A German museum has banned white people from visiting on Saturdays

I am surprised that some seem to think that it is perfectly OK to ban white people - even if it is only on a Saturday,
It is for the benefit of other lesser ethnicities that some "alone time" is given to the less fortunate non -white people .
Our superb Whites are very conscious of the inhibiting effect they often have on others and the feelings of inferiority that ensue .
Just another example of how caring this senior group are .
Idiotic and Racist to White People to the Majority of Indigenous White Germans...

I also wonder who they consider White, and how they stopp white people from entering, do they ask you if you are white, there are plenty of native americans who look white for example but I guess they are under BIPOC (I as in Indigenous)
Good question! :)
Dear Hitler:

Sorry we were so mean to you. Everything is forgiven, you can come home now. We saved your bedroom just like it was.

Yours always, Germany... ❌⭕❌⭕❤️🐶🐱🐻
Idiotic and Racist to White People to the Majority of Indigenous White Germans...
on the topic of indigenous

I have just looked up who lived in Germany before the Germans:

Evidence from archaeological finds and place-names suggests that, while early Germanic peoples probably occupied much of northern Germany during the Bronze and early Iron ages, peoples speaking Celtic languages occupied what is now southern Germany. This region, together with neighbouring parts of France and Switzerland, was the original homeland of the Celtic La Tène culture. About the time of the Roman expansion northward, in the first centuries BC and AD, Germanic groups were expanding southward into present-day southern Germany. The evidence suggests that the existing population was gradually Germanized rather than displaced by the Germanic peoples arriving from the north.
The Museum now says that they did not really "ban" white people on Saturdays, but that they ask them politely not to come.
I am not sure whether that is much better.
If I was white I'd boycott them every day! Fuuuck that!
Wow, like Germany has a history of tolerance, peace, non-discrimination & acceptance of all cultures, religions, ethnicities & races of people. Like I could give a person six million reasons why I'm shocked to hear this!

Black in Germany: Are Germans Racist? Living in Germany as a black foreigner​


Black in Germany: Are Germans Racist? Living in Germany as a black foreigner​

I think in Germany and depends really on where you are. A big and open minded city like Berlin or Hamburg is less reacist then smaller cities or villages. I am glad that you didn't face anything too crazy in Germany.

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