WTF?? One of Our Drones Observed the Terror Attack on the Embassy in Benghazi


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by sfcmac @ WTF?? One of Our Drones Observed the Terror Attack on the Embassy in Benghazi « The Foxhole

They watched the attack and did nothing.

From CBS News.

Some lawmakers are asking why U.S. military help from outside Libya didn’t arrive as terrorists battered more than 30 Americans over the course of more than seven hours. The assault was launched by an armed mob of dozens that torched buildings and used rocket propelled grenades, mortars and AK-47 rifles.

More at link.
Report: U.S. Had Predator Drone Over Benghazi As Attack Happened

“They Stood And They Watched And Our People Died!”

by Debbie @ Right Truth: Report: U.S. Had Predator Drone Over Benghazi As Attack Happened,
Via Weasel Zippers: Sickening. (CBS News) — The closer we get to the election, the harder Republicans in Congress are pushing for answers to a big question: What really happened in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya... full story at link.
Benghazi, cont’d

by Scott Johnson @ Benghazi, cont’d | Power Line with links

I’m trying to keep up with the stories that add to the analysis of what transpired in Benghazi on September 11 and thereafter in the Obama administration. Here is today’s round-up.

Sharyl Atkisson of CBS News examines our military’s ability lend assistance during the attack (video below). Her story is “Could U.S. military have helped during attack.” The New York Post has a related report.

Hannah Allam and Jonathan Landay chart the changing administration narrative in “U.S. description of Benghazi attacks, at first cautious, changed after 3 days.” On the same subject, below is a video of the Fox News report “Tracking the administration’s changing narrative on Benghazi.”

Also necessary are Tom Joscelyn’s “Spinning Benghazi” and Steve Hayes’s “W.H. tries to write Al Qaeda out of Libya story” as well as James Rosen’s Fox News report “Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack” and Rosen’s excellent Wall Street Journal column “The three Benghazi timelines we need answers about.”

UPDATE: Among other stories to the same effect out today, see also the Telegraph’s s “Benghazi attack: CIA reported ‘within 24 hours’ Islamist militants to blame.”

– President Refused to Call in Troops From Italy One Hour Away
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 9:12 AM @

** White House officials watched the terror strike live by unmanned Predator drone
** White House knew Al-Qaeda linked group was behind terror strike at 6:07 PM EST on 9-11
** An estimated 300 to 400 ‘national security figures’ received emails from Libya day of attack
** US Troops in Italy were not called in to rescue officials
** 200 attacks in Benghazi before 9-11
** The Obama Administration was concerned using troops from Italy would violate Libyan sovereignty

The US had troops in Sigonella, Italy – about an hour away.
The attack went on for at least four hours.

And where is the Looney Left and their outrageous defense for the Child-in-Chief who didn't want to be bothered ... then flew to Las Vegas for a fund raiser? :(

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