Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

Since I make no errors, perhaps you should race to correctr th0ose in your precious bible, which you have admitted are there.
I've corrected the ones that are important to me. My main focus is on what isn't stated outright. That's what God wants us to do.
Obviously, the ones that were destroyed, yet quoted by fanatics such as yourself. Try thinking before you post your idiocy.
None of the commandments were destroyed or changed.

Exodus 34:1
"And the Lord said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest."
I've corrected the ones that are important to me. My main focus is on what isn't stated outright. That's what God wants us to do.
And exactly how would you know what god wants you to do? Secret messages in your porridge or shadow puppets in your dreams (otherwise known as your imagination)?
You seem to be holding a different narrative than what is written. I'm interested in hearing about it.
No, you lie when you claim that you are. You continue to deny anything that differs from your own private interpretation of the thread and lie to support your claims.
The 5 on the 3rd tablet. You know, the one Mel Brooks dropped...
Explains where you claim to get your knowledge from, a fictional comedy that you seem to think is divine truth. How about the other fictional movies, like Dumbo? Are they also the divine truth?
And exactly how would you know what god wants you to do? Secret messages in your porridge or shadow puppets in your dreams (otherwise known as your imagination)?
Lots of stuff concealed in God's word.

Proverbs 25:2
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
None of the commandments were destroyed or changed.

Exodus 34:1
"And the Lord said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest."
And you have these stone tablets, the originals, as proof?, Even though the bible claims that Moses broke them?

Seek help.
Explains where you claim to get your knowledge from, a fictional comedy that you seem to think is divine truth. How about the other fictional movies, like Dumbo? Are they also the divine truth?
I see you were absent when sense of humour was handed out.
"And the Lord said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest."

- if ever anyone heard something from the heavens - that person was not moses.

you have no morals, nutz - provide those tablets and the false commandments you worship ... moses was as well a murderer - just the type for you and your religion of servitude and denial.
Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.
I taught myself to read Arabic, Latin and Hebrew. I try to read as much as I can from the earlier languages before it was translated to English.
Interesting. I had not heard of either, so I looked them up. The Darbyites seem to be people who have a different interpretation of biblical scripture than other churches. Of course, that is true of every church.

In Scofield’s young manhood, he committed several egregious acts, starting with deserting as a confederate soldier and swearing all allegiance to the enemies in the north. He then went deeper into criminality to forgery accepting bribes even sinking solo as to become a lawyer.

Following a religious conversion, he abandoned all such activities and published a Bible with an annotations was that is very popular as aid to learning scripture. Indeed, he addressed the prophecies in the Bible as if they were valid predictions of future events.

That seems to be pretty straightforward examples of the wide variety of differing Christian religious beliefs, but I think by your tone you met them to sound somehow disreputable. Maybe that was a vibe that I misinterpreted?

I take it that both Scofield and the Darbyites predicted the resurrection of Israel over 100 years before the actual event?

I was unable to find the Scofield felony conviction to which you refer. Can you link me to it?
Scofield abandoned his wife and children..was also convicted of forgery.
He was hired to promote Christian zionism.
Scofield abandoned his wife and children..was also convicted of forgery.
He was hired to promote Christian zionism.
He was wise enough not to put-God for the word at John 1:1--he put was divine as did Schoenfield, and Goodspeed. at minimum 20 other translations had a god which is correct the way its worded in the Greek lexicons.

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