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Adam Schiff got robbed

What does "old school Republican" mean?

Is that like saying "old school racist?"

No, THIS is like saying "old school racist":

What examples can you cite, as in post, of Mr. Schiff being an opponent of law and order?

Two impeachment proceedings that were as phony as the day was long.

Weaponizing a little used drastic process because he didn't like Trump.

And spare me the "well Trump did this....." crap. You guys were looking for dirt on him BEFORE he was sworn in.

You were a bunch of butthurt pussies.

I am only grateful, the GOP has not actually been willing to impeach Biden. The country does not need that.

And they didn't need Schiff.

I am really sorry he got robbed. I don't like anyone being overrun by criminals.

If he had been hit by a car driven by some old lady....it might be different.
Two impeachment proceedings that were as phony as the day was long.

Weaponizing a little used drastic process because he didn't like Trump.

And spare me the "well Trump did this....." crap. You guys were looking for dirt on him BEFORE he was sworn in.

You were a bunch of butthurt pussies.

I am only grateful, the GOP has not actually been willing to impeach Biden. The country does not need that.

And they didn't need Schiff.

I am really sorry he got robbed. I don't like anyone being overrun by criminals.

If he had been hit by a car driven by some old lady....it might be different.

And all that was correct. tRump should never have been presented by the GOP as a candidate then nor now. Your need to win overshadows your criminal needs.
And all that was correct. tRump should never have been presented by the GOP as a candidate then nor now. Your need to win overshadows your criminal needs.

We can present anyone we want.

Your only choice is to defeat them. Which you didn't. So you threw a fit.

We know.....we've been watching lying on the floor screaming and yelling ever since (even post 2020).

I woke up the day after Biden was elected....and went to work.
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?
He has not even begun to get karma.
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?

Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Because if this were to have happened to Matt
Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley…pretty much any of them, you would find it funny.

Welcome to partisan politics, it’s where we are at now
We can present anyone we want.

Your only choice is to defeat them. Which you didn't. So you threw a fit.

We know.....we've been watching lying on the floor screaming and yelling ever since (even post 2020).

I woke up the day after Biden was elected....and went to work.

Then you are a criminal insane person.
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?
Gee if that was Margorie Taylor Green that robbed instead of Schiff would you have the same reaction?
Gee if that was Margorie Taylor Green that robbed instead of Schiff would you have the same reaction?

If MTG were to be accosted, I would hope they would kidnap her and then find out that no one is going to even attempt to bring the ransom. I think that within about 15 minutes she would be released as that is the worst that they ransomers can do to everyone else. Or they could ransom with, come up with the ransom or we are going to let her go.
Did they get his gay kiddie porn collection?

Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a carjacking just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.

The Dems created their progressive utopia, and now they are suffering.
Schiff got a little karma.
California is a one party Democrat state.
They keep electing radical left knuttjobs like Schiff.
Rumor has it that the perps were wearing red MAGA caps and were sporting a hangman's rope. :wink:
If some jackass tried to assault MTG, they may very well end up with a 9MM hole right between the eyes.

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