Young people to obama "we don't need no stinking obamacare"


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Well when you think about it, allowing adults up to age 26 to remain on their parents coverage who would want to buy that high priced health coverage?
That opacity finally (partially) ended this week, when an administration report finally unveiled the percentage of 'young invincibles' in the overall risk pool: Twenty-four percent -- well short of Team Obama's projected goal of nearly 40 percent, and even shy of the Kaiser Foundation's "worst-case scenario." What portion of that 24 percent is actually paid up and fully enrolled?
WH: Just Kidding, Our Goal for Young Obamacare Enrollees Is Actually A Lot Lower! - Guy Benson
I recall someone on here said obamacare would be a great success. Why aren't young people especially those young people who voted for obama wanting obamacare?
Get off your lazy ass and find what you seek.

You said you recalled it. Do you or don't you?

I don't recall anyone ever here stating that the ACA would be a huge success. Some are hopefull that it helps solve some problems. Others are hopeful that it fails miserably.

If you recall someone saying that it will be a huge success, please state who said it.

Nancy Pelosi described Obamacare as a jobs bill that would create 4 million new jobs, 400,000 of which would materialize immediately. That promise has vanished into thin air. On rising premiums, Pelosi now says she "doesn't remember" ever saying that everyone's rates would go down under the Democrats' law. Verbatim quote from Nancy Pelosi: "Everybody will have lower rates." Oops!
Young people live forever, you didn't know that? President Eisenhower had a great point, but he missed the power of propaganda when it is addressed to the entitled.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." President Dwight Eisenhower

"Anti-government sentiment in the United States has risen and fallen in different eras. During the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson, U.S. government programs were expanded; Social Security and Medicare came into being, artists and the arts received federal support, the plight of poor American children was addressed on several fronts, and the Southern system of racial apartheid was gradually but dramatically dismantled. It was this last intervention that roused anti-government feeling in many white Americans. They were particularly outraged when Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy called out the National Guard to enforce racial integration of public educational institutions." Caroline Hamilton (History News Network | Tea Party Anarchists?)
Young people live forever, you didn't know that? President Eisenhower had a great point, but he missed the power of propaganda when it is addressed to the entitled.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." President Dwight Eisenhower

"Anti-government sentiment in the United States has risen and fallen in different eras. During the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson, U.S. government programs were expanded; Social Security and Medicare came into being, artists and the arts received federal support, the plight of poor American children was addressed on several fronts, and the Southern system of racial apartheid was gradually but dramatically dismantled. It was this last intervention that roused anti-government feeling in many white Americans. They were particularly outraged when Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy called out the National Guard to enforce racial integration of public educational institutions." Caroline Hamilton (History News Network | Tea Party Anarchists?)
:lol: Thanks for the laugh, So why didn't the young'uns do like obama told them to do?
OH that's right they are on their parents plan and see no need of buying their own insurance :lol:
I recall someone on here said obamacare would be a great success. Why aren't young people especially those young people who voted for obama wanting obamacare?

Because they are broke for one reason or another and they also see it as something they don't need or want. They've also heard about the .gov site with collecting their personal information and don't trust it.

Or, is this just the overall plan of Obama et al.? :eusa_whistle: I say, BINGO!
I recall someone on here said obamacare would be a great success. Why aren't young people especially those young people who voted for obama wanting obamacare?

Because they are broke for one reason or another and they also see it as something they don't need or want. They've also heard about the .gov site with collecting their personal information and don't trust it.

Or, is this just the overall plan of Obama et al.? :eusa_whistle: I say, BINGO!

obamacare was created to fail, and created to make the free market insurance companies to crash. Leaving but one source of healthcare coverage.
I recall someone on here said obamacare would be a great success. Why aren't young people especially those young people who voted for obama wanting obamacare?

Because they are broke for one reason or another and they also see it as something they don't need or want. They've also heard about the .gov site with collecting their personal information and don't trust it.

Or, is this just the overall plan of Obama et al.? :eusa_whistle: I say, BINGO!

obamacare was created to fail, and created to make the free market insurance companies to crash. Leaving but one source of healthcare coverage.

I am a believer of that, and have stated it many times.

Such the ride we are all being taken on.
I recall someone on here said obamacare would be a great success. Why aren't young people especially those young people who voted for obama wanting obamacare?

I think they are all waiting for singlepayer to magically arise from the dust
after the fights over ACA go wherever they are going to go.

Even the liberals and singlepayer advocates who protest ACA
because they don't want to align, empower or encourage the rightwing
who are fighting that fight.

Sadder yet, one of the major singlepayer advocate groups opposed to ACA
refuses to even discuss much less work with prison reform to pay for health care
using those state funds instead of ACA mandates,
because they think of prison reform as an unrelated issue diluting their focus.
they consider this "off topic" if it is brought up at their meetings.

So the left is divided on how to replace ACA.
And you wonder why no alternatives are coming out
with so many people are against ACA,
but for different reasons where they don't agree yet what to replace it with.

when they get smart and unite, opposing ACA and writing an option
where people and groups can support their own plans without conflicting with others,
maybe we can expand on the innovations or exemptions clause and
open up the free choice to fund other alternatives besides insurance mandates
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I'd much rather go back to lock up to get medical care before I seen a obama care doctor.

If you don't submit to that obamacare tax it will happen :lol:

I wonder who will have the dubious 'honor' of being the first person to go to jail for refusing to knuckle under to the insurance industry demands?

It's like a big game of chicken

The singlepayer are banking on the hope of pushing a different plan before the mandates kick in also. let's just hope the opponents figure out to push from the same side and not against each other, or we will all get stuck with mandates and no alternatives if this time is wasted fighting over what to replace it with. Why not just open up the exemptions and not restrict it.
so people can fund what they want and not fight if they have different ideas what that is.

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