A Preponderance of Treason


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Preponderance of Treason
10 Sep 2021

It’s important to go through this slowly, deliberately. (long)
In the United States vs Throckmorton, it was found that even after twenty years, after the original claimant was dead and the land had transferred to other owners, that a document, the last item required to perfect the original claim of title from a previous land grant issued by Mexico, was suspect. The document, the only unsatisfied requirement of the claim, was eventually determined to be fraudulent. That fraud, meant that the claim was vacated, undoing possession of the land that had been occupied since before California was a territory of the United States.
While this is a cursory explanation of the case, the vital point to be made is that Justice Miller, recognizing the extraordinary hardship it would place on those who had, as far as they knew, done everything legally in purchasing the land in dispute, could not, at least through that deed, possess the land. Fraud vitiates everything.
This principle affects everything at issue today: the pandemic, the election, the “vaccine,” the repercussions of the debacle in Afghanistan, the crisis on the border and all extenuating circumstances thereof. United States vs Throckmorton illustrates how clearly allowing one fraud to slip by affects all of history thereafter and impacts the innocent who ultimately suffer the consequences.
The people of the United States do not need to prove any crime, it merely needs to make the accusation based on a preponderance of evidence. It is the responsibility of our representatives, and if they forsake their duty, the military, to investigate and hold trials. Should the military forsake its duty, only then does it fall to the people.
It’s with this in mind that we look backward to the original fraud: the Russian dossier. With eight years to identify, promote and radicalize individuals and groups of individuals within the FBI, Barack Obama, sought to continue his “fundamental transformation of America” through Hillary Clinton by sabotaging the campaign of Donald Trump.
Certain individuals within the FBI committed perjury (fraud) by lying on FISA applications to obtain wiretaps on individuals in the Trump campaign in order to find or manufacture evidence of wrongdoing that would swing the election in Clinton’s favor (election tampering). While that initial effort failed, the fraud continued in an attempt to cover up the coup. This included manufacturing charges against Michael Flynn in order to derail Trump’s choice for Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) who could and would be able to expose the coup (treason).
Instead, this initial fraud led to a three-year investigation and ultimate partisan impeachment, tying the hands of the President of the United States, with aid and comfort from those in his own party, surrounding him with compromised and perhaps co-conspirators in the investigation (attempted coup) during the greatest share of his term in office. He suffered from a hostile press corps who aided and abetted the attempted coup and its participants by shaping public opinion through lies and manipulation of the public trust (treason). In exchange for that trust, the press is given special protection and access under the First Amendment and have a duty to the people to expose crimes and they become complicit when they do not.
In a legitimate government, the Russian dossier would have been examined, quickly discredited and dropped. The statements concerning Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would have been examined and put into effect, either shelving the need for a vaccine, or working alongside its development, preventing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The suspicion of election fraud would have been recognized, willingly investigated and probably a new election would have been conducted, all before January 20, or soon after. The “vaccine” would have been developed normally and with full testing and a list of possible side effects and dangers of taking it and it wouldn’t have to be mandated.
That is how a responsive and responsible government would have acted and since the U.S. Government has done anything but, it has allowed for previous and future acts of treason to take place. We see now that Barack Obama gave aid and comfort to the enemy when he imported terrorists into the nation and exported terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to freedom. Many of those same terrorists now fill the Taliban cabinet.
Within the first seven months of Biden’s term, he did exactly the same thing only on a bigger and more deadly scale by abandoning 85 billion dollars in advanced military technology and about 5 billion in cash to ongoing and present enemies of the United States. Biden’s border policies, treason, now allow for foreign terrorists to enter through Mexico with no vetting.
The people have seen through the instances listed above that there is fraud and treason taking place at all levels of government and for a sustained period of time. That this treason has cost the lives of citizens both domestically and abroad. That even county employees have served to avoid recognition of this fraud (the 2020 election) and have therefore suborned it and/or committed treason directly through the violation of their oath.
All of the above establishes the preponderance of treason.
The American people have allowed themselves to be put into a box by politicians of both parties. One by breaking the law and committing treason and the other by looking away from it, which is suborning treason. They pretend that the only way to recognize treason is for them to do it, officially and through their devices. The people are supposed to be stymied by political inaction, making it seem as if there is nothing that can be done about it.
There are two remedies, both start with the people.
One is for the people themselves to recognize that the box they have been put into is an illusion. They aren’t in a box at all. The government is in a box that it refuses to recognize. It’s the duty and responsibility of the people to make them recognize it. They can achieve that through mass protests, civil disobedience or hostile confrontation.
The other legal and more logical response is to raise a petition for the military to recognize the preponderance of treason the election has revealed and to conduct an emergency election. This is with the full understanding that one half of the electorate considers the 2020 election to be rampant with fraud and where states won’t initiate either a full forensic audit or conduct an emergency election, the election officials charged with that duty shall be taken into custody and new officials named from those familiar with the proceedings or supplied by military personnel.
This has not happened already, because there are treasonous individuals at the top of the military, too. It is incumbent upon them, it is their duty, to defend the constitution and the people from corrupt governments. That it has never happened before does not relieve them of their duty to the people, who have been cheated of due representation. Therefore, the top highest-ranking officer, who recognizes this treason should begin arrests of commanding officers they know to be treasonous or to hold treasonous beliefs, i.e., that the military is subservient to the president and not the constitution to which they have sworn an oath.
The first charge of the newly elected government must be to investigate previous acts of treason through the normal, civilian means to restore faith in the rule of law that has so long been absent or partisan in nature. That anyone charged with these investigations who attempts to hide, distort or manufacture false evidence or testimony for the purpose of evasion or aiding another in evasion will be taken into custody on the charge of treason.

After reading this editorial, I think that the entire document should be read into the Congressional Record and then form the basis for legal action against those who have perpetrated this crime.
But since the perpetrators the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are in power, it is extremely unlikely that such a thing would ever happen. They are very likely proud of their treasonous actions.
It’s important to go through this slowly, deliberately. (long)

Why? it's just stupid propaganda that one of your fascist masters made up.

Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You and your fellow Trump cult fascists are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Thefore, I must oppose you. It is not optional for me. It's that simple.

It's also why a majority of active-duty military voted for Biden. Understand that the military opposes your fascist cult, and they would squash any open treason you tried.
Why? it's just stupid propaganda that one of your fascist masters made up.

Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You and your fellow Trump cult fascists are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Thefore, I must oppose you. It is not optional for me. It's that simple.

It's also why a majority of active-duty military voted for Biden. Understand that the military opposes your fascist cult, and they would squash any open treason you tried.
Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Then why havent you blown your fucking brains out you stupid commie bitch. You voted for the very people who are taking the rights of US citizens away while allowing an invasion of diseased individuals to cross out southern border in the attempt to kill us.

Then why havent you blown your fucking brains out you stupid commie bitch.
I love it when I trigger one of Trump's pajama bois. They're so cute when they rage-weep at me out of sheer loser-desperation.

You voted for the very people who are taking the rights of US citizens away
I know your cult tells you such stupid things. And you always fall for it, because you're a freakin' imbecile, and because you want excuses to kill everyone around you.

You just need to understand what a despised minority of delusional cranks you are. Act up, and you'll be in jail even faster than your white supremacist insurrectionist pals.

while allowing an invasion of diseased individuals to cross out southern border in the attempt to kill us.
At this stage, you've grown to enjoy constantly sitting in a puddle of your own urine. If your britches aren't wet, it feels wrong to you, so you immediately run to your masters to get more reasons to piss yourself.

Now, have I mentioned what a whiny loser you are? I believe I have, but for extra-special losers like you, we definitely need to keep reminding you of your loser status.
Why? it's just stupid propaganda that one of your fascist masters made up.

Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You and your fellow Trump cult fascists are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Thefore, I must oppose you. It is not optional for me. It's that simple.

It's also why a majority of active-duty military voted for Biden. Understand that the military opposes your fascist cult, and they would squash any open treason you tried.
tell us oh great one,, what have trump and his supporters done that the dems havent done worse??
I love it when I trigger one of Trump's pajama bois. They're so cute when they rage-weep at me out of sheer loser-desperation.

I know your cult tells you such stupid things. And you always fall for it, because you're a freakin' imbecile, and because you want excuses to kill everyone around you.

You just need to understand what a despised minority of delusional cranks you are. Act up, and you'll be in jail even faster than your white supremacist insurrectionist pals.

At this stage, you've grown to enjoy constantly sitting in a puddle of your own urine. If your britches aren't wet, it feels wrong to you, so you immediately run to your masters to get another reasons to piss yourself.

Now, have I mentioned what a whiny lose your are? I believe I have, but for extra-special losers like you, we definitely need to keep reminding you of your loser status.
Any fucking time you want to try me, we can meet in St Augustine. As for cults, you seem to not realize that you are just a worthless lying piece of shit, who probably was Dishonorably discharged because you just couldnt handle it. Then you come here acting like you know shit, yet each time i have proven you wrong over and over. Again, if you swore and oath to defend the Constitution and Country, you wouldnt be voting for the very people who are destroying it from within. Stupid bitch, that you are.

The Democrat Party Is Destroying America - Geller Report News
It’s high time Americans throw out politicians who promote mob anarchists, the destruction of law and order, disgrace American heritage, delegitimize our institutions, abuse government power, exploit past injustices, and sow division in an all-encompassing 21st century cultural revolution. Where the stakes are high, so too are the demands to save America from the tyranny of the Jacobian thought police on the cusp of a takeover of the Democratic Party pledging a radical nationwide transformation.
Any fucking time you want to try me, we can meet in St Augustine.
And now he's challenging me! I've triggered him harder than any human in history has been triggered before!

Little kook, I'm not the one calling for violence. I'm just laughing at your tough guy act.

But then, I'm not alone in doing that. Everyone on the board is laughing at your tough guy act.
Why? it's just stupid propaganda that one of your fascist masters made up.

Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You and your fellow Trump cult fascists are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Thefore, I must oppose you. It is not optional for me. It's that simple.

It's also why a majority of active-duty military voted for Biden. Understand that the military opposes your fascist cult, and they would squash any open treason you tried.
the majority of the military did not vote for Biden !
I love it when I trigger one of Trump's pajama bois. They're so cute when they rage-weep at me out of sheer loser-desperation.

I know your cult tells you such stupid things. And you always fall for it, because you're a freakin' imbecile, and because you want excuses to kill everyone around you.

You just need to understand what a despised minority of delusional cranks you are. Act up, and you'll be in jail even faster than your white supremacist insurrectionist pals.

At this stage, you've grown to enjoy constantly sitting in a puddle of your own urine. If your britches aren't wet, it feels wrong to you, so you immediately run to your masters to get more reasons to piss yourself.

Now, have I mentioned what a whiny loser you are? I believe I have, but for extra-special losers like you, we definitely need to keep reminding you of your loser status.

You don't trigger anyone but yourself as reflected by your ignorant response to the editorial. Had you been intelligent enough you would have clicked and read the whole article, which of course you did not do.
It's apparent you like to use the worn talking points of the Quisling Media like Cult, pajama bois, supremacist, and insurrectionist.
While the Commie Democrats like you support thugs like Antifa, BLM and nod yes every time Joey Xi mumbles another gaffe. Meanwhile Trump gets to live rent free in your head.
You don't trigger anyone but yourself as reflected by your ignorant response to the editorial. Had you been intelligent enough you would have clicked and read the whole article, which of course you did not do.
It's apparent you like to use the worn talking points of the Quisling Media like Cult, pajama bois, supremacist, and insurrectionist.
While the Commie Democrats like you support thugs like Antifa, BLM and nod yes every time Joey Xi mumbles another gaffe. Meanwhile Trump gets to live rent free in your head.
Well, i got sick of communicating with the stupid female traitor, so i have added her to the slave pen of ignore. I think i only have a couple libs left to find and root out.
I love it when I trigger one of Trump's pajama bois. They're so cute when they rage-weep at me out of sheer loser-desperation.

I know your cult tells you such stupid things. And you always fall for it, because you're a freakin' imbecile, and because you want excuses to kill everyone around you.

You just need to understand what a despised minority of delusional cranks you are. Act up, and you'll be in jail even faster than your white supremacist insurrectionist pals.

At this stage, you've grown to enjoy constantly sitting in a puddle of your own urine. If your britches aren't wet, it feels wrong to you, so you immediately run to your masters to get more reasons to piss yourself.

Now, have I mentioned what a whiny loser you are? I believe I have, but for extra-special losers like you, we definitely need to keep reminding you of your loser status.
you are going to need a lot more mail in ballots and non US citizens voting in 2024 to beat Trump ! and yes he is running again ! and remember many states are tightening election integrity and security ! if you actually believe that the left isnt loosing support among moderates and independents just look at Cali ! even though its probably going to go Newsoms way Elder is a big enough threat for the left to call out Biden Harris and Obama for support ! there is a lot ! i say again a lot ! of buyers remorse about the 2020 elections ! do you actually truly believe that Biden is going to gain in popularity ? laugh all you want joke all you want but Trump isnt going anywhere ! the right is going to sweep the 2022 election and your candidate in 2024 will be a woman that couldnt out of the single digits in polling from her own state in the 2020 primaries ! lol ! Trump will be front and center in about 13 months when he announces hes running in 2024 ! and make no mistake ! he will get a record amount of votes again !
you are going to need a lot more mail in ballots and non US citizens voting in 2024 to beat Trump ! and yes he is running again
To the delight of Democrats. Trump is easy to beat.

Do you understand that it's not normal to worship a whiny loser? It makes you look like a deranged cultist. Did you see any Democrats forming a Hillary cult after she lost?

! and remember many states are tightening election integrity and security ! if you actually believe that the left isnt loosing support among moderates and independents just look at Cali ! even though its probably going to go Newsoms way Elder is a big enough threat for the left to call out Biden Harris and Obama for support !
So when you lose, you really win.

In California, the Democrats campaigned on COVID. That was massively popular. Ooh, doesn't look good for your side.

there is a lot ! i say again a lot ! of buyers remorse about the 2020 elections !
True dat. It's hard to find people who will admit to having voted for Trump.

do you actually truly believe that Biden is going to gain in popularity ? laugh all you want joke all you want but Trump isnt going anywhere ! the right is going to sweep the 2022 election and your candidate in 2024 will be a woman that couldnt out of the single digits in polling from her own state in the 2020 primaries ! lol ! Trump will be front and center in about 13 months when he announces hes running in 2024 ! and make no mistake ! he will get a record amount of votes again !
How'd that speech work out for you in 2020? It was pretty much the same, except you said Hillary would be the one who was really running.
Exit polls said Biden won active duty military 51-47.

"Military households" is a different thing. It includes the retired. They're older and whiter.

Then you'll have to explain the following CNN report

Well, i got sick of communicating with the stupid female traitor, so i have added her to the slave pen of ignore. I think i only have a couple libs left to find and root out.
And I carve another notch, as anotherTrump cult loser publicly announces how I whupped his bitch ass so hard, he can't even think about facing me without submissively urinating.

My fascist smacking-stick is in danger of falling apart, it's got so many notches in it.
Me, I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
You've got too many tattoos and not enough Constitution there, pardner.
You and your fellow Trump cult fascists are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Thefore, I must oppose you. It is not optional for me. It's that simple.
Is this the new fascist democrat military? Nazis taking over the U.S.?
It's also why a majority of active-duty military voted for Biden. Understand that the military opposes your fascist cult, and they would squash any open treason you tried.
Sounds like you're committing treason with your fellow Democrat comrades, with or without Xiden in office.

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