Biden has closed the gop to 0.4

Unless Trump is ahead and then MAGA falls over themselves to let everyone know about it

I guess you would know.

While I know what the acronym stands for, I don't know what the movement stands for.

I've asked, but I don't pay much attention to sales pitches (like MAGA or "Build Back Better").
For doing what?

What blatant corruption?

Where is this happening?

So what you guys do with Trump.

You're far more naive than even what I first thought.

For doing what? Whatever the dims manufacture about them, because that's what they do, they will do anything to remain in power and 'win' elections. If you can't see the blatant corruption already right in front of your eyes, then there is no helping you.

Who are 'you guys'? I'm not a fan of Trump, but he's far better than the corrupt, sold-out asshole currently in the WH. I despise the R's, who sit on their asses and do nothing while the D's abuse our justice system to take out their enemy, but I completely loath the corrupt piece of shit D's, I hope they all rot in hell. If you can't see the corruption in DC, you're a complete and total fool.

You watch, I guarantee you the next R nominee for pres will be treated the same way Trump is, I would bet my entire life savings on it. Were you not around for Reagan and Bush, they did the same to them, only on a much milder scale, now that they have shown what they can get away with, a new standard has been set. And the gutless R's will sit around and do nothing like they usually do, none of them are working for 'we the people', they're all only there for their own advancement of power and wealth.
You're far more naive than even what I first thought.

For doing what? Whatever the dims manufacture about them, because that's what they do, they will do anything to remain in power and 'win' elections. If you can't see the blatant corruption already right in front of your eyes, then there is no helping you.

So, as we all already knew, you can't point to anything other than your own paranoid conspiracy theories.

You watch, I guarantee you the next R nominee for pres will be treated the same way Trump is, I would bet my entire life savings on it.

Enjoy living on the streets.

Were you not around for Reagan and Bush, they did the same to them, only on a much milder scale,

Like what?
Does anyone in their right mind think that Reuters or NPR would ever give Trump a fair evaluation? Democrats aren't even sure if Biden is healthy enough to run.
So, as we all already knew, you can't point to anything other than your own paranoid conspiracy theories.

Enjoy living on the streets.

Like what?

Yeah, have it your way, there is absolutely no corruption going on at all, no abuse of federal agencies or in the case of NY, state and local agencies. :rolleyes: They're spending us into oblivion and you're stupid enough to think there aren't going to be any consequences, while they're all getting richer and richer with every year they hold office, all of them.

We talk about them every day in threads all over the board, every single thing they've done to Trump, starting with the 'Russian collusion' hoax to impeach him, all the way up to these bullshit indictments and everything in between. While they do nothing about the obvious 'business dealings' between the Bidens and foreign governments, or any of the numerous things Clinton got away with. Your TDS has turned you into a fool (assumption, you were probably a fool prior to that as well), now that they know they can use the legal system to take out someone who's a billionaire, anyone else is going to be a piece of cake. and you'll come up with your excuses for why that's happening as well. Gee golly, no corruption in our government at all, no abuses to be seen anywhere. 🤡

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