The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

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I am officially running for President until I die. This is my legally binding official statement,
More from the article

Obama administration's abuse of power literally worse than Watergate - Washington Times

They cobbled those secret warrant applications together with bad information supplied by — among others — Mr. Trump’s political opponents during the 2016 election. Much of that information was gathered abroad from America’s enemies seeking to sow discord in our elections.

The inspector general found specifically at least 17 “significant errors or omissions” in the FBI’s secret warrant applications.

Again, do not forget, the Obama administration took all these drastic and sloppy steps against a political opponent at the height of a presidential race — without ever alerting the campaign of this dastardly threat inside its campaign.

This is, literally, worse than Watergate. This is worse than the most egregious abuses of power by J. Edgar Hoover in his campaign of spying on political opponents.

The Obama administration officials responsible for this miscarriage of justice and trampling of the Constitution now step forward and admit they spied on political opponents at the height of an election — though they scramble to find softer-sounding terms for it.

And they bleat about how the inspector general found no evidence of “political bias” in their espionage campaign against the Trump campaign.

Give me a break.

First, there is plenty of evidence of deep-seeded hatred of Mr. Trump spewed these biased jackboots. Second, what on earth is “political bias,” anyway? Wearing an “I’m With Her” T-shirt while applying for a secret warrant to spy on the administration’s political opponents?

Yeah, well, I am sure John Wilkes Booth was not motivated by “political bias,” either.

But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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The “Insurance Policy” isn’t real and Bob Mueller NEVER Wiped Page and Strozk’s phones and Clinton NEVER destroyed 17 devices, destroyed 33,000 emails, hid communications with President Obama on a Secret Server, never stole debate questions, and NEVER hired criminal Pakistani Hackers to hack in to Congressional files, Flee the Country and leave behind a trail of at least 3 Dozen Smashed Hard Drives!

Classified Emails that Clinton said didn’t exist cuz She Bleach Bit 33,000 emails about Yoga Pants on her illegal server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders were not found on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop!

Comey, Yates, Rosenstine, Baker, McCabe & Company Never lied to FISA, Never spied
On Trump, Brennan Never spied on Americans, & Obama Didn’t know and Lynch never Met Bill in The Tarmac and didn’t tell Comey to bury Clinton’s Crimes and grant her campaign and The Podesta Group blanket Immunity!

And Hunter Biden and Joe Biden weren’t selling access to the VP office to China, Ukraine or whomever, for a profit!

It’s all in your imagination!

No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.
Ohhhh so this whole impeachment thing is just not real? Lol
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No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.
Just Embarrassing.
I’m Embarrassed For You


Coyote again embarrasses herself and makes you wonder, is she kidding? Or are all leftists that bass-ackwards delusional? They are impeaching Donald just for that, and the great lie that he inquired with Ukraine to effect harm to Biden, the truth is that:
  1. Giuliani began the investigation in January 2019.
  2. He released the info around March, which including info on both Joe's connections AND Hunter's ties to Burisma.
  3. It was about a month later that Uncle Joe announced his running.
And the Democrats have been squawking ever since: FOUL! FOUL! You cannot investigate a political opponent! You are trying to influence the election! It is as if they ran Joe to try to protect the Ukrainian connection under an umbrella of "election tampering."

I have ZERO respect for this nation's political process anymore. It has ZERO integrity. I really wonder if our vote counts at all and that what they are MOST upset at is the fact that they were SO SURE Trump would never get in, they let him slip right under their radar!! Aside from the fact that such actions go all the way back to Lincoln at least, who let soldiers go back to vote for his benefit as others died in combat depleted their numbers, but that we let this lie get perpetrated over and over even as we all know that:
And our media stands by a willing player in the farce. And I won't even mention illegal votes, voter fraud, voter intimidation, even after Barry Big-Ears told us that our elections were IMMUNE to tampering and outside influence just a few years ago.

They are completely delusional.

This is a curse God promises will happen to liars who cannot cease lying.

God sends them strong delusions so they will believe lies, and that is God letting them hang themselves and washing His hands of them!

Just ask any liberals this:

Why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and leverage that to order an investigation of Candidate Trump and wasn’t impeached for it!

I mean If asking about Joe Biden is a thought crime, then what Obama actually did means Jail Time!

No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.
Just Embarrassing.
I’m Embarrassed For You

View attachment 303340

Coyote again embarrasses herself and makes you wonder, is she kidding? Or are all leftists that bass-ackwards delusional? They are impeaching Donald just for that, and the great lie that he inquired with Ukraine to effect harm to Biden, the truth is that:
  1. Giuliani began the investigation in January 2019.
  2. He released the info around March, which including info on both Joe's connections AND Hunter's ties to Burisma.
  3. It was about a month later that Uncle Joe announced his running.
And the Democrats have been squawking ever since: FOUL! FOUL! You cannot investigate a political opponent! You are trying to influence the election! It is as if they ran Joe to try to protect the Ukrainian connection under an umbrella of "election tampering."

View attachment 303340 I have ZERO respect for this nation's political process anymore. It has ZERO integrity. I really wonder if our vote counts at all and that what they are MOST upset at is the fact that they were SO SURE Trump would never get in, they let him slip right under their radar!! Aside from the fact that such actions go all the way back to Lincoln at least, who let soldiers go back to vote for his benefit as others died in combat depleted their numbers, but that we let this lie get perpetrated over and over even as we all know that:
And our media stands by a willing player in the farce. And I won't even mention illegal votes, voter fraud, voter intimidation, even after Barry Big-Ears told us that our elections were IMMUNE to tampering and outside influence just a few years ago.

View attachment 303340
The Democrat narrative is that the only conceivable reason to announce an investigation of the Bidens is for Trump's political advantage - that there is no other, independent reason. This begs two equally poignant questions: (1) Why isn't the Biden fact pattern sufficient to justify an inquiry by Ukrainian authorities, and (2) by what logic does one conclude that the mere announcement of an investigation is advantageous to the Trump campaign?

On the second point, if Biden turns out to be the nominee, is there any doubt whatsoever that Trump will fill the airwaves with the particulars of the Bidens' enrichment, positions, conflicts, etc.? By that time (August 2020) who will give a shit about a pathetic, meaningless announcement a year earlier by a foreign leader whose name fewer than ten Americans know? The idea that this announcement constitutes "foreign interference with the American Presidential Election!" is absolutely preposterous. As with the Russian campaign in 2016, one would be hard pressed in 2021 to find a single American voter who even remembers these matters, let alone based their vote on it.

To say that the Democrats' case is flimsier than rice paper does a disservice to rice paper.
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

The alleged corruption was there supposedly in 2017 and 2018. There was no involvement by the blob. Biden declares for POTUS and (make me laugh) the blob suddenly becomes interested in investigating the corruption and mentions only the Bidens by name?
The Democrat narrative is that the only conceivable reason to announce an investigation of the Bidens is for Trump's political advantage - that there is no other, independent reason. This begs two equally poignant questions: (1) Why isn't the Biden fact pattern sufficient to justify an inquiry by Ukrainian authorities, and (2) by what logic does one conclude that the mere announcement of an investigation is advantageous to the Trump campaign?

On the second point, if Biden turns out to be the nominee, is there any doubt whatsoever that Trump will fill the airwaves with the particulars of the Bidens' enrichment, positions, conflicts, etc.? By that time (August 2020) who will give a shit about a pathetic, meaningless announcement a year earlier by a foreign leader whose name fewer than ten Americans know? The idea that this announcement constitutes "foreign interference with the American Presidential Election!" is absolutely preposterous. As with the Russian campaign in 2016, one would be hard pressed in 2021 to find a single American voter who even remembers these matters, let alone based their vote on it.

To say that the Democrats' case is flimsier than rice paper does a disservice to rice paper.

What other Americans did your blob want investigated but the Ukrainian authorities in the phone call?

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