a hate crime than blacks, BTW.) Some disgusting BLM people (who supposedly are against prejudice) spray-painted “kill Jews” all over a synagogue.

So what’s the point? That there are some racists and antisemites in this country? Nothing we can do about that other than being perpetrators of hate crimes to justice.
A true hardcore racist would have actually used that noose on someone.

But racist Democrats haven't done something like that since the 40's or 50's. It wasn't until Republicans gained majorities in the House and Senate at the start of the 66th Congress in 1919, that anti-lynching laws had a chance of being passed. The Democrats fought against them tooth and nail.

Anti-Lynching Legislation Renewed | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
Wrong. A hardcore racist in 2022 does what the OP describes.

You can stop with the disingenuous claims about democrats. We all know where the racism is today.
A true hardcore racist would have actually used that noose on someone.

But racist Democrats haven't done something like that since the 40's or 50's. It wasn't until Republicans gained majorities in the House and Senate at the start of the 66th Congress in 1919, that anti-lynching laws had a chance of being passed. The Democrats fought against them tooth and nail.

Anti-Lynching Legislation Renewed | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
As opposed to the cowardly, garden variety who threatens people with imagery? Less likely to get shot that way huh?
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I don’t get the point of the OP, unless it’s to prove that in a nation or more than 300 million people, you can find some examples of racists who do disgusting things.

Same with Jews. (They in fact are more likely to experience a hate crime than blacks, BTW.) Some disgusting BLM people (who supposedly are against prejudice) spray-painted “kill Jews” all over a synagogue.

So what’s the point? That there are some racists and antisemites in this country? Nothing we can do about that other than being perpetrators of hate crimes to justice.
People spraying "kill Jews" on buildings are the same people who attack blacks all the time in postings on internet message boards. .
The topic was not about Jews.
The topic was not about Jews.
Get a grip. There is nothing wrong with drawing a parallel when it supports a statement: there are isolated examples of racist behavior, just as there are isolated examples of antisemitic behavior. So what was the point of the OP?

It irritates black activists when it is pointed out how Jews have succeeded despite antisemitism, showing that the claims that racism TODAY is not the cause of blacks’ problems. Is that so upsetting to the left that we are not permitted to show how a persecuted minority can succeed that no mention of Jews is allowed?
People spraying "kill Jews" on buildings are the same people who attack blacks all the time in postings on internet message boards. .
Nope. It was BLM monsters who did it.

The people who spray “kill Jews” are the same people who say antisemitic things on message boards.

(And the reason you attack me when other people have ACTUALLY said racist things, and you ignore them, is because you resent Jews.)
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A true hardcore racist would have actually used that noose on someone.

But racist Democrats haven't done something like that since the 40's or 50's. It wasn't until Republicans gained majorities in the House and Senate at the start of the 66th Congress in 1919, that anti-lynching laws had a chance of being passed. The Democrats fought against them tooth and nail.

Anti-Lynching Legislation Renewed | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
Those Democrats that fought against anti-lyniching laws.... remind me, they were white southerners weren't they?
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So in the year 2022 everyone know you don't do things like this. UNLESS you're a hard core racist, and one could logically conclude that the parties involved in this act are frustrated and feeling impotent in one manner or another.

I don't think a strategy of waiting for them to all die out is going to be effective because they apparently just continue to spawn more racist who then carry on where the 1800s left off - youngsters like Dylann Roof, Payton Gendron, etc. who have never lived in a world like the one they long for, where whites have absolute lawful dominion over everyone of the black race, or so they believed.

So is the Black Carpenter "non-Union??? Democrat supporting Unions have always been racist vermin!!!!

So is the Black Carpenter "non-Union??? Democrat supporting Unions have always been racist vermin!!!!

Republicans can quit trying to accuse every democrat of racism. Your posts show us yours.
As opposed to the cowardly, garden variety who threatens people with imagery? Less likely to get shot that way huh?

Don't tell me about "imagery", hypocrite. How threatening are pumping clenched fists of hate?

You do know that symbol was stolen from movements that establish oppressive systems, such as Communism and Marxism, and other violent revolutionaries and dictators, right?

Again, what is the point of this thread? That in a country of 300 million people, one can find some isolated instances of racism? Nobody on this forum ever claimed that racism doesn’t exist at all.

And as awful as the imagery was, it’s still not as bad as when a black knocks an elderly Orthodox Jew to the ground or beats an Asian man into unconsciousness on the subway or pushes a woman down the stairs of the subway station.

It‘s time we stop pretending that blacks are all victims of racism. They perpetuate racist acts against others more frequently than they receive it, but…..shhhhhh.
Again, what is the point of this thread? That in a country of 300 million people, one can find some isolated instances of racism? Nobody on this forum ever claimed that racism doesn’t exist at all.

And as awful as the imagery was, it’s still not as bad as when a black knocks an elderly Orthodox Jew to the ground or beats an Asian man into unconsciousness on the subway or pushes a woman down the stairs of the subway station.

It‘s time we stop pretending that blacks are all victims of racism. They perpetuate racist acts against others more frequently than they receive it, but…..shhhhhh.

NVM has a Black Persecution Complex.

"Ohhhh woe is meee! Them white folks is out to get meee!!"

NVM has a Black Persecution Complex.

"Ohhhh woe is meee! Them white folks is out to get meee!!"

It’s all about reparations for her. In order to convince whites to go along with having a portion of their earnings redistributed to blacks, she needs to exaggerate racism. (That’s also the goal of CRT indoctrination in the schools.)
Nope. It was BLM monsters who did it.

The people who spray “kill Jews” are the same people who say antisemitic things on message boards.

(And the reason you attack me when other people have ACTUALLY said racist things, and you ignore them, is because you resent Jews.)
Did you ever show your face in the thread I @ you at with all your white wing friends talking about how it was no big deal for a bunch of white racists to bring their nazi propaganda to parade around synagogues?
Again, what is the point of this thread? That in a country of 300 million people, one can find some isolated instances of racism? Nobody on this forum ever claimed that racism doesn’t exist at all.

And as awful as the imagery was, it’s still not as bad as when a black knocks an elderly Orthodox Jew to the ground or beats an Asian man into unconsciousness on the subway or pushes a woman down the stairs of the subway station.

It‘s time we stop pretending that blacks are all victims of racism. They perpetuate racist acts against others more frequently than they receive it, but…..shhhhhh.


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