*You Fucks Better Not Turn Off The Power Supply*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But the bullshit epa fucks along with the power suppliers are set to do roaming blackouts!
2. Fuck that and fuck them!
3. Keep the power flowing ass hats!
New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says | Business | ...

The head of the Texas Public Utility Commission expressed concern Friday that a new federal air quality rule, set to take effect Jan. 1, will cause disruptions in electric service.

If implementation of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is not delayed, "I have no doubt in my mind that this rule will result in reliability issues and rolling outages in Texas," Donna Nelson said at the start of the commission's meeting.

The rule, issued in early July by the Environmental Protection Agency, would require substantial reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide at power plants in 27 states.

The EPA says the rule will save and prolong lives by reducing harmful smog and soot pollution. Gina McCarthy, an EPA assistant administrator, said in a previous statement that power plants in the state "will be able to cut their pollution without jeopardizing reliable electricity service for Texans."

But Dallas-based power generator Luminant says it doesn't have enough time to comply and has asked that the EPA delay implementation."

Sorry bout that,

1. But the bullshit epa fucks along with the power suppliers are set to do roaming blackouts!
2. Fuck that and fuck them!
3. Keep the power flowing ass hats!
New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says | Business | ...

The head of the Texas Public Utility Commission expressed concern Friday that a new federal air quality rule, set to take effect Jan. 1, will cause disruptions in electric service.

If implementation of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is not delayed, "I have no doubt in my mind that this rule will result in reliability issues and rolling outages in Texas," Donna Nelson said at the start of the commission's meeting.

The rule, issued in early July by the Environmental Protection Agency, would require substantial reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide at power plants in 27 states.

The EPA says the rule will save and prolong lives by reducing harmful smog and soot pollution. Gina McCarthy, an EPA assistant administrator, said in a previous statement that power plants in the state "will be able to cut their pollution without jeopardizing reliable electricity service for Texans."

But Dallas-based power generator Luminant says it doesn't have enough time to comply and has asked that the EPA delay implementation."

another dumbass strike against the current left wing losers!!
Sorry bout that,

1. There will be hell to pay if they start making USA a third world country!
2. The millions they will lose on wrongful deaths should stop them.
3. I will lead a march of protesters if they start this crap!
4. These stupid *fuckchops* won't hear the last of this!

Sorry bout that,

1. But the bullshit epa fucks along with the power suppliers are set to do roaming blackouts!
2. Fuck that and fuck them!
3. Keep the power flowing ass hats!
New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says | Business | ...

The head of the Texas Public Utility Commission expressed concern Friday that a new federal air quality rule, set to take effect Jan. 1, will cause disruptions in electric service.

If implementation of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is not delayed, "I have no doubt in my mind that this rule will result in reliability issues and rolling outages in Texas," Donna Nelson said at the start of the commission's meeting.

The rule, issued in early July by the Environmental Protection Agency, would require substantial reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide at power plants in 27 states.

The EPA says the rule will save and prolong lives by reducing harmful smog and soot pollution. Gina McCarthy, an EPA assistant administrator, said in a previous statement that power plants in the state "will be able to cut their pollution without jeopardizing reliable electricity service for Texans."

But Dallas-based power generator Luminant says it doesn't have enough time to comply and has asked that the EPA delay implementation."


Sounds like Perry should be back in Texas getting his state up to snuff. :cool:
Why should the rest of the country be polluted so Texans can have their a/c? Who gives a fuck about those fucks, anyway?
Sorry bout that,

1. There is no pollution *Fuckchop*!
2. Far less pollution ever since the 70's, steadily things have gotten cleaner, not dirtier, ofcourse you'd of known that it you aren't like 22 years old, I ofcourse am a nearly a senior citizen.
3. What the *liberal muckity mucks* want, is to find a way to put extra tax on the utilities, and the way They intend to do it, is to first take it away, get a public outcry about not having it, then claim they will need to put further regulations on power, then apply *NEW TAXES* to cover their costs, the *Fuckchops*!!!!:eusa_hand:

Actually I'm all in favor of the rolling blackouts. It will wake the morons up who are otherwise content to let the lefties pull their BS. However, when they can't watch their TV or run their AC, then the shit will hit the fan. Look for widespread anger to boil over and watch the EPA backtrack ultra super fast as the assorted threats from the masses start pouring in.

Interesting times are certainly ahead. And it's pretty much going to be self inflicted.
I could build my own coal fired steam powered generator out of used car parts,

And a old hot water heater, some stove pipe...

make my day. Done right the by product could be 180 proof grain too.

Sorry bout that,

1. There is no pollution *Fuckchop*!
2. Far less pollution ever since the 70's, steadily things have gotten cleaner, not dirtier, ofcourse you'd of known that it you aren't like 22 years old, I ofcourse am a nearly a senior citizen.
3. What the *liberal muckity mucks* want, is to find a way to put extra tax on the utilities, and the way They intend to do it, is to first take it away, get a public outcry about not having it, then claim they will need to put further regulations on power, then apply *NEW TAXES* to cover their costs, the *Fuckchops*!!!!:eusa_hand:


You are the poster boy for why we should lessen pollution.
Sorry bout that,

1. The *shit will hit the fan*, for sure.
2. The *liberal muckity mucks* will be all right though, there local area will be spared.
3. If they do it, it had better happen in the *White House* too!!!!!!
4. Their can be no laws made that doesn't affect those making said laws, so put that in your pipe and smoke on that!!!:eusa_hand:

Actually I'm all in favor of the rolling blackouts. It will wake the morons up who are otherwise content to let the lefties pull their BS.

I agree. I want gasoline shortages and rationing. Sure as hell got people to notice back in the 70's, but the pressure just couldn't stay on long enough.

Bring on the burn baby! Americans need to realize the value of their energy, and triple my salary getting it for them in the process! Woo Hoo!

And how long have these corperations known about the pollution rules?

What difference does that make? How long did the Jews know that Hitler had evil intentions? Does that make puting them in gas ovens OK?

Furthermore, they didn't "know" anything. No one can predict the future. They didn't know a complete Commie wingnut was going to get elected and impose these imbecile economy crushing bonehead regulations.

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