Biden Is Playing With The Welfare Of The Country On His Exception Bills To The Filibuster!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Last Tuesday President Joe Biden gave a speech where he sought to rally voters to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term elections by saying if you want me to sign into law the right of a women to get an abortion which they had for fifty years with the Roe decision that was this year overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobb's decision than vote Democrat in this year's Congressional election because if we can get fifty-two Democrat Senators in Congress I can make an exception to the "sixty-vote to overcome the filibuster of a bill" rule for an abortion rights bill (assuming fifty Democrat Senators vote to waive this rule for this bill) we can pass this bill and restore this vital right for women across America! It is shocking how President Biden can be so dishonest so willing to dupe the American people with this phony promise he is pitching. Any competent person on how America's democracy works knows there is no "exception mechanism" to the sixty votes to overcome a filibuster rule, there is no "one off" option for abortion bills or voting rights bills (which is another fraudulent representation President Biden dupes the American people with.

President Biden is either a low-life despicable liar or a person suffering from significant dementia which has impaired his judgment this is the only way to explain his offering this exception to the filibuster rule option to the American people for abortion rights and voting rights legislation. Joe Biden was in the U.S. Senate for thirty-five years and the Vice-President Of the United States for eight years he knows how competitive the Republican Senate Caucus is to allege there is an exception mechanism to the filibuster rule the Republican would find it laughable Republicans won't spend two seconds considering this exception option. If the Democrats pass either an abortion rights bill or a voting rights act bill with less than the filibuster rule mandate of sixty votes, the Republicans will consider the filibuster rule completely and permanently null and void meaning in the future all bills can proceed and overcome a filibuster with fifty-one votes. Any non-mentally impaired person with Joe Biden's history in government would know this without question and without reservation!

This should set off five alarms with every American that Joe Biden is so depraved that he would sign into law an abortion rights bill or a voting rights bill that circumvented the filibuster rule. Seriously what is at stake here is the well being and the survival of the country! The basis for this conclusion is the following. When the Republicans take back the White House and both chambers of Congress which will happen soon because Democrats don't appreciate the vital importance of America's energy independence in getting inflation under control and they don't appreciate the danger of trying to fix the standard of living imbalance in America through just federal spending, taxing and mandates, not having the protection of the filibuster rule which practically requires bi-partisan support in Congress to pass legislation will lead to the passage into law of a truly abundance of Republican wish list bills and with Mitch McConnell as Majority leader who is unmatched in his ability to work the levers of the Senate to pass bills this ruining of America will likely occur within two years! What America will see includes:

The Affordable Care Act will be amended either to directly or allow the states to directly repeal many of the protections in this law; so insurance companies will be able to underwrite policies according to enrollees medical condition - Americans with preexisting conditions will pay fifty, one-hundred and one-hundred percent more in premiums. The out of pocket caps on co-pays and co-insurance will be repealed if you get cancer or have long stays in the hospital or things like that your out of pocket costs will run into the tens of thousands of dollars and probably the high tens of thousands of dollars. To appreciate what will happen here think what things were like before the ACA was passed but much worse because health care costs go up significantly higher than inflation! To those Americans that really care about public school education be prepared that for all the money the Federal government spends on education a huge chunk of it will be steered to vouchers so parents can send their kids to non-public schools. As the American people know the Republicans response to mass shootings is to facilitate more good guys throughout our society having guns so they can take out the bad guy shooter so be prepared for Federal legislation that overrules all state and local laws prohibiting the open carrying or carrying of guns even in schools for schools Republicans will probably put a certification requirement! For sanctuary cities and states that shield illegal immigrants expect Federal legislation that punishes you by taking away some of your federal funding in various areas. You know how America has had a long time advice proclamation for foreigners throughout the world that want to come to America do it the right way follow our immigration laws do things like apply for the visa lottery which gives foreigners from poor counties where the education system isn't good a chance to come to America expect the Federal government to pass legislation that does away with the visa lottery system, you have to have advanced degrees to come to America we expect you to make a meaningful contribution to our economy. And you know those temporary visa programs the H2-A and H2-B programs where hundreds of thousands of foreign workers come to America each year where U.S. employers have to document their efforts to first try to get Americans to fill those jobs well the American people should expect a Republican Washington to pass legislation that eliminates these workers protections a U.S. employers representation that there isn't sufficient U.S. workers available to fill the jobs will all that will be needed. You know how many Republican states are right-to-work states where employees don't have to join the union if they don't want to it is okay to free load off the union in terms of wage and benefit protections, expect federal legislation that makes all states right to work states and you know how the current law provides for employers automatically taking out union dues from a workers paycheck before the worker gets the check, that is the union dues that pays for lawyers to negotiate contracts and see the union workers rights are protected, forget that under the new federal legislation that employer action will be prohibited, union will have to send their union members who are often lower wage and struggling to get by a bill for union dues! One could go on and on about Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the continuation and operation of federal agencies and the list goes on and on how Republicans will re-mold America into their not-good form.

Many Progressive Democrats have blasted the Filibuster Rule clamoring with statements like that it is a relic from the Jim Crow era implying its supporters are racists how incredibly irresponsible these people are. So many Senators of both parties across the decades have supported this rule because they know that their party won't always be in power and simple majorities ramming through partisan legislation as the political pendulum swings in the nation will be very bad for the country, a lot of people will be really hurt in such an America especially considering how political extremism has grown in America. Such in part being fueled by the reality that today our Democracy in America is largely for sale this election season nine billion dollars will be spent, many of the players involved aren't spending the money for virtue it's is to protect their interests they are essentially buying votes! Wise American's won't be persuaded to listen to President Joe Biden and vote Democrat to help him enact into law an abortion rights bill or voters rights bill that permanently voids the Filibuster Rule which will trade the long-term welfare for the short-term welfare of the nation assuming at best that such Democrat bills are good bills ( a person committed to integrity in elections wouldn't sign onto the latter bills not in a billion years)!
President Biden is either a low-life despicable liar or a person suffering from significant dementia which has impaired his judgment...
The two are not mutually exclusive.

It's the equivalent of a border collie with a head injury... although border collies don't shit themselves and they have a primitive form of communication.
Last Tuesday President Joe Biden gave a speech where he sought to rally voters to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term elections by saying if you want me to sign into law the right of a women to get an abortion which they had for fifty years with the Roe decision that was this year overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobb's decision than vote Democrat in this year's Congressional election because if we can get fifty-two Democrat Senators in Congress I can make an exception to the "sixty-vote to overcome the filibuster of a bill" rule for an abortion rights bill (assuming fifty Democrat Senators vote to waive this rule for this bill) we can pass this bill and restore this vital right for women across America! It is shocking how President Biden can be so dishonest so willing to dupe the American people with this phony promise he is pitching. Any competent person on how America's democracy works knows there is no "exception mechanism" to the sixty votes to overcome a filibuster rule, there is no "one off" option for abortion bills or voting rights bills (which is another fraudulent representation President Biden dupes the American people with.

President Biden is either a low-life despicable liar or a person suffering from significant dementia which has impaired his judgment this is the only way to explain his offering this exception to the filibuster rule option to the American people for abortion rights and voting rights legislation. Joe Biden was in the U.S. Senate for thirty-five years and the Vice-President Of the United States for eight years he knows how competitive the Republican Senate Caucus is to allege there is an exception mechanism to the filibuster rule the Republican would find it laughable Republicans won't spend two seconds considering this exception option. If the Democrats pass either an abortion rights bill or a voting rights act bill with less than the filibuster rule mandate of sixty votes, the Republicans will consider the filibuster rule completely and permanently null and void meaning in the future all bills can proceed and overcome a filibuster with fifty-one votes. Any non-mentally impaired person with Joe Biden's history in government would know this without question and without reservation!

This should set off five alarms with every American that Joe Biden is so depraved that he would sign into law an abortion rights bill or a voting rights bill that circumvented the filibuster rule. Seriously what is at stake here is the well being and the survival of the country! The basis for this conclusion is the following. When the Republicans take back the White House and both chambers of Congress which will happen soon because Democrats don't appreciate the vital importance of America's energy independence in getting inflation under control and they don't appreciate the danger of trying to fix the standard of living imbalance in America through just federal spending, taxing and mandates, not having the protection of the filibuster rule which practically requires bi-partisan support in Congress to pass legislation will lead to the passage into law of a truly abundance of Republican wish list bills and with Mitch McConnell as Majority leader who is unmatched in his ability to work the levers of the Senate to pass bills this ruining of America will likely occur within two years! What America will see includes:

The Affordable Care Act will be amended either to directly or allow the states to directly repeal many of the protections in this law; so insurance companies will be able to underwrite policies according to enrollees medical condition - Americans with preexisting conditions will pay fifty, one-hundred and one-hundred percent more in premiums. The out of pocket caps on co-pays and co-insurance will be repealed if you get cancer or have long stays in the hospital or things like that your out of pocket costs will run into the tens of thousands of dollars and probably the high tens of thousands of dollars. To appreciate what will happen here think what things were like before the ACA was passed but much worse because health care costs go up significantly higher than inflation! To those Americans that really care about public school education be prepared that for all the money the Federal government spends on education a huge chunk of it will be steered to vouchers so parents can send their kids to non-public schools. As the American people know the Republicans response to mass shootings is to facilitate more good guys throughout our society having guns so they can take out the bad guy shooter so be prepared for Federal legislation that overrules all state and local laws prohibiting the open carrying or carrying of guns even in schools for schools Republicans will probably put a certification requirement! For sanctuary cities and states that shield illegal immigrants expect Federal legislation that punishes you by taking away some of your federal funding in various areas. You know how America has had a long time advice proclamation for foreigners throughout the world that want to come to America do it the right way follow our immigration laws do things like apply for the visa lottery which gives foreigners from poor counties where the education system isn't good a chance to come to America expect the Federal government to pass legislation that does away with the visa lottery system, you have to have advanced degrees to come to America we expect you to make a meaningful contribution to our economy. And you know those temporary visa programs the H2-A and H2-B programs where hundreds of thousands of foreign workers come to America each year where U.S. employers have to document their efforts to first try to get Americans to fill those jobs well the American people should expect a Republican Washington to pass legislation that eliminates these workers protections a U.S. employers representation that there isn't sufficient U.S. workers available to fill the jobs will all that will be needed. You know how many Republican states are right-to-work states where employees don't have to join the union if they don't want to it is okay to free load off the union in terms of wage and benefit protections, expect federal legislation that makes all states right to work states and you know how the current law provides for employers automatically taking out union dues from a workers paycheck before the worker gets the check, that is the union dues that pays for lawyers to negotiate contracts and see the union workers rights are protected, forget that under the new federal legislation that employer action will be prohibited, union will have to send their union members who are often lower wage and struggling to get by a bill for union dues! One could go on and on about Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the continuation and operation of federal agencies and the list goes on and on how Republicans will re-mold America into their not-good form.

Many Progressive Democrats have blasted the Filibuster Rule clamoring with statements like that it is a relic from the Jim Crow era implying its supporters are racists how incredibly irresponsible these people are. So many Senators of both parties across the decades have supported this rule because they know that their party won't always be in power and simple majorities ramming through partisan legislation as the political pendulum swings in the nation will be very bad for the country, a lot of people will be really hurt in such an America especially considering how political extremism has grown in America. Such in part being fueled by the reality that today our Democracy in America is largely for sale this election season nine billion dollars will be spent, many of the players involved aren't spending the money for virtue it's is to protect their interests they are essentially buying votes! Wise American's won't be persuaded to listen to President Joe Biden and vote Democrat to help him enact into law an abortion rights bill or voters rights bill that permanently voids the Filibuster Rule which will trade the long-term welfare for the short-term welfare of the nation assuming at best that such Democrat bills are good bills ( a person committed to integrity in elections wouldn't sign onto the latter bills not in a billion years)!
The title of democrat and liar are synonymous. Democrat 30-year incumbent senator from WA, Patty Murray, did the same thing during her debate yesterday with novice republican candidate, Tiffany Smiley. When Murray responded to questions that were asked at all, what came out of her mouth were consistently lies. Democrats need to go. They will be the downfall of America.
Last Tuesday President Joe Biden gave a speech where he sought to rally voters to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term elections by saying if you want me to sign into law the right of a women to get an abortion which they had for fifty years with the Roe decision that was this year overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobb's decision than vote Democrat in this year's Congressional election because if we can get fifty-two Democrat Senators in Congress I can make an exception to the "sixty-vote to overcome the filibuster of a bill" rule for an abortion rights bill (assuming fifty Democrat Senators vote to waive this rule for this bill) we can pass this bill and restore this vital right for women across America! It is shocking how President Biden can be so dishonest so willing to dupe the American people with this phony promise he is pitching. Any competent person on how America's democracy works knows there is no "exception mechanism" to the sixty votes to overcome a filibuster rule, there is no "one off" option for abortion bills or voting rights bills (which is another fraudulent representation President Biden dupes the American people with.

President Biden is either a low-life despicable liar or a person suffering from significant dementia which has impaired his judgment this is the only way to explain his offering this exception to the filibuster rule option to the American people for abortion rights and voting rights legislation. Joe Biden was in the U.S. Senate for thirty-five years and the Vice-President Of the United States for eight years he knows how competitive the Republican Senate Caucus is to allege there is an exception mechanism to the filibuster rule the Republican would find it laughable Republicans won't spend two seconds considering this exception option. If the Democrats pass either an abortion rights bill or a voting rights act bill with less than the filibuster rule mandate of sixty votes, the Republicans will consider the filibuster rule completely and permanently null and void meaning in the future all bills can proceed and overcome a filibuster with fifty-one votes. Any non-mentally impaired person with Joe Biden's history in government would know this without question and without reservation!

This should set off five alarms with every American that Joe Biden is so depraved that he would sign into law an abortion rights bill or a voting rights bill that circumvented the filibuster rule. Seriously what is at stake here is the well being and the survival of the country! The basis for this conclusion is the following. When the Republicans take back the White House and both chambers of Congress which will happen soon because Democrats don't appreciate the vital importance of America's energy independence in getting inflation under control and they don't appreciate the danger of trying to fix the standard of living imbalance in America through just federal spending, taxing and mandates, not having the protection of the filibuster rule which practically requires bi-partisan support in Congress to pass legislation will lead to the passage into law of a truly abundance of Republican wish list bills and with Mitch McConnell as Majority leader who is unmatched in his ability to work the levers of the Senate to pass bills this ruining of America will likely occur within two years! What America will see includes:

The Affordable Care Act will be amended either to directly or allow the states to directly repeal many of the protections in this law; so insurance companies will be able to underwrite policies according to enrollees medical condition - Americans with preexisting conditions will pay fifty, one-hundred and one-hundred percent more in premiums. The out of pocket caps on co-pays and co-insurance will be repealed if you get cancer or have long stays in the hospital or things like that your out of pocket costs will run into the tens of thousands of dollars and probably the high tens of thousands of dollars. To appreciate what will happen here think what things were like before the ACA was passed but much worse because health care costs go up significantly higher than inflation! To those Americans that really care about public school education be prepared that for all the money the Federal government spends on education a huge chunk of it will be steered to vouchers so parents can send their kids to non-public schools. As the American people know the Republicans response to mass shootings is to facilitate more good guys throughout our society having guns so they can take out the bad guy shooter so be prepared for Federal legislation that overrules all state and local laws prohibiting the open carrying or carrying of guns even in schools for schools Republicans will probably put a certification requirement! For sanctuary cities and states that shield illegal immigrants expect Federal legislation that punishes you by taking away some of your federal funding in various areas. You know how America has had a long time advice proclamation for foreigners throughout the world that want to come to America do it the right way follow our immigration laws do things like apply for the visa lottery which gives foreigners from poor counties where the education system isn't good a chance to come to America expect the Federal government to pass legislation that does away with the visa lottery system, you have to have advanced degrees to come to America we expect you to make a meaningful contribution to our economy. And you know those temporary visa programs the H2-A and H2-B programs where hundreds of thousands of foreign workers come to America each year where U.S. employers have to document their efforts to first try to get Americans to fill those jobs well the American people should expect a Republican Washington to pass legislation that eliminates these workers protections a U.S. employers representation that there isn't sufficient U.S. workers available to fill the jobs will all that will be needed. You know how many Republican states are right-to-work states where employees don't have to join the union if they don't want to it is okay to free load off the union in terms of wage and benefit protections, expect federal legislation that makes all states right to work states and you know how the current law provides for employers automatically taking out union dues from a workers paycheck before the worker gets the check, that is the union dues that pays for lawyers to negotiate contracts and see the union workers rights are protected, forget that under the new federal legislation that employer action will be prohibited, union will have to send their union members who are often lower wage and struggling to get by a bill for union dues! One could go on and on about Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the continuation and operation of federal agencies and the list goes on and on how Republicans will re-mold America into their not-good form.

Many Progressive Democrats have blasted the Filibuster Rule clamoring with statements like that it is a relic from the Jim Crow era implying its supporters are racists how incredibly irresponsible these people are. So many Senators of both parties across the decades have supported this rule because they know that their party won't always be in power and simple majorities ramming through partisan legislation as the political pendulum swings in the nation will be very bad for the country, a lot of people will be really hurt in such an America especially considering how political extremism has grown in America. Such in part being fueled by the reality that today our Democracy in America is largely for sale this election season nine billion dollars will be spent, many of the players involved aren't spending the money for virtue it's is to protect their interests they are essentially buying votes! Wise American's won't be persuaded to listen to President Joe Biden and vote Democrat to help him enact into law an abortion rights bill or voters rights bill that permanently voids the Filibuster Rule which will trade the long-term welfare for the short-term welfare of the nation assuming at best that such Democrat bills are good bills ( a person committed to integrity in elections wouldn't sign onto the latter bills not in a billion years)!

The filibuster is not enshrined in the Constitution. The filibuster was never designed to create a supermajority for conducting routine business. If Republicans get control of everything, they will do away with the filibuster anyway. Nazis don't care about how they do it. They just want to seize control of this country and they don't care how they do it.
The filibuster is not enshrined in the Constitution. The filibuster was never designed to create a supermajority for conducting routine business. If Republicans get control of everything, they will do away with the filibuster anyway. Nazis don't care about how they do it. They just want to seize control of this country and they don't care how they do it.
That is what the left wing dems are trying to do. Along with some of their RINO minions.
The filibuster is not enshrined in the Constitution. The filibuster was never designed to create a supermajority for conducting routine business. If Republicans get control of everything, they will do away with the filibuster anyway. Nazis don't care about how they do it. They just want to seize control of this country and they don't care how they do it.
all but 2 dems voted to end the filibuster ... and those 2 dems were excoriated by the left .
Last Tuesday President Joe Biden gave a speech where he sought to rally voters to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term elections by saying if you want me to sign into law the right of a women to get an abortion which they had for fifty years with the Roe decision that was this year overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobb's decision than vote Democrat in this year's Congressional election because if we can get fifty-two Democrat Senators in Congress I can make an exception to the "sixty-vote to overcome the filibuster of a bill" rule for an abortion rights bill (assuming fifty Democrat Senators vote to waive this rule for this bill) we can pass this bill and restore this vital right for women across America! It is shocking how President Biden can be so dishonest so willing to dupe the American people with this phony promise he is pitching. Any competent person on how America's democracy works knows there is no "exception mechanism" to the sixty votes to overcome a filibuster rule, there is no "one off" option for abortion bills or voting rights bills (which is another fraudulent representation President Biden dupes the American people with.

President Biden is either a low-life despicable liar or a person suffering from significant dementia which has impaired his judgment this is the only way to explain his offering this exception to the filibuster rule option to the American people for abortion rights and voting rights legislation. Joe Biden was in the U.S. Senate for thirty-five years and the Vice-President Of the United States for eight years he knows how competitive the Republican Senate Caucus is to allege there is an exception mechanism to the filibuster rule the Republican would find it laughable Republicans won't spend two seconds considering this exception option. If the Democrats pass either an abortion rights bill or a voting rights act bill with less than the filibuster rule mandate of sixty votes, the Republicans will consider the filibuster rule completely and permanently null and void meaning in the future all bills can proceed and overcome a filibuster with fifty-one votes. Any non-mentally impaired person with Joe Biden's history in government would know this without question and without reservation!

This should set off five alarms with every American that Joe Biden is so depraved that he would sign into law an abortion rights bill or a voting rights bill that circumvented the filibuster rule. Seriously what is at stake here is the well being and the survival of the country! The basis for this conclusion is the following. When the Republicans take back the White House and both chambers of Congress which will happen soon because Democrats don't appreciate the vital importance of America's energy independence in getting inflation under control and they don't appreciate the danger of trying to fix the standard of living imbalance in America through just federal spending, taxing and mandates, not having the protection of the filibuster rule which practically requires bi-partisan support in Congress to pass legislation will lead to the passage into law of a truly abundance of Republican wish list bills and with Mitch McConnell as Majority leader who is unmatched in his ability to work the levers of the Senate to pass bills this ruining of America will likely occur within two years! What America will see includes:

The Affordable Care Act will be amended either to directly or allow the states to directly repeal many of the protections in this law; so insurance companies will be able to underwrite policies according to enrollees medical condition - Americans with preexisting conditions will pay fifty, one-hundred and one-hundred percent more in premiums. The out of pocket caps on co-pays and co-insurance will be repealed if you get cancer or have long stays in the hospital or things like that your out of pocket costs will run into the tens of thousands of dollars and probably the high tens of thousands of dollars. To appreciate what will happen here think what things were like before the ACA was passed but much worse because health care costs go up significantly higher than inflation! To those Americans that really care about public school education be prepared that for all the money the Federal government spends on education a huge chunk of it will be steered to vouchers so parents can send their kids to non-public schools. As the American people know the Republicans response to mass shootings is to facilitate more good guys throughout our society having guns so they can take out the bad guy shooter so be prepared for Federal legislation that overrules all state and local laws prohibiting the open carrying or carrying of guns even in schools for schools Republicans will probably put a certification requirement! For sanctuary cities and states that shield illegal immigrants expect Federal legislation that punishes you by taking away some of your federal funding in various areas. You know how America has had a long time advice proclamation for foreigners throughout the world that want to come to America do it the right way follow our immigration laws do things like apply for the visa lottery which gives foreigners from poor counties where the education system isn't good a chance to come to America expect the Federal government to pass legislation that does away with the visa lottery system, you have to have advanced degrees to come to America we expect you to make a meaningful contribution to our economy. And you know those temporary visa programs the H2-A and H2-B programs where hundreds of thousands of foreign workers come to America each year where U.S. employers have to document their efforts to first try to get Americans to fill those jobs well the American people should expect a Republican Washington to pass legislation that eliminates these workers protections a U.S. employers representation that there isn't sufficient U.S. workers available to fill the jobs will all that will be needed. You know how many Republican states are right-to-work states where employees don't have to join the union if they don't want to it is okay to free load off the union in terms of wage and benefit protections, expect federal legislation that makes all states right to work states and you know how the current law provides for employers automatically taking out union dues from a workers paycheck before the worker gets the check, that is the union dues that pays for lawyers to negotiate contracts and see the union workers rights are protected, forget that under the new federal legislation that employer action will be prohibited, union will have to send their union members who are often lower wage and struggling to get by a bill for union dues! One could go on and on about Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the continuation and operation of federal agencies and the list goes on and on how Republicans will re-mold America into their not-good form.

Many Progressive Democrats have blasted the Filibuster Rule clamoring with statements like that it is a relic from the Jim Crow era implying its supporters are racists how incredibly irresponsible these people are. So many Senators of both parties across the decades have supported this rule because they know that their party won't always be in power and simple majorities ramming through partisan legislation as the political pendulum swings in the nation will be very bad for the country, a lot of people will be really hurt in such an America especially considering how political extremism has grown in America. Such in part being fueled by the reality that today our Democracy in America is largely for sale this election season nine billion dollars will be spent, many of the players involved aren't spending the money for virtue it's is to protect their interests they are essentially buying votes! Wise American's won't be persuaded to listen to President Joe Biden and vote Democrat to help him enact into law an abortion rights bill or voters rights bill that permanently voids the Filibuster Rule which will trade the long-term welfare for the short-term welfare of the nation assuming at best that such Democrat bills are good bills ( a person committed to integrity in elections wouldn't sign onto the latter bills not in a billion years)!
Biden don't have the sense to think let alone do anything else unless you call shitting himself his master plan.
Biden don't have the sense to think let alone do anything else unless you call shitting himself his master plan.

Your candidate of choice spent yesterday on his financially troubled media platform, attacking Glen Youngkin because Youngkin's name sounds "Chinese". It doesn't get more demented than that.

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