Y'all Read This?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
The peaceful Arafat supporters strike again:


Palestinian health and security officials said that a group of Fatah Al Aksa Martyr's Brigades terrorists killed a 15-year-old Palestinian boy Friday morning in the town of Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip after the youth tried to stop them from setting up a Kassam rocket launcher near his family's home, Army Radio reported.

Members of the Arafat-linked terrorist group were trying to plant Kassam rocket launchers next to the Zanin family residence in northern Beit Hanun, when the family, concerned over IDF retaliation, argued and ultimately struggled with the terrorists.

In the ensuing scuffle, the terrorists opened fire on the Zanin family, killing Jamil Zanin, 15, and injuring 5 others. The Kassam crew gathered their launchers and missiles and left the scene. No Kassam rockets have been launched out of Northern Gaza so far Friday.
I wonder if this will convince anyone that its not the palestinian people that are terrorists, but a select few groups.
DKSuddeth said:
I wonder if this will convince anyone that its not the palestinian people that are terrorists, but a select few groups.

I agree. Problem is that it's the 'leadership'. The guy that won the Nobel Peach Prize! :scratch:
DKSuddeth said:
now I know we would NEVER classify a people by their leaders, would we? :rolleyes:

Note my dear friend, I wasn't damning the people, I didn't say, "peaceful palis" or that ilk!
It's faulty logic to assume the family shot could in NO way be supportors of or actuall terrorists...perhaps the boy was trying to tell them "Look! if you move it over THERE, you'll have a MUCH cleaner shot!"

DKSuddeth said:
I know, twasn't you at all. :)

Did you notice my knew 'title'? You a super mod and all! LOL :banana:

You need to be more 'kinder & gentler' ! :funnyface
DKSuddeth said:
I wonder if this will convince anyone that its not the palestinian people that are terrorists, but a select few groups.

Don't think that conclusion can be based on this incident unless you believe that the family was motivated by a desire to live in peace with Israel or at least not to participate directly in attacking Israel.

Or could it be simply a desire to avoid having their home blown to rubble when the retaliatory strike comes?

I'm not prepared to make any pronouncements either way. But I do posess a rather healthy skepticism.

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