Xi and His Boys Enjoy a Good Laugh After a Biden Advisor Bends the Knee


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Xi and His Boys Enjoy a Good Laugh After a Biden Advisor Bends the Knee

28 May 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
I’m not sure we’ve had a presidential administration as weak as Joe Biden’s since, well, the Obama administration. Actually, when I put it that way, I guess it hasn’t really been that long. Still, the stakes are high and making impotence a key part of one’s foreign policy is a recipe for disaster.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Biden and his handlers are doing. The impotence is the point.

The idea that the real issue isn’t how the virus originated is perhaps the most asinine statement made about COVID in the last several weeks. I realize that the Biden administration is on the defensive after canceling an investigation into the lab leak theory and then having it blow up in their faces. Regardless, knowing how a virus that has killed millions of people managed to infect the entire globe seems rather relevant to me. Yes, I think it’s more relevant than yet more back and forth over mitigation measures. If you can stop a virus from ever getting out, we don’t need to “protect ourselves” from said virus.
Of course, we know the other reason Biden’s advisor said this. They do not want to deal with the origin issue because that would require them to admit that Donald Trump didn’t personally cook up COVID-19 in his basement. It would also require an admission that Democrats were wrong when they freaked out about Republicans blaming China, citing racism instead of the fact that, you know, China is to blame.
Joe Biden is soft. Our adversaries know he’s soft, and the laying prostrate before tyrants will continue until morale improves.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists hatred of Donald Trump is unrelenting, due to the fact that they know Biden NEVER won the election honestly. As far as China vs. Biden is concerned, Joey Xi Bai Din wouldn't dare stand against China, because they have a never ending amount of things to use against him that would even drive the Democrats to shame.
The PM/DSA Democrat Commies don't want to prevent the "Next Pandemic"....they want to be sure to increase their power and profits from it over their profits from this one.
According to Chyna Joey Xi and his handelers, "What difference does it make>"

Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"

More to the point. How do we deal and protect ourselves from the next Chinese biological warfare attack?
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
It got Trump out of office, their underlying goal.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
Is that the official spin on it ?
Thanks for the enlightenment.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you?

So the WHO knows what happened there? Every country that is a member of WHO knows what happened there? Really?

Got some links and data to back up that claim, Dumbass?
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
KKKanada has a higher death rate from the China Flu than the US, so why don't you worry about your shithole Kountry, Assflap?
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
he stopped funding rhe WHO after the virus became a pandemic

prior to that, back in december of 2019 he was willing and attempted to send CDC folks in, but China wouldn’t allow it

why did xiden stop the investigation.?
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
It got Trump out of office, their underlying goal.
Sad for them, they thought getting Trump out of office would also remove him from the national attention.

Xi and His Boys Enjoy a Good Laugh After a Biden Advisor Bends the Knee

28 May 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
I’m not sure we’ve had a presidential administration as weak as Joe Biden’s since, well, the Obama administration. Actually, when I put it that way, I guess it hasn’t really been that long. Still, the stakes are high and making impotence a key part of one’s foreign policy is a recipe for disaster.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Biden and his handlers are doing. The impotence is the point.

The idea that the real issue isn’t how the virus originated is perhaps the most asinine statement made about COVID in the last several weeks. I realize that the Biden administration is on the defensive after canceling an investigation into the lab leak theory and then having it blow up in their faces. Regardless, knowing how a virus that has killed millions of people managed to infect the entire globe seems rather relevant to me. Yes, I think it’s more relevant than yet more back and forth over mitigation measures. If you can stop a virus from ever getting out, we don’t need to “protect ourselves” from said virus.
Of course, we know the other reason Biden’s advisor said this. They do not want to deal with the origin issue because that would require them to admit that Donald Trump didn’t personally cook up COVID-19 in his basement. It would also require an admission that Democrats were wrong when they freaked out about Republicans blaming China, citing racism instead of the fact that, you know, China is to blame.
Joe Biden is soft. Our adversaries know he’s soft, and the laying prostrate before tyrants will continue until morale improves.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists hatred of Donald Trump is unrelenting, due to the fact that they know Biden NEVER won the election honestly. As far as China vs. Biden is concerned, Joey Xi Bai Din wouldn't dare stand against China, because they have a never ending amount of things to use against him that would even drive the Democrats to shame.
The PM/DSA Democrat Commies don't want to prevent the "Next Pandemic"....they want to be sure to increase their power and profits from it over their profits from this one.
According to Chyna Joey Xi and his handelers, "What difference does it make>"


if you have no post mortem, then you can't ever stop the next one. seriously, some of these fks truly think americans are stupid. creepy joe like.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you?

So the WHO knows what happened there? Every country that is a member of WHO knows what happened there? Really?

Got some links and data to back up that claim, Dumbass?

I posted the links dumbass. You should’ve read them the first time or even the second time or possibly the third time. Just go through the thread and you’ll find them.

Failing that you can simply Google “Donald Trump pulls the US out of WHO. There are so many ways you could confirm the information provided just by following the links that have been posted multiple times just in this thread and in other threads.

This is why you’re a FuckBoi. You’re not smart enough to be anything else.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"
Seems to me the first step in figuring out how to stop it next time is to know how it happened this time.

Dimwingers are complete morons. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you? Too bad Dumb Donald was stupid enough to do that. Just one of the many ways, Trump's caused more problems than he solved.

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

I'd be more interested in an enquiry about how the USA blew their covid response. That would be of far more value than knowing how it started. Your assumption is that you'll find out anything in China that approaches the truth about what happened. You won't, because the Chinese have been hiding shit since the commies took over there.

Every time the west has tried to find out about what really happened in regards to anything in China, we get rumours from dissidents, but little that is verifiable. We still don't know what happened in Tiananman Square of even how many people died there, and that's not for lack of trying.

Whatever evidence that might have once existed would have been torched by now. We're not talking about the Trump Administration and the gang who couldn't shoot straight here. These aren't the kind of people who are talking to foreign spies on unsecured cell phones. Anyone who might offer information contrary to the party line has long since been shipped off to a re-education camp somewhere, or worse.
Gee whiz Nostra, if Dumb Donald hadn't pulled the USA out of the WHO, and concurrently pulled the American virologists working in that lab out of Wuhan, you would actually know what happened there, now wouldn't you?

So the WHO knows what happened there? Every country that is a member of WHO knows what happened there? Really?

Got some links and data to back up that claim, Dumbass?

I posted the links dumbass. You should’ve read them the first time or even the second time or possibly the third time. Just go through the thread and you’ll find them.

Failing that you can simply Google “Donald Trump pulls the US out of WHO. There are so many ways you could confirm the information provided just by following the links that have been posted multiple times just in this thread and in other threads.

This is why you’re a FuckBoi. You’re not smart enough to be anything else.
The WHO is covering up for China, Dumbass.

Having them run an investigation is a joke, like you.
Biden Covid adviser @ZekeEmanuel dismisses the importance of investigating China's role in unleashing the virus: "The real issue is not how did this happen, the real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic"

More to the point. How do we deal and protect ourselves from the next Chinese biological warfare attack?
The Democrat strategy: Surrender.

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