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25 Pages of Quotes By Scientists Refuting Darwinism

Except that evolution is effectively impossible.

Scientists love to say words to the effect that, "In spite of the overwhelming odds and hurdles against it, evolution did happen." What they fail to explain are those odds and hurdles and how evolution overcame them. We're still waiting. :biggrin:
The belief in evolution, by and large, is a faith-based belief. They weave an entire sweater with a few pieces of yarn.
The belief in evolution, by and large, is a faith-based belief. They weave an entire sweater with a few pieces of yarn.
Not just a few.

37 million pieces of evidence from 18 converging lines of scientific inquiry.

As distinct from ID, which has ZERO pieces of scientific evidence.
Not just a few.

37 million pieces of evidence from 18 converging lines of scientific inquiry.

As distinct from ID, which has ZERO pieces of scientific evidence.
Missing links please. Missing links!

You arbitrary number of "37 million" is a figment of your imagination. But even if they existed ... they're microscopic in length.
Missing links please. Missing links!

You arbitrary number of "37 million" is a figment of your imagination. But even if they existed ... they're microscopic in length.
Doesn't matter. The laws of physics are the laws of physics. Most of them are scale.invariant. (google Emmy Noether)
Doesn't matter. The laws of physics are the laws of physics. Most of them are scale.invariant. (google Emmy Noether)
Chance and happenstance do not create law, purpose, design, and intent. You would have us believe that the order and clear design of all things in the universe are the result of trillions of years (if not more) of accidents and mistakes.
Chance and happenstance do not create law, purpose, design, and intent. You would have us believe that the order and clear design of all things in the universe are the result of trillions of years (if not more) of accidents and mistakes.
Nope nope nope, never said that.

What I said was, I pointed you to the fundamental physical symmetries, and I said, the particular combination we have in this universe "inevitably" leads to life.

Biological evolution is part of the program, that's all. The dynamics are such that complex structures will persist, and eventually self organize and replicate.
Chance and happenstance do not create law, purpose, design, and intent. You would have us believe that the order and clear design of all things in the universe are the result of trillions of years (if not more) of accidents and mistakes.

Your designer gods are really poor at their jobs if you’re hoping to make a case for “order and clear design”.

The fact is, there is disorder and chaos and destruction within the universe, not order. Cataclysmic explosions of stars, asteroid / meteor impact, Black Holes that devour star systems etc., etc. and closer to home, floods, tsunami’s, earthquakes, etc., etc. Hardly the mark of a consistent, ordered universe or our planetary environment.

We live in a profoundly violent and chaotic universe, but are spared direct experience with most of that chaos because it occurs on cosmic and geologic time scales, while we exist on a human time scale. This (luckily for us) means most of us live our lifetimes in the brief moments of calm between supernovae, asteroid impact, and cometary bombardment.
Your designer gods are really poor at their jobs if you’re hoping to make a case for “order and clear design”.

The fact is, there is disorder and chaos and destruction within the universe, not order. Cataclysmic explosions of stars, asteroid / meteor impact, Black Holes that devour star systems etc., etc. and closer to home, floods, tsunami’s, earthquakes, etc., etc. Hardly the mark of a consistent, ordered universe or our planetary environment.

We live in a profoundly violent and chaotic universe, but are spared direct experience with most of that chaos because it occurs on cosmic and geologic time scales, while we exist on a human time scale. This (luckily for us) means most of us live our lifetimes in the brief moments of calm between supernovae, asteroid impact, and cometary bombardment.
There is more chaos in the human mind than in all the universe. :omg:
You're free to believe whatever makes you happy.
But you don't know that it makes you happy ultimately until it's too late. I never use such death-embracing anti-wisdom platitudes and I've taught others to avoid what you say.
Not just a few.

37 million pieces of evidence from 18 converging lines of scientific inquiry.

As distinct from ID, which has ZERO pieces of scientific evidence.
Please stop lying. There is abundant evidence of intelligent design, but you atheists and Darwinists dismiss it all with hand-waving and nonsense.

Similarly there is profound evidence of Darwinism's failure and again, you dismiss it all to prove the admonition of Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in physics:

Max Planck new scientific truth.jpg

Please stop lying. There is abundant evidence of intelligent design, but you atheists and Darwinists dismiss it all with hand-waving and nonsense.

Similarly there is profound evidence of Darwinism's failure and again, you dismiss it all to prove the admonition of Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in physics:

View attachment 932964

There is no evidence for ID'iot creationism.

While nothing more than window dressing on fundamentalist Christianity, it's just the latest label applied to a history of fundie cranks attempting to add the credibility of science to religious tales and fables.
Please stop lying. There is abundant evidence of intelligent design, but you atheists and Darwinists dismiss it all with hand-waving and nonsense.

Similarly there is profound evidence of Darwinism's failure and again, you dismiss it all to prove the admonition of Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in physics:

View attachment 932964

No intelligent being would ever design our eyes as they are. Also, why don't any animals have wheels? They are much more efficient in some situations.
No intelligent being would ever design our eyes as they are. Also, why don't any animals have wheels? They are much more efficient in some situations.
ChemEngineer is a fraud. He pretends to be an expert in a field of dreams. He’s got the other frauds convinced.
ChemEngineer is a fraud. He pretends to be an expert in a field of dreams. He’s got the other frauds convinced.
I wouldn't know but I'm pretty sure he has me on ignore so he may be avoiding any possible cognitive dissonance.
I wouldn't know but I'm pretty sure he has me on ignore so he may be avoiding any possible cognitive dissonance.
“ little things that give away the frauds” like….who would name themselves “ ChemEngineer” then claim that of all the universities and public schools in the world, only he knows the “ periodic table” is miss named.

Been reminding him with that everytime he pops up on my screen, he’s probably put me on ignore too. These people know they are out of touch with reality but have no idea how to come back in the real world, so they lie about themselves and how great they are are…….sound familiar ? Really, speaking truthfully is a foreign language to the frauds.
“ little things that give away the frauds” like….who would name themselves “ ChemEngineer” then claim that of all the universities and public schools in the world, only he knows the “ periodic table” is miss named.

Been reminding him with that everytime he pops up on my screen, he’s probably put me on ignore too. These people know they are out of touch with reality but have no idea how to come back in the real world, so they lie about themselves and how great they are are…….sound familiar ? Really, speaking truthfully is a foreign language to the frauds.
I don't think they are lying so much as they are in an echo chamber that is good at filtering out unwanted noise. Any facts that might contradict their ideology would be considered 'noise' and be filtered out of course. Much like putting voices like mine (and yours?) on ignore makes for a much more satisfying experience that serves to reinforce the correctness of their ideology.

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