Anyone been to China?


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?

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Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?


I've been to China, twice. Where are you going to be in China? How long are you going to be there?

I've been to Shanghai, Bejing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shantou, and Choazhou and a bit of countryside. It's a big country. Where will you be?
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I was there 20 some years ago. I am sure it has changed some.
treat the prople nice and they will treat you nice.
I would say that most areas now cater better to westerners. I spent 3 weeks eating with 2 sticks ;)
Virtually no baked bread either.
I was there 20 some years ago. I am sure it has changed some.
treat the prople nice and they will treat you nice.
I would say that most areas now cater better to westerners. I spent 3 weeks eating with 2 sticks ;)
Virtually no baked bread either.

I was in China last year, and also 20 years ago. It has changed a lot. Definitely can get baked bread, croissants, bagels, etc. Depending where you are, you can get pretty much what you can get anywhere. When I was there 20 years ago, I was with a Chinese friend and stayed with her family. I can eat with chopsticks as easily as with a fork. :)

When I was there last year, I was on a bus one day. I was asking if someone could tell me when my stop came up. The only people on the bus were Chinese. (This was in Bejing.) I was 'talking' to an older Chinese couple. The husband actually got off the bus with me, while his wife went on home, so he could give me directions to my destination from my stop. He then had to wait and catch the next bus home. They were so nice! Everyone was very nice, friendly and helpful.

If you go to a hotel that caters mainly to Chinese people, you will probably not be very comfortable as the standards and the food are different. Or, you can experience the difference: Viva la difference! Hotels for Chinese people are cheaper.
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Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?

Never been to China but when I travel I follow a few rules:
1. Eat all the food.
2. Don't buy any fashionable clothing.

If China is anything like Korea I'd tell you not to drink the water, just bottled.

Do that and you won't have any regrets. Enjoy.
Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?


I was in China 10 years ago. I visited Tianjin and Beijing. I was completely blown away by the tall buildings, public art, and the overall decadence. And over the last ten year these cities have grown tenfold. You're really in for a special trip.
Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?


I was in China 10 years ago. I visited Tianjin and Beijing. I was completely blown away by the tall buildings, public art, and the overall decadence. And over the last ten year these cities have grown tenfold. You're really in for a special trip.

In the past 8-9 years, China has built nearly 32,000 miles of highway/expressway. That's just one way it's changed in the past ten years.
I don't know China well, but one thing that has surprised me is how regional the food is. Maybe in the US where you have much better regional Chinese food everyone knows this, but I was kinda surprised to find that many of the things I might consider basics simply didn't exist in some parts of the country at all.

It's certainly good to know a bit about the classic food in each area you head to, as food is such a major part of travel - for me, anyway.
Bring bibles. Lots and lots of bibles. Chinese translation. Thanks. - J.

No, don't do that.

That's right Don't, the people who suggest doing that are christian fundamentalist lunatics who want to proselytize and are not welcome there. There are China's laws that ban bringing Bibles into China. If you have your own personal one no problem, but bringing many in will get you persona non grata or worse.

I have been to China numerous times over the last few years Beijing,Shanghai and Chongqing. Every time I go it changes so fast with the building boom and freeway construction. Dress comfortably when not on business , the hotels are international so no big difference, plenty of western food in the big cities, but try the local food to.
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Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?


I've been to Hong Kong and Taiwan but have not visited China. I did just fly through Beijing a couple of months ago and had an interesting time in the airport lounge getting on the wifi.

First I had to scan my passport into a machine in order to get a passcode. Then I had to log on to the government site and register. Had to get two passcodes because I kept trying to log on through Google and after about 10 minutes I remembered Google doesn't work in China LOL.

How long are you going and where? Have a great trip!
Hubby and I are going there on a business trip in June/July.

Have any dos or don'ts to offer?


Food market in Beijing is a must see.

The great wall of China is very impressive (Make sure you do not go there on a Sunday, though), and the Forbidden city is beautiful.

Guilin is a beautiful city as well, enjoyed visiting it very much

Though the most impressive and the top must see in China, in my opinion, is Hangzhou. Place of paradise. cannot miss it!
Not sure where we are going or how long we are staying.
I will have more info soon.
Please keep on with the tips and when we get narrowed down I'll post more info.

I do know we will be looking at undeveloped real estate.
Bringing Western medical facilities to the East.
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I was there 20 some years ago. I am sure it has changed some.
treat the prople nice and they will treat you nice.
I would say that most areas now cater better to westerners. I spent 3 weeks eating with 2 sticks ;)
Virtually no baked bread either.

I am not skilled at eating with sticks.
Are you advising I bring sporks with me?

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