Your home isn't your castle, if police have impunity

"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Well at least the neighbor that was too gutless to simply knock on the door himself and ask them to tone it down will be able to sleep now.


Hopefully the gunfire and blood spurting everywhere didn't bother him.

That said, I don't care what the laws are, the police announced themselves as cops-- -- not sure why you would feel compelled to open the door with GUN IN HAND in plain view? Why not tuck it in your back belt, have it in a waisted carry case or have the girlfriend answer the door with you behind her if that concerned?

That said, the guy was obviously getting down on the ground with hands raised submissively appearing to comply. He made no threatening actions and no order was given to drop the gun. I think this was a clear case of excessive police force, poor training, and manslaughter. Hopefully, his family will sue and the cop needs prosecuted.

Lot of good that will do the dead guy.

Fortunately though, he was white, so was not only privileged, but no racism was involved. :smoke:
Well at least the neighbor that was too gutless to simply knock on the door himself and ask them to tone it down will be able to sleep now.
I'll bet the cops got paid off for that kind of kill. It's a murder-for-hire contract. That's what happens when it's all kosher and legit in a court of law for a cop to carry a gun and shoot anybody he wants with it in the line of duty, but guns are banned for everybody else.

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