Yet another k00k idea to reduce global warming!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
One would think somewhere along the way, these people would figure out that throwing bombs isnt helping their cause. But nope.......another idea of genius from a liberal think tank...............

Study: Global Warming Can Be Slowed By Working Less

A new analysis suggests that a more 'European' schedule would reduce the effects of climate change

By Jason Koebler

Want to reduce the effects of global warming? Stop working so hard. Working fewer hours might help slow global warming, according to a new study released Monday by the Center for Economic Policy and Research.

A worldwide switch to a "more European" work schedule, which includes working fewer hours and more vacation time, could prevent as much as half of the expected global temperature rise by 2100, according to the analysis, which used a 2012 study that found shorter work hours could be associated with lower carbon emissions.

The Center for Economic Policy and Research is a liberal think tank based in Washington.

Study: Global Warming Can Be Slowed By Working Less - US News and World Report

Heres a guy doing his part to reduce our carbon footprint...............

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Is It Really Possible to Decouple GDP Growth from Energy Growth?


If GDP growth and energy use are closely tied, it will be even more difficult to meet CO2 emission goals than most have expected.

Exactly why Ive been saying for years........."the science doesnt matter!!"

Meeting CO2 emission goals wont be ever. It is a green fantasy. Doubt me? Watch what happens when the climate legislation tries to get through this year......even Dums in the Senate arent going to support it.
The graph tells me that we've become much more efficient in the last 10+ years regarding BOE usage and productivity. And that's a good thing.

Instituting policy to reduce emissions isn't necessarily a bad thing as long it doesn't stifle productivity.
The graph tells me that we've become much more efficient in the last 10+ years regarding BOE usage and productivity. And that's a good thing.

Instituting policy to reduce emissions isn't necessarily a bad thing as long it doesn't stifle productivity.

Indeed we have...........but we have people on this forum who would gladly tank the economy in a heartbeat to meet their agenda. Thats fucked up........but its not going to happen. The pols will give some good lip service to keep the environmental radicals feeling marginally important but people are now taxed to the max AND with stagnant wages. The Pols like to keep their jobs. Climate change legislation goes down HUGE later this year..............

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