'You might be right': Two bipartisan governors on how civility can fix post-Trump America + bipartisan policy solutions to go along with civility

I don't see any inherent value in "centrist" views, or even necessarily civility. But I would like to see a leader who recognized the need for consensus. We need to stop using democracy as a mallet to beat the "other side" over the head with whenever "our side" gets a leg up. We need candidates who will say something like:

"If elected, I will represent all my constituents, not just those who voted for me. I pledge to refrain from signing any bill, or implementing policy, that doesn't enjoy broad support, or at least acceptance. You might not agree with all my ideas, or my party's ideas, and that's fine. It's my job to persuade you, to convince you that those ideas are worth a shot. If I can't do that, those ideas will have to wait."
What color is the sky on your planet?
How are those who value America, its morals, and foundational ethics supposed to "unite" with people who loathe America, and condemn it as evil, racist, patriarchal, and every other political slander in the book?

There's no uniting with someone who hates you.
The safety of our country should be a bipartisan issue. Yet, Democrats’ open-border agenda has created a national security crisis for our entire country.

I bet not....."Centrists" helped get the country in this mess.
Sure, considering that a centrist doesn’t identify any voter specifically since, as you know, there are various types of centrists, and many who hold opposing viewpoints on multiple issues. Are used to be over 200 “centrist” parties, now there are over 100. Last I check there were about 140 registered independent/3rd parties or so within the US.

We might have different definitions Oddball about centrist. I go with the literal visual of centrist: those voters, after taking multiple political tests online or on paper to determine where they fall on the political spectrum and wind up near the middle.

One of the best tools available to determine where one’s viewpoints fall is taking a free, Nolan Test online, opening all additional questions for each issue (time consuming but worth a more accurate result). Anyone who’s taken this quiz knows the chart is based upon 4 quadrants of measure: authoritarian stance as opposed to non-authoritarian stance, extent of liberal saturation versus extent of conservative saturation.

Hey, thanks for giving me a valid reason to post a link to this quiz! I think it’s worth a reader’s time who has not already completed this or taken a similar (lengthy version not short) test that leads to a valid result. I took the test a few years ago and re-took it recently just to compare any change of viewpoints in which I did have a few.

Sure, considering that a centrist doesn’t identify any voter specifically since, as you know, there are various types of centrists, and many who hold opposing viewpoints ...
Exactly. That's why I see no inherent virtue in being centrist. It's a crap shoot. He may lean more authoritarian, but Trump is arguably a centrist. Yet he's divisive as hell, and terrible leader.

What we need isn't centrists or moderates. What we need is a leader who seeks consensus. Who respect the rights of the minority and won't allow government to be used as a tool for one interest group to beat up on another.
Exactly. That's why I see no inherent virtue in being centrist. It's a crap shoot. He may lean more authoritarian, but Trump is arguably a centrist. Yet he's divisive as hell, and terrible leader.

What we need isn't centrists or moderates. What we need is a leader who seeks consensus. Who respect the rights of the minority and won't allow government to be used as a tool for one interest group to beat up on another.
What we “need” is to get away from these divisive political labels, but it’s too late for that, as in decades late, likely much longer than I could guess. Even using primary sources such as say, 1930 newspapers and what was printed about what the voters reportedly backed. Were these articles true? The news pieces presenting the facts, not opinion pieces, were they swayed by the media owner’s “facts”?

I used to think as a kid that the people benefited greatly from having a free press, and that they told the truth or would lose their jobs. lol. My Pollyanna viewpoint also thought that we (the peon voters) could actually count on the media to “help politicians stay honest” by protecting the common people with conducting their investigations of court proceedings etc. when needed. I was obviously delusional.

So, are political articles (non-commentary) honest now? It depends specifically on which media source one uses to depict the truth…with domestic mainstream anyway.
Democrats have turned America into one party rule using law enforcement to go after political enemies. We may be too far gone.
Democrats have turned America into one party rule using law enforcement to go after political enemies. We may be too far gone.
I think and hope what’s happening Leo is that more and more people/voters, certainly from the middle and including some Democrats, have opened their eyes to the outcomes about what it looks like to go “too far left”. There’s a lot of truth to be said about that old saying that “if you go too far…”

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