YouTube complicit and enabling massive abuse of animals - and refuses to stop it


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I happen to one of those who cares about the well being of animals. Perhaps I'm a Shepard.

In any event it has come to my attention that there is a gross and widespread network of exposed animal abusers using YouTube for financial gain at the cost of innocent animals.

These Fake Animal rescue sites are often in Vietnam and other Asian countries where there are ZERO laws that protect animal welfare.
What these criminally insane perverts do is put puppies, kittens, dogs and cats into seriously perilous situations and then pretend to be rescuing them so that people make donations or they monetize the vies and subscriptions.

Often puppies are put into pits with boa constrictors or venomous snakes, and then the evil people pretend they are rescuing them.
The horrible things they do to animals is unbelievable. often the animals are killed.

It has been researched by a number of people and they have brought it to YouTubes attention, but YouTube continues to allow the exact same people to
profit from their criminal abuse of animals.

Be careful who you donate to.
You could be rewarding an animal killer and giving them incentive to kill and abuse more.
One of the worst things that I've ever heard about...
in some Asian villages, mainly around China, it's not uncommon to see meat vendors skinning dogs alive while people casually walk by as if it were a normal thing. There aren't many of these type of videos that I'll even watch, and shame on Google/YouTube if they are complicit in any way... And don't get me started on factory farming.
How do you like your bacon cooked? I used to like mine crispy.

I don't eat bacon. MorningStar has a better alternative.
Enjoy your heart attack

I was just being a smartass. You know how some people are always like 'awwww, we gotta save the poor animals, they're being abused'' then they got a pile of pork chops on the grill at the same time, pffft, contradictory to say the least.
How do you like your bacon cooked? I used to like mine crispy.

I don't eat bacon. MorningStar has a better alternative.
Enjoy your heart attack

I was just being a smartass. You know how some people are always like 'awwww, we gotta save the poor animals, they're being abused'' then they got a pile of pork chops on the grill at the same time, pffft, contradictory to say the least.

My bad....sometimes I miss the humor.
Compassion for humans is intertwined with compassion for animals

If you have none for one, you have none for either.

This is part of what's wrong with the world......compassion is dwindling

I agree with you. Our Blue Heeler is like our son. We would die or kill for him. That being said, I am an avid hunter of game animals—never for sport but always for a full freezer.
I happen to one of those who cares about the well being of animals. Perhaps I'm a Shepard.

In any event it has come to my attention that there is a gross and widespread network of exposed animal abusers using YouTube for financial gain at the cost of innocent animals.

These Fake Animal rescue sites are often in Vietnam and other Asian countries where there are ZERO laws that protect animal welfare.
What these criminally insane perverts do is put puppies, kittens, dogs and cats into seriously perilous situations and then pretend to be rescuing them so that people make donations or they monetize the vies and subscriptions.

Often puppies are put into pits with boa constrictors or venomous snakes, and then the evil people pretend they are rescuing them.
The horrible things they do to animals is unbelievable. often the animals are killed.

It has been researched by a number of people and they have brought it to YouTubes attention, but YouTube continues to allow the exact same people to
profit from their criminal abuse of animals.

Be careful who you donate to.
You could be rewarding an animal killer and giving them incentive to kill and abuse more.

These are Obammy's kind of people, you know how Obama bragged that he ate dog.

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