Americans don’t WANT electric cars. Is that a problem?

or if gm enticed municipal governments to tear up the streetcar tracks and buy busses?
I just made up the story about teddy roosevelt

He was a very progressive person for his day but would never have done anything as insane as shooting all the horses

But I think there is some truth to bus companies lobbying government to do away with streetcars
CNN explores that question:

New YorkCNN —
The Biden administration is banking on the old “if you build it they will come” approach to cudgel the auto industry away from gas-burning cars. It also seems to recognize a giant problem at the heart of the long-awaited EV revolution: Americans don’t really want them.

CNN explains several reasons why Americans are just not buying electric vehicles. All of them seem pretty reasonable. None of them are anything like “because I want the Earth to burn!”

So what is the solution to this unwillingness to purchase electric vehicles? In a free democracy, the answer is obvious. People don’t want it, they don’t want it, so pretty much end of discussion.

Democrats, what is your solution in your vision of what America should be, instead of a free democracy?

Your answers I believe would fit into one of two categories: more incentives, or more force. no mystery there.

I’m just curious to know what you think that should look like? Please be specific.
Americans DO want electric cars.
CNN explores that question:

New YorkCNN —
The Biden administration is banking on the old “if you build it they will come” approach to cudgel the auto industry away from gas-burning cars. It also seems to recognize a giant problem at the heart of the long-awaited EV revolution: Americans don’t really want them.

CNN explains several reasons why Americans are just not buying electric vehicles. All of them seem pretty reasonable. None of them are anything like “because I want the Earth to burn!”

So what is the solution to this unwillingness to purchase electric vehicles? In a free democracy, the answer is obvious. People don’t want it, they don’t want it, so pretty much end of discussion.

Democrats, what is your solution in your vision of what America should be, instead of a free democracy?

Your answers I believe would fit into one of two categories: more incentives, or more force. no mystery there.

I’m just curious to know what you think that should look like? Please be specific.
If EVs were viable there would be no need for stupid subsidies. By the way, why are we giving subsidies for anything when we are $34 trillion in debt?

They ain't saving anything. Not the planet, not anything. The lifetime carbon foot print of an EV is greater than that of an ICE.

Just another idiotic Environmental Wacko idea that is stupid as hell. Another one of Potatohead's moronic screwed up ideals. Like Obama said he screws up everything he touches.

Climate change is real. Man made climate change is a scam. Spending taxpayer's money on the scam is bat shit crazy.
CNN explores that question:

New YorkCNN —
The Biden administration is banking on the old “if you build it they will come” approach to cudgel the auto industry away from gas-burning cars. It also seems to recognize a giant problem at the heart of the long-awaited EV revolution: Americans don’t really want them.

CNN explains several reasons why Americans are just not buying electric vehicles. All of them seem pretty reasonable. None of them are anything like “because I want the Earth to burn!”

So what is the solution to this unwillingness to purchase electric vehicles? In a free democracy, the answer is obvious. People don’t want it, they don’t want it, so pretty much end of discussion.

Democrats, what is your solution in your vision of what America should be, instead of a free democracy?

Your answers I believe would fit into one of two categories: more incentives, or more force. no mystery there.

I’m just curious to know what you think that should look like? Please be specific.

If you have an efficient vehicle that has all the range, reliability, power, light maintenance, and towing capability that commercial enterprises want and willingly switch to....then consumers will want the product too.

As it currently stands even the new ICE vehicles are having massive and ongoing computer issues with them to where they break down often. And when that onboard computer has a meltdown due to a faulty battery connection your 100k vehicle is a paperweight.

People like commercial comparable powered vehicles for the opportunity to do commercial tasks for themselves. If it gives them an ability to start a business or avoid a delivery charge or have a group of friends and kids in a road trip....they like it. The Reality of not doing this on even a limited basis is not on their radar...but if they purchase a commuter EV...all those options are gone. They aren't sure they will be able to charge their vehicle or even carry a generator to make it happen.

As it was....Biden pushed this completely EV forward without infrastructure or technology available to make it happen....even the commercial fleets had to be strong-armed into purchasing the EVs. Car rental agencies did not like the reliability, price, or range of the vehicles.

Pickup Trucks are a popular vehicle even when used as a commuter vehicle...people stop at the Home Depot or Lowes to buy gardening supplies (strong odors) or lumber or whatever (washers, dryers. Barbecue grills) or pull watercraft or trailers loaded with stuff. Can't do that with an EV and get home.

Hybrid vehicles were a much better option if they can sort the reliability issues....and if the money spent on EVs was spent on technology we can make viable...they would be everywhere today and Biden viewed as a hero instead of an idiot dictator.

He could have just as equally demanded flying cars and the same results would have happened.
CNN explores that question:

New YorkCNN —
The Biden administration is banking on the old “if you build it they will come” approach to cudgel the auto industry away from gas-burning cars. It also seems to recognize a giant problem at the heart of the long-awaited EV revolution: Americans don’t really want them.

CNN explains several reasons why Americans are just not buying electric vehicles. All of them seem pretty reasonable. None of them are anything like “because I want the Earth to burn!”

So what is the solution to this unwillingness to purchase electric vehicles? In a free democracy, the answer is obvious. People don’t want it, they don’t want it, so pretty much end of discussion.

Democrats, what is your solution in your vision of what America should be, instead of a free democracy?

Your answers I believe would fit into one of two categories: more incentives, or more force. no mystery there.

I’m just curious to know what you think that should look like? Please be specific.
Which is why it will be forced upon you.

They will start in places like California.
He was a very progressive person for his day but would never have done anything as insane as shooting all the horses

But I think there is some truth to bus companies lobbying government to do away with streetcars
But, are either one of those any crazier than for example, effectively banning the sale of gas stoves in order to force people to use electricity?

Forget about the fact that nearly all electricity is generated through the use of fossil fuels (duh!). If Democrats could understand that simple concept, none of this would even be an issue.

How wrong is it and how crazy is it to legislatively “vandalize“ new gas stoves because you don’t think people should have them? “Don’t think you should have them“ should never be a reason for a democratic government or a Republic to do anything.
My son regrets buying his Tesla three years ago. He said he would never buy another EV.

He was the perfect person to have one living in North Atlanta and having to commute to work every day. It didn't work out like he expected. It was a bad investment.
But, are either one of those any crazier than for example, effectively banning the sale of gas stoves in order to force people to use electricity?

Forget about the fact that nearly all electricity is generated through the use of fossil fuels (duh!). If Democrats could understand that simple concept, none of this would even be an issue.

How wrong is it and how crazy is it to legislatively “vandalize“ new gas stoves because you don’t think people should have them? “Don’t think you should have them“ should never be a reason for a democratic government or a Republic to do anything.
Teddy Roosevelt was very progressive for his day but would be an enemy of the left today
That there is BS. EMF is NOT radiation. It is inefficiency in the charging, but not radiation.

It's an electric magnetic field being emanated from the car, which - to my understanding, is a type of radiation.

If not?

Still doesn't leave me all warm and fuzzy.
It looks like the jury is still out on how dangerous EMFs are.

But why would I take the chance while purchasing a shitty product that isn't even good for the environment as it claims?

The charging cords being on the stationary, unmanned chargers have created ALL kinds of problems.
As was explained by your average electrician when the subject of charger design came up.
As in you don't make the Hot/line side a male and the load side the female side.
Basic rule of extension cords, power cords, and device energizing.

They need to make the plug a standard 60 Amp 277 V recepticle....3 phase would be better...but whatever.
CNN explores that question:

New YorkCNN —
The Biden administration is banking on the old “if you build it they will come” approach to cudgel the auto industry away from gas-burning cars. It also seems to recognize a giant problem at the heart of the long-awaited EV revolution: Americans don’t really want them.

CNN explains several reasons why Americans are just not buying electric vehicles. All of them seem pretty reasonable. None of them are anything like “because I want the Earth to burn!”

So what is the solution to this unwillingness to purchase electric vehicles? In a free democracy, the answer is obvious. People don’t want it, they don’t want it, so pretty much end of discussion.

Democrats, what is your solution in your vision of what America should be, instead of a free democracy?

Your answers I believe would fit into one of two categories: more incentives, or more force. no mystery there.

I’m just curious to know what you think that should look like? Please be specific.
/——/ One size doesn’t fit all. There is a use for all types of cars and trucks. In business class we learned there are high perceivers of risk who are resistant to change and innovation then the low perceives who are first inline for any thing new. You can’t shove EVs down people’s throats.

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