Zone1 Your inner "racist" is only common sense

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Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
And it could save your life.

"Last year, I arrived at a public park to retrieve one of my children from sports practice. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed a group of men hanging around a parked car. My inner systemic racist noticed that they were young, black, dressed like gangbangers, and smoking weed. My inner white privilege told me I should find a different place to park, immediately.

But I convinced myself that there was no way anything bad could happen here, in full daylight, in view of a playground full of kids, so I dismissed my inner “racist” and pulled into the lot.

I called my husband and told him, “I think I just interrupted a gang meetup. These guys look like they have guns.”

He told me to ignore my inner racist. “It’s broad daylight, you’ll be fine..."

Say Her Name
Not sure what this even has to do with racism? Last I checked crime is crime and gun deaths and robberies are skin shade blind. Check Brady stats below. Consider the mafia for instance or you know 'white' supremists. Lynchings, were they racist. Hmmm, tough one there. This is America folks, the love of guns is a large part of this and the solution difficult.

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

'A third of guns in the US are imported, and foreign firearms makers want a say on gun control'

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."

Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"

"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fu-cking firearms! " p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]
And it could save your life.

"Last year, I arrived at a public park to retrieve one of my children from sports practice. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed a group of men hanging around a parked car. My inner systemic racist noticed that they were young, black, dressed like gangbangers, and smoking weed. My inner white privilege told me I should find a different place to park, immediately.

But I convinced myself that there was no way anything bad could happen here, in full daylight, in view of a playground full of kids, so I dismissed my inner “racist” and pulled into the lot.

I called my husband and told him, “I think I just interrupted a gang meetup. These guys look like they have guns.”

He told me to ignore my inner racist. “It’s broad daylight, you’ll be fine..."

Say Her Name
Had to change yer fecal loaded britches also.
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If I am murdered because I have a red hat then the result is that I am dead.

If I am murdered because I am black then the result is that I am dead.

If I am murdered because I have $50,000 in my right pocket then the result is that I am dead.

Racist or not, my family does not care. You should be punished for the murder not your motive.

For example:

If I am not murdered by someone who hates red hats then the result is that I live.

If I am not murdered by the most extreme racist of all time then the result is that I live.

If I am not murdered for having money in my pocket then the result is that I live.

The suggestion that I was victimized by the three people that did not kill me is absurd. Their belief system does not harm me in any way shape or form. Do anti-racists have brains or no? You cannot prove thoughts, therefore nobody can be accused of being racist, and they certainly cannot be convicted for thought patterns in their head. This is just extremely bizarre yet honestly people are this stupid. They actually believe racism should be punished.
Over the years I have learned to take precautions with young black men I do not know that are unnecessary with young white men, young Oriental men, or even young Hispanic men that I do not know.
And it could save your life.

"Last year, I arrived at a public park to retrieve one of my children from sports practice. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed a group of men hanging around a parked car. My inner systemic racist noticed that they were young, black, dressed like gangbangers, and smoking weed. My inner white privilege told me I should find a different place to park, immediately.

But I convinced myself that there was no way anything bad could happen here, in full daylight, in view of a playground full of kids, so I dismissed my inner “racist” and pulled into the lot.

I called my husband and told him, “I think I just interrupted a gang meetup. These guys look like they have guns.”

He told me to ignore my inner racist. “It’s broad daylight, you’ll be fine..."

Say Her Name

Some people are terrified of dogs because of a bad experience with dogs. Some people are terrified of birds because of a bad experience with birds. Some people are terrified of investments because of an unlucky investment choice. Some people are afraid of used pick up trucks because of bad luck with trucks.

I wouldn’t call this racism exactly but you are right. Prejudice against a familiar experience is a survival mechanism. Personally I have never experienced a bad encounter with black peoples. Actually they seem to be more social, friendly, and humorous than whites people in my experiences. I’m more afraid of a black person cracking a good joke that I can’t top than I am afraid of them murdering me.
If I am murdered because I have a red hat then the result is that I am dead.

If I am murdered because I am black then the result is that I am dead.

If I am murdered because I have $50,000 in my right pocket then the result is that I am dead.

Racist or not, my family does not care. You should be punished for the murder not your motive.

For example:

If I am not murdered by someone who hates red hats then the result is that I live.

If I am not murdered by the most extreme racist of all time then the result is that I live.

If I am not murdered for having money in my pocket then the result is that I live.

The suggestion that I was victimized by the three people that did not kill me is absurd. Their belief system does not harm me in any way shape or form. Do anti-racists have brains or no? You cannot prove thoughts, therefore nobody can be accused of being racist, and they certainly cannot be convicted for thought patterns in their head. This is just extremely bizarre yet honestly people are this stupid. They actually believe racism should be punished.
Racism is not just thoughts. It is a belief that leads to specific behaviors. And then there are also behaviors caused by reacting to racism. Those who practice the behavior try minimizing or discounting what it is.
Over the years I have learned to take precautions with young black men I do not know that are unnecessary with young white men, young Oriental men, or even young Hispanic men that I do not know.
Over the years I have learned to take precautions with whites that I do not know that are unecessary with other blacks, Hispanics, or Asians that I do not know.
Racism is not just thoughts. It is a belief that leads to specific behaviors. And then there are also behaviors caused by reacting to racism. Those who practice the behavior try minimizing or discounting what it is.

Blacks are accurately associated with low intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy. No one should be surprised that a race with these characteristics arouses feelings of hostility and contempt.
Over the years I have learned to take precautions with whites that I do not know that are unecessary with other blacks, Hispanics, or Asians that I do not know.
Have you ever been the victim of a white mugger? I have been. Have you ever been the victim of a black armed robber? I have been. Orientals, whites, and Hispanics have never done that to me.
Some people are terrified of dogs because of a bad experience with dogs. Some people are terrified of birds because of a bad experience with birds. Some people are terrified of investments because of an unlucky investment choice. Some people are afraid of used pick up trucks because of bad luck with trucks.

I wouldn’t call this racism exactly but you are right. Prejudice against a familiar experience is a survival mechanism. Personally I have never experienced a bad encounter with black peoples. Actually they seem to be more social, friendly, and humorous than whites people in my experiences. I’m more afraid of a black person cracking a good joke that I can’t top than I am afraid of them murdering me.

I've had both good and bad experiences with Black people. Experiences that range from being robbed, to doing drugs with them, to being the only white musician in an all-Black band, to almost marrying a Black women once.

But it was the Obama presidency that radicalized me to the point of being aware of my own race, being proud of my white heritage, and being distrustful of those who weren't like myself. And it was Trump who made me realize that other races were not my enemy, but those who held leftist political ideologies.
Some people are terrified of dogs because of a bad experience with dogs. Some people are terrified of birds because of a bad experience with birds. Some people are terrified of investments because of an unlucky investment choice. Some people are afraid of used pick up trucks because of bad luck with trucks.

I wouldn’t call this racism exactly but you are right. Prejudice against a familiar experience is a survival mechanism. Personally I have never experienced a bad encounter with black peoples. Actually they seem to be more social, friendly, and humorous than whites people in my experiences. I’m more afraid of a black person cracking a good joke that I can’t top than I am afraid of them murdering me.

If we were to sum up racism in one word, that word would have to be "hate."

Hate is seldom assertive, it's reactionary and defensive. In order to hate, one must sense a threat of some kind.

You don't wake up in the morning and say "I hate that Joe Biden! He was okay yesterday, but I really hate the SOB today!" Hate......real hate has to be manufactured from somewhere. Either Biden is presenting a threat to you, or you believe he's presenting a threat to your family. It may be financial like the cost of fuel and groceries, it may be because he's attacking industries that deal with fuel where you have a job, it may be because you found out that a guy in a dress at school is going to compete against your daughter in volleyball where she may lose a college scholarship, but that threat has to come from somewhere.

Bottom line is that if somebody is racist, that person believes they are facing a threat of some kind.
I am often called a racist because I believe on the basis of all the relevant evidence that whites tend to be more intelligent than blacks, and less inclined to have felony convictions and illegitimate children.

Although I am a white Gentile, I also believe, again on all the relevant evidence, that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and that they are less likely to have felony convictions and illegitimate children.

Although I like individuals in each of the races, I prefer the white race to the black race, and the Oriental race to the white race. White nationalists call me a race traitor, which by their definition, I am.
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The entitlement mentality on the right makes right wing whites believe this:

“Racism is a fact of life that minorities have to live with and manage to the best of their ability.” -USMB member, 2022

And if we are angry about it, the entitlement mentality on the right makes them try calling that racism.

So while the entitlement mentality on the right makes right wing whites talk about starting a civil war for no reason, we are told that we can't be angry for facing real white racism.

Whites have less to fear from us than we do from them. The record shows that. So stop making up reasons to justify white acts of violence against blacks.
I am often called a racist because I believe on the basis of all the relevant evidence that whites tend to be more intelligent than blacks, and less inclined to have felony convictions and illegitimate children.

Although I am a white Gentile, I also believe, again on all the relevant evidence, that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and that they are less likely to have felony convictions and illegitimate children.

Although I like individuals in each of the races, I prefer the white race to the black race, and the Oriental race to the white race. White nationalists call me a race traitor, which by their definition, I am.

You won't ever hear that from me because I happen to agree with you. Asians and Jewish are the least likely to be involved in crime or breaking the law, and more likely to be financially successful than whites, although for the life of me, I never considered Jewish people separate from whites. You can't argue statistics.

Our Jewish areas here were the safest in the greater Cleveland area. Blacks targeted them to move to and now there are armed robberies and shoot outs all the time. It's a real shame.
You won't ever hear that from me because I happen to agree with you. Asians and Jewish are the least likely to be involved in crime or breaking the law, and more likely to be financially successful than whites, although for the life of me, I never considered Jewish people separate from whites. You can't argue statistics.

Our Jewish areas here were the safest in the greater Cleveland area. Blacks targeted them to move to and now there are armed robberies and shoot outs all the time. It's a real shame.
Whites commit the most crime but they make excuses for it. There are black Jews.
Whites commit the most crime but they make excuses for it. There are black Jews.

We don't make excuses for anybody. Unlike blacks, we feel criminals should be put away.

When you have to use lies to make your point, you already lost the debate. Whites commit much less crime than blacks per capita, which is the only reason you refuse to use true numbers. In fact without blacks, our murder rate would be much closer to Europe's. After all (and I know this is going to ruin your morning) over 50% of all US murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Now try to run those numbers. Of course you can't without being totally dishonest.
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