3th Reich: Sentences in a country we know few about


Nov 14, 2012
In the 3th Reich in 1936, people have been sentenced to:

66 people to death penalty

6 people to life-long penitentiary

11420 people to penitentiary,
thereof 3086 people three years or more

160525 people to jail,
75915 to three month or less
65526 to three month - one year
19084 to one year or more

1703 people to fortress detention or other types of arrest

209041 people to monetary penalty

813 people to drying-out clinic or mental hospital

1414 people to workhouse

937 people to preventive detention

230 people to emasculation (sex offenders)

210 people to employment ban
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The gestapo were beating people on the street for failing to give the Hitler straight arm salute when a parade passed by and at that time parades passed by all the time. American tourists and US workers were routinely roughed up. FDR did nothing.
The gestapo were beating people on the street for failing to give the Hitler straight arm salute when a parade passed by and at that time parades passed by all the time. American tourists and US workers were routinely roughed up. FDR did nothing.
That´s Bullshit. Who disliked Hitler, didn´t go to his parades.

And what´s this?
Hitler was greatly misunderstood. .. :cool:
You betcha. He was much, much stupider than most people can conceive !!

Hitler’s ten dumbest mistakes

In any event though, it is astonishing some of the blunders Hitler made. No wonder the Allied High command sometimes joked that Hitler was their greatest ally....
Amid so many gorgeous flowers of stupidity, it is hard to make a choice for my favorite, but I have always had a fond spot in my heart for his idiocy about the ME-262 :

ME-262 as a bomber. The ME-262 was a beautiful plane, in some ways a decade or more before its time. It was the world’s first jet interceptor and could fly rings (literally) around the best Allied planes of the time. The ME-262 was conceived, designed, and developed as a jet interceptor, a plane specifically designed to hunt down and destroy Allied planes. Hitler ordered it into full production … as a bomber. His minions nodded, and quietly continued to develop it as an interceptor. Someone tipped Hitler off though, and he made sure it was developed as a bomber. In trial runs, few pilots were even able to get their bombs within a mile of the targets. The Me-262 was a complete (and predictable) failure as a bomber. By the time a few Me-262 interceptors saw action they were too few, too late to change anything.
Those who mourn the Nazis, however, can take heart that Nazoid principles and stupidities have been transmitted to the USA and raised to a higher power in the much more efficient and effective totalitarianism of the USA.

"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it."
---Adolf Hitler

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