WTF--Rick Perry--Mitt Romney--How about Newt Gingrich


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?
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I think that Newt is awsome at one thing. That is government. The guy can get stuff accomplished and that is no joke. However I do not think he is very constitutional, nore is he fiscally sound.

For that he should make a fine Vice President supporting Ron Paul.
My first choice would be Newt because he'd clean Obama's clock, Cain second....because he'd do the same....but nether is electable.

So my choice is still Rick Perry even though he's not the most polished debater.

Well, we've been dealing with polished and look what it got us.

Mitt is too nervous and he's all over the place. I don't really know what he stands for.
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

No, the personal issues is a media contrivance, having to do with ratings.

Opposition to Gingrich is predicated on the fact he’s wrong on the bulk of the issues and he’d be a dreadful president accordingly. The same is true of Romney, it has nothing to do with being a Mormon. And the same goes for Perry, he’s just wrong on the issues, it has nothing to do with Perry being a corrupt politician.

Newt who?

Don’t forget Ron Paul who.
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

Newt has had my attention as a brilliant candidate, since this whole thing began, but I have been prepared to have my mind changed by another "newer" candidate, however that person has not come forth, though my mind has really stayed opened and looking.

I see Newt as a stong leader, much more so than the rest. He has it far over the rest of them, whom I also like but feel less impressed with than with Newt! :) If he is not electable, then even though I love Cain, he is not electable either, so I would have to go "purple" and that would be with Romney, who I was rooting for as the nominee in the `08 election...:lol:
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

Newt has had my attention as a brilliant candidate, since this whole thing began, but I have been prepared to have my mind changed by another "newer" candidate, however that person has not come forth, though my mind has really stayed opened and looking.

I see Newt as a stong leader, much more so than the rest. He has it far over the rest of them, whom I also like but feel less impressed with than with Newt! :) If he is not electable, then even though I love Cain, he is not electable either, so I would have to go "purple" and that would be with Romney, who I was rooting for as the nominee in the `08 election...:lol:

Ive been very impressed with Newt taking Leadership in in these debates.
Newt is the smartest and most aware of the group. He even warned against the wisdom of invading Iraq, right along with George Will and others smart conservatives. They were right then, they are just as right now.

But why not Newt? Because he is a ticking bomb that goes off every so often. His character is as flawed as Bill Clinton, his arch rival, yet he is not as adroit as Wild Bill.
I predict Newt will endorse Perry, which wil be key to Perry's victory.

Newt would be great as president, but it ain't happening..
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

No, the personal issues is a media contrivance, having to do with ratings.

Opposition to Gingrich is predicated on the fact he’s wrong on the bulk of the issues and he’d be a dreadful president accordingly. The same is true of Romney, it has nothing to do with being a Mormon. And the same goes for Perry, he’s just wrong on the issues, it has nothing to do with Perry being a corrupt politician.

Newt who?

Don’t forget Ron Paul who.
They're wrong on the issues if you love the direction this country is currently going, but right on the issues if you want this country to be what Ronald Reagan said it was.
Newt is one of the smarteer candidates oin the right.

Unfortunately is is also one of the most dishonest and slimey
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

Newt has had my attention as a brilliant candidate, since this whole thing began, but I have been prepared to have my mind changed by another "newer" candidate, however that person has not come forth, though my mind has really stayed opened and looking.

I see Newt as a stong leader, much more so than the rest. He has it far over the rest of them, whom I also like but feel less impressed with than with Newt! :) If he is not electable, then even though I love Cain, he is not electable either, so I would have to go "purple" and that would be with Romney, who I was rooting for as the nominee in the `08 election...:lol:


My sentiments exactly. Newt is the smartest guy in the room and his private life doesn't bother me one iota. Newt could get things done as he did in 96. He has the know how and the smarts. To bad he won't get the chance.

I also love Cain but I know he will never win the nom either. Jesus that guy rocks.

Perry doesn't impress me so far and I'm liking him less and less.

Huntsman and Johnson did very well last night but I don't think theres a chance either will get nominated.

I think ultimately it will be Romney who I can live with as well.
My first choice would be Newt because he'd clean Obama's clock, Cain second....because he'd do the same....but nether is electable.

So my choice is still Rick Perry even though he's not the most polished debater.

Well, we've been dealing with polished and look what it got us.

Mitt is too nervous and he's all over the place. I don't really know what he stands for.

Are you stupid? That sounds way to much like chimpy, you know the asshole in a suit that gave us two illeagal unconstitutional wars that were unfunded, expensive unfunded medicare prescription drug program, unfunded tax cuts, patriot act, new branch of government just to 'secure' us, epic cronyism, not one spending bill turned down, torture, guantanamo bay... do I really need to go on?

I mean get f'n real, just cause he has on a thousand dollar suit, polished ring, make-up, and professionally styled hair doesnt make him worth a shit in my book.

On one hand you complain that Romney doesnt know what he is talking about, but Perry has no fucking clue about the world around him, he just wants power so he can auction it off. You need to start doing some critical thinking and question TV when it tries to influence you.

My first choice would be Newt because he'd clean Obama's clock, Cain second....because he'd do the same....but nether is electable.

So my choice is still Rick Perry even though he's not the most polished debater.

Well, we've been dealing with polished and look what it got us.

Mitt is too nervous and he's all over the place. I don't really know what he stands for.

Are you stupid? That sounds way to much like chimpy, you know the asshole in a suit that gave us two illeagal unconstitutional wars that were unfunded, expensive unfunded medicare prescription drug program, unfunded tax cuts, patriot act, new branch of government just to 'secure' us, epic cronyism, not one spending bill turned down, torture, guantanamo bay... do I really need to go on?

I mean get f'n real, just cause he has on a thousand dollar suit, polished ring, make-up, and professionally styled hair doesnt make him worth a shit in my book.

On one hand you complain that Romney doesnt know what he is talking about, but Perry has no fucking clue about the world around him, he just wants power so he can auction it off. You need to start doing some critical thinking and question TV when it tries to influence you.


I think only a retard thinks everyone from Texas is the same.

They are two totally different people with different upbringings. The only similarity is that they both have spent time as governor of Texas.
I am getting a little--tired like most of you are. We're not supposed to like Newt Gingrich--because he made some "personal" mistakes--and a couple of bad adds.

BUT THIS DUDD-Gingrich-has been freakin kicking ass on Perry and Romney and EVERYONE ELSE since the DEBATES BEGAN.

WTF are you people doing?

Newt has had my attention as a brilliant candidate, since this whole thing began, but I have been prepared to have my mind changed by another "newer" candidate, however that person has not come forth, though my mind has really stayed opened and looking.

I see Newt as a stong leader, much more so than the rest. He has it far over the rest of them, whom I also like but feel less impressed with than with Newt! :) If he is not electable, then even though I love Cain, he is not electable either, so I would have to go "purple" and that would be with Romney, who I was rooting for as the nominee in the `08 election...:lol:

Ive been very impressed with Newt taking Leadership in in these debates.

Your idea of leadership is way off track. If you think consistantly refusing to cooperate with the debate and slipping in lots of witty one liners is leadership then fine, Newt is great. I consider leadership based on standings with the issues and conviction, even when its not what people want to hear.

I stick by what I said, Newt would be a fantastic vice president because of his abilities to get things accomplished in government. However he is not constitutional, he is not conservative enough, and he is wrong on the issues. Another plastic man, anything to stay in office.

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