Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Now this thread has double meaning, because I have very strong feelings that Jesus wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden and I'm extremely curious what motivation Christians have for voting for the biggest idiot that the democrats ever nominated, and second,.. Biden is so unlike Christ that he pretty much does the opposite of everything that Christ would do. Now, I'm not saying that Trump's perfect, neither of us are except for Christ,.. it just completely boggles my mind how and if Biden could still have Christian supporters right now if any.
Now this thread has double meaning, because I have very strong feelings that Jesus wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden and I'm extremely curious what motivation Christians have for voting for the biggest idiot that the democrats ever nominated, and second,.. Biden is so unlike Christ that he pretty much does the opposite of everything that Christ would do. Now, I'm not saying that Trump's perfect, neither of us are except for Christ,.. it just completely boggles my mind how and if Biden could still have Christian supporters right now if any.
Who would Jesus have voted for?

I assume that person would more "like Christ"?
Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. … There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”25 мая 2017 г
Who would Jesus have voted for?

Somebody who isn't destroying our country, sending people to their deaths, and forgetting about them and not having the safety of our country and its people on the bottom of the list when it should be top priority. Especially those in uniform.
Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. … There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”25 мая 2017 г

I'm pretty sure the current state of our country isn't what God had in mind though.
It is totally idiotic to identify any presidential candidate with God/Jesus. This is such counterfeit "Christian" cult garbage. The Christian faith has no relation with the republican party or vice-versa.

BTW: please note that Biden is the one who actually prays and shows up in church. His policies reflect the teachings of Jesus to a great degree, unlike those of his predecessor.
BTW: please note that Biden is the one who actually prays and shows up in church. His policies reflect the teachings of Jesus to a great degree, unlike those of his predecessor.

When did Jesus ever teach that it was alright to lie and cheat your way into things and turn your back on your own people? Sounds like the teachings of Satan to me.
Now this thread has double meaning, because I have very strong feelings that Jesus wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden and I'm extremely curious what motivation Christians have for voting for the biggest idiot that the democrats ever nominated, and second,.. Biden is so unlike Christ that he pretty much does the opposite of everything that Christ would do. Now, I'm not saying that Trump's perfect, neither of us are except for Christ,.. it just completely boggles my mind how and if Biden could still have Christian supporters right now if any.
I'm not saying that Trump's perfect, neither of us are except for Christ,..
a state of perfection does not exist -

the religious itinerant could have attained purity while living, the fulfillment of the religion of antiquity. that could not be possible for anyone that would vote for trump the defiler so on that account your regression is duly noted.

biden is a man for all seasons, maybe even for the republicans - a few anyway.
When did Jesus ever teach that it was alright to lie and cheat your way into things and turn your back on your own people? Sounds like the teachings of Satan to me.
oh - that's not donald ...

you must be talking for someone else than the previous president.
Now this thread has double meaning, because I have very strong feelings that Jesus wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden and I'm extremely curious what motivation Christians have for voting for the biggest idiot that the democrats ever nominated, and second,.. Biden is so unlike Christ that he pretty much does the opposite of everything that Christ would do. Now, I'm not saying that Trump's perfect, neither of us are except for Christ,.. it just completely boggles my mind how and if Biden could still have Christian supporters right now if any.
Reality: When you rule out all the possibilities in consideration of the number of votes "counted", "cast" etc., with the actual number of registered "qualified" US citizens found on the "active" voter rolls/lists across the United States.......which ends with some 150 million votes being "counted" from a qualified "pool" registered of about 138 Million, YOU HAVE JUST FOUND YOUR ANSWER.

Joe Biden was given the election based upon the number of MAIL IN VOTED COUNTED not the actual number of votes cast for he or his administration. Now consider that the "losing" candidate, Donald John Trump received 74 million 223 hundred thousand votes (The most ever received by any WINNING CANDIDATE in US HISTORY beating BHO's winning vote count by 5 million).......the impossible becomes the reality.

Biden won only 509 US counties, which amounts to 17% of the total, Trump won 83% of the all US counties. The strange thing? Trump won 95% of the previous "bell weather" regions of the US. Biden magically (and with the aid of the mysterious last minute MAIL IN BALLOTS, that were deliberately held until the wee hours of the next morning before vote counting began again after....magically all of the MUST HAVE STATES found out they had "technical problems" with their counting machines and had to shut down IN UNION within minutes of each other ........in states like Pa. Mich., Ga., etc.

Its NOT WHO VOTED FOR BIDEN.........the strange thing is those who did not vote for Biden and He still beat Donald Trump by millions of supposed votes.

And the SAD PART? The apathy displayed by the media and the courts. Both who have sold out to those pulling the strings behind the curtains. A very few wealthy families that actually control the covert agencies within their nations.

Trump was turning the screws on these people. He had to lose at any cost. WE THE PEOPLE did not place Joe Biden into power.....he's nothing but a brain dead puppet.

Have you noticed......THE WAR ON TERROR WAS JUST JUMP STARTED AGAIN..when the Biden administration pulled defeat from the jaws of victory in the Afghan region?
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Biden won only 509 US counties, which amounts to 17% of the total, Trump won 83% of the all US counties.

Counties don’t vote
People do

Some Trump counties had 10,000 people in them
Biden won LA County with 10 million people
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When did Jesus ever teach that it was alright to lie and cheat your way into things and turn your back on your own people? Sounds like the teachings of Satan to me.
Sounds a bit like Trump to me….

More to the point though….every partisan seems to want to lay claim to Jesus. Why would he vote for anyone or get involved in the political sphere at all?

“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

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