Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage –


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage


4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s team is ‘concerned’ Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which is expected to be released soon, will include ’embarrassing’ photos of stolen classified documents stored in Biden’s Delaware garage.
Robert Hur is not expected to charge Joe Biden even though he stole classified documents and improperly stored them in his Delaware garage and other unsecured locations.
Rather, the special counsel will release a report on his investigation.
“The prosecutor investigating why classified documents ended up at President Biden’s home and former office is preparing a report that is expected to be sharply critical of how he and his longtime aides handled the material, but the probe isn’t likely to result in a criminal case, according to people familiar with the matter.” The Wall Street Journal reported in November.
At least 5 White House aides, including former White House Counsel Dana Remus were involved in Biden’s classified documents scandal.
Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center.
Biden also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.
Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.
Joe Biden also withheld information from the Senate Intel Committee.
Last October Joe Biden’s scandal spokesman Ian Sams said Biden spent two days with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of stolen classified documents.
Recall that Biden’s Justice Department wasted no time indicting Trump for lawfully storing presidential records at Mar-a-Lago.
Biden’s corrupt DOJ also released staged photos of the ‘classified’ documents stored at Trump’s Florida residence shortly after the raid in August 2022.


Senators are not allowed to remove High Security Documents from the Senate SCIF. That is theft!
Garland and his Stasi GoJ have a big problem. How can they prosecute TRUMP and not Biden?
Certaubly this is a glaring example of the two-tiered and politicized justice system in the US. Yet, millions pretend to not see it.
Garland must be made to forced to explain the reasoning behind charging Trump and no charges for Biden, especially when Biden has been caught with stolen Highly classified materials.
Then there's rge fact that Biden's lawyers were allowed to go through the documents to see what was there. THAT is a federal crime because none of the lawyers had any kind of clearance. Everything related to this case shows Biden committing numerous felonies, Trump committing ZERO felonies.
Then there's the “Embarrassing” photos of criminal evidence…taken at the scene of the crimes!
Hmmm..., Try that if your last name isn’t “Joe Biden.”
Those “Embarrassing” photos should be enough to get him in front of a firing squad for espionage, or at least 20 years make large stones into pebbles.

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Two-tiered indeed.

And any alleged documents Trump had were automatically declassified when he took them with him while still President, per EO's of GW Bush and Obama.

Smells like some one or two people were spying on Trump at MAL, told their masters what formerly classified papers he [Trump] had, and Biden surreptitiously reclassified them.

Biden Team Concerned Robert Hur’s Report Will Include ‘Embarrassing’ Photos of Stolen Classified Documents Stored in Biden Delaware Garage


4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s team is ‘concerned’ Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which is expected to be released soon, will include ’embarrassing’ photos of stolen classified documents stored in Biden’s Delaware garage.
Robert Hur is not expected to charge Joe Biden even though he stole classified documents and improperly stored them in his Delaware garage and other unsecured locations.
Rather, the special counsel will release a report on his investigation.
“The prosecutor investigating why classified documents ended up at President Biden’s home and former office is preparing a report that is expected to be sharply critical of how he and his longtime aides handled the material, but the probe isn’t likely to result in a criminal case, according to people familiar with the matter.” The Wall Street Journal reported in November.
At least 5 White House aides, including former White House Counsel Dana Remus were involved in Biden’s classified documents scandal.
Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center.
Biden also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.
Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.
Joe Biden also withheld information from the Senate Intel Committee.
Last October Joe Biden’s scandal spokesman Ian Sams said Biden spent two days with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of stolen classified documents.
Recall that Biden’s Justice Department wasted no time indicting Trump for lawfully storing presidential records at Mar-a-Lago.
Biden’s corrupt DOJ also released staged photos of the ‘classified’ documents stored at Trump’s Florida residence shortly after the raid in August 2022.


Senators are not allowed to remove High Security Documents from the Senate SCIF. That is theft!
Garland and his Stasi GoJ have a big problem. How can they prosecute TRUMP and not Biden?
Certaubly this is a glaring example of the two-tiered and politicized justice system in the US. Yet, millions pretend to not see it.
Garland must be made to forced to explain the reasoning behind charging Trump and no charges for Biden, especially when Biden has been caught with stolen Highly classified materials.
Then there's rge fact that Biden's lawyers were allowed to go through the documents to see what was there. THAT is a federal crime because none of the lawyers had any kind of clearance. Everything related to this case shows Biden committing numerous felonies, Trump committing ZERO felonies.
Then there's the “Embarrassing” photos of criminal evidence…taken at the scene of the crimes!
Hmmm..., Try that if your last name isn’t “Joe Biden.”
Those “Embarrassing” photos should be enough to get him in front of a firing squad for espionage, or at least 20 years make large stones into pebbles.

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Funny how Biden & Co are so worried about this when all along they have been saying there is a dramatic difference between what Biden did and what Trump did.

Findings in Biden classified documents probe expected in coming days, with no criminal charges

Special counsel Robert Hur oversaw the federal investigation into classified documents that were found at Biden's home and an office he used during the Trump administration.
6 Feb 2024 ~~ By Ken Dilanian

A long-awaited report by special counsel Robert Hur will be made public in the coming days after a yearlong investigation into how classified documents found their way to President Joe Biden’s home and office, according to a senior law enforcement official familiar with the matter.
The imminent release of a public report confirms that, as expected, no criminal charges will be filed. It is unclear to what extent the report will criticize Biden or aides regarding their handling of classified material.
The Washington Post first reported that the Justice Department is set to release Hur's report shortly.
Biden advisers have privately expressed concern that Hur may clear him of any wrongdoing but publicly declare that he was sloppy or careless in his handling of classified materials, two people familiar with the matter told NBC News.

Is anyone shocked that there will ne no charges against Joe Biden who while Senator for the State of Delware stole higly classidied information from a Senate SCIF or as Vice President was not allowed to retain any classified information.
Of course Trump will and is treated differently.
Remember that the two tiered system of justice is alive and well in this DNCPUSA sdministraion amd the FBI has accomplish the largest operation in the history of American Justice against American citizens for peacefully protesting.
This means one thing

Robert Hur must be investigated by the FBI
The IRS must audit Robert Hur's taxes
The local Police must investigate and find a crime
BLM and ANTIFA must protest in his neighborhood disturbing his friends and family
A Grand Jury must suggest charges
Old girlfriends need to step up and charge Robert Hur with sexual assault

Robert Hur's life must be turned upside down, for Justice

Special investigation into Biden's handling of classified docs is DONE - but witnesses are not being allowed to review it sparking fears in White House the report will be damning for 81-year-old president

7 Feb 2024 ~~ By Bethan Sexton
  • The Justice Department expects to release the report about Biden handling of the docs to Congress and the public soon
  • But witnesses who contributed say the have not been allowed to review the report, ABC News reports
  • The year-long investigation centered on the improper retention of classified documents by Biden from his time as a U.S. senator and as vice president
The reluctance to allow anyone to review the report has sparked fears in the White House that its contents could be damning for the president, 81.
Garland sought to insulate the department from claims of bias and conflicts of interest by last year appointing Hur, a former U.S. attorney for Maryland during the Trump administration, to handle the Biden investigation and by naming a different special counsel, Jack Smith, to oversee investigations into Trump.
While the Trump investigation resulted in dozens of felony charges against the ex-president last year, the outcome of the Biden probe is expected to be different.
Justice Department policy prohibits the indictment of a sitting president and, unlike in the Trump investigation, no evidence has emerged to suggest that Biden engaged in.
comparable conduct or willfully held onto records he wasn´t supposed to have.
But the White House's response to the discovery of classified documents early last year was delayed and incomplete.
The FBI subsequently conducted a 13-hour, top-to-bottom check of his Wilmington, Delaware, home, where agents located documents with classified markings from his time as a vice president and senator and took possession of some of his handwritten notes.

Undoubtedly this is a cover-up. The facr that Biden had hundreds of of classidfied documents some stolen from a Senate Scif should be enough to bring Biden up on charges Supposedly there are no time limits for theft of classified materials.
Gateway Pundit, Right Wing wanking material...

Do our MAGA friend know that there business model is to tell the MAGA faithful lies that they want to be true for money.
This isn't about policies to make America better, it is about shit throwing...
Gateway Pundit, Right Wing wanking material...

Do our MAGA friend know that there business model is to tell the MAGA faithful lies that they want to be true for money.
This isn't about policies to make America better, it is about shit throwing...
CowboyTed: WANKER
Go ahead and twist into a PRETZEL you fucking HYPOCRITE!
Gateway Pundit, Right Wing wanking material...

Do our MAGA friend know that there business model is to tell the MAGA faithful lies that they want to be true for money.
This isn't about policies to make America better, it is about shit throwing...

By the way, instead of "there business model", it should be "their business model".

The "shit throwing" is to claim an ex-president committed a crime when they not only clearly did not, but there was no reason at all to go after the ex-president, the ex-president was not harming anyone, and what the ex-president did was perfectly legal and normal.

Special Counsel calls Biden 'sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,' brings no charges

Biden retained classified records related to national securitythat implicated 'sensitive intelligence sources and methods'

8 Feb 2024~~ By Brooke Singman

Hur's report was made public Thursday afternoon.
Hur has been investigating Biden’s improper retention of classified records since last year. Those records included classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, among other records related to national security and foreign policy which Hur said implicated "sensitive intelligence sources and methods."
But Hur, in the report, said the special counsel's team "also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
"Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt," the report states. "It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness."
Biden's "memory also appeared to have significant limitations" according to the report, and during conversations with his ghostwriter, recorded in 2017, his conversations were "painfully slow, with Mr. Biden struggling to remember events and straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries"
Hur's report pointed out that Biden's memory was "worse" during an interview with the Special Counsel's office.

If you are at the point that your conclusion of what a jury might do. The first Thing is that there should be a jury trial.
I've never seen any adult publicly excuse criminal behavior for such personally prejudiced reasons.
I'm pretty upset with the whole "intention" excuse for Hilary Clinton, and I've read some pretty awful historical Law accounts.
Biden is made to lool like a harmless old man? He's currently "more forgetful" when interrogated than he seems in the rest of life? Jurors will "want" to excuse him? Criminals deemed "likeable" by terribly prejudiced persons are now to be excused of blatant law-breaking without even attempting to charge them?
Do none of our Federal officials have any sense of Justice ir Enforcimg the laws without bias?
According to the Hur report on Biden's mental faculty's, Biden fits all the criteia of Dementia—Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning.
So while no charges are being made, Hur has concluded that Biden is too far gone to be held acoountable for blatant crimes that do NOT allow for excuses of "intent," yet sharp and functional enough to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Chief Executive of our National Law Enforcement and Commander in Chief of the world's greatest military?
In essence Joe Biden's mental acuity is a 'Clear and Present Danger' to America.
Obviously Both Hur and Garland have stated that Joesph Robinette Biden Jr. is mentally incapable of making cognitive decisions much less leading this country...
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